Посада: Доцент, The Department of Ukrainian Applied Linguistics
Науковий ступінь: кандидат філологічних наук
Вчене звання: доцент
Телефон (робочий): (032) 239-43-55
Електронна пошта: ivanna.fetsko@lnu.edu.ua
Профіль у Google Scholar: scholar.google.com.ua
Наукові інтереси
problems of professional terminology, studying the Ukrainian language as a foreign language
1. Fetsko I. M. Ukrainian translational terminography in its contemporary challenges (based on the material of the threelingual editions of XXI century). Scientific notes of the National University “Ostroh Academy”. Series : Philology. 2022. Issue 13 (81). P. 150–154.
2. Fetsko I. Three-component nominations in the Ukrainian terminosystem of natural-museum affairs. Korean Journal of Ukrainian Studies. 2021. Vol. 2. P. 55–67.
3. Fetsko I. M. Synthetic terms of Ukrainian museum in the context of the polysemy phenomenon. Terminological Visnyk: Collection of Scientific Papers. Kyiv, 2021. Vol. 6. P. 337–346.
4. Fetsko I. Distance as a non-verbal communication mean in the context of the interaction of cultures: national and psycholinguistic measurements. Current issues of humanitarian sciences. Linguistics. Literary studies. 2021. Issue 34. Vol. 5. P. 191–196.
5. Fetsko I. Implementation of collective training to improve the speech competence of high-level polish students by means of the professional language of museummen. Theory and practice of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. Lviv, 2021. Issue 15. P. 108–119.
6. Fetsko I. Synonymous relations in the museum terminological lexiss of natural field. Visnyk of Lviv University. Philological series. 2020. Issue 72. P. 35–42.
7. Fetsko I. Features of the study of terminological borrowings of museum science in the course of Ukrainian language by the professional dirrection at the faculty of history. Theory and practice of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. Lviv, 2019. Issue 14. P. 215–226.
8. Fetsko I. M. Modeling of a structure of a meaningful terminological compounds of systems of proffesional language of museum officers. Scientific notes of the National University “Ostroh Academy”. Series : Philology. 2019. Issue 7 (75). P. 88–90.
9. Fetsko I. Specificity of hybridization as a productive source of the enrichment of terms of the ukrainian museum science. Terminological Visnyk: Collection of Scientific Papers. Kyiv, 2019. Issue 5. P. 195–201.10. Fetsko I. Location of gallicisms in terminology system of professionals of museology. Visnyk of Lviv University. Philological series. 2018. Issue 68. P. 23–29.
She was born on March 9, 1990 in the village of Podgorodishche of Peremyshlyan district of Lviv region. In 2007–2012, she was a student of the Ukrainian department of the Faculty of Philology of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. From 2012 to 2015, she studied at the postgraduate school of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. In 2015 she defended her PhD thesis “Terminology of museum work: formation, system-structural organization, terminology”. Since 2015 she holds the position of Assistant of the Department of Ukrainian Applied Linguistics, since 2020 – Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Applied Linguistics. In 2022, she received the academic status of Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Applied Linguistics.
Scientific seminar
Ukrainian language as a foreign language
Ukrainian language by professional direction
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