Lidiia Khoda
Position: Associate Professor, The Department of Slavic Philology named after Professor Ilarion Svientsitskyi
Scientific degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences
Academic status: Associate Professor
Research interests
The language of Slovak advertising, the culture of Slovak language, translation studies, the history of Slovak literature.
- D. Cherniukh. Functions of the graphic symbol in the language of advertising (on the material of the Slovak and Ukrainian laguages) // Current problems of Slavic philology. Berdyansk, 2011. Issue XXIV. Part 1. P. 376–385 //
- D. Cherniukh. Theoretical aspects of advertising studying (based on the material of the Slovak and Ukrainian languages) // 11th International Slavic Readings in memory of Academician Leonid Bulakhovskyi. K., 2011. Issue15. P. 281–287 //
- L.D. Cherniukh. Modern Slovak advertising texts: the problem of culture and language // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Philology. Lviv, 2012. Issue 56. Part 2. P. 3–12 //
- L.D. Cherniukh. Figurative and expressive means in the Slovak advertising // Slovak and Ukrainian relationships in the field of language, literature and culture. Prešov: The Faculty of Arts of Prešov University, 2012. P. 228–239.
- 5. D. Cherniukh. Key words in the language of Slovak advertising // Comparative studies of Slavic languages and literatures in memory of Academician Leonid Bulakhovskyi. K., 2012. Issue 19. P. 153–161 //
- L.D. Cherniukh. Lexical peculiarities of Slovak advertising texts // Studia Slovakistica. 12. Slavic relationships. Uzhgorod, 2012. P. 85–91 //
- L.D. Cherniukh. Language game in the Slovak advertising texts // Language and society. Lviv: LNU named after I.Franko, 2013. Issue 4. P. 226–238 //
- L.D. Khoda. Simple syntactic constructions in the Slovak advertising texts // Comparative studies of Slavic languages and literatures in memory of Academician Leonid Bulakhovskyi. K., 2014. Issue 26. P. 111–118 //
- L.D. Khoda. The peculiarities of functioning of the quoted speech in the modern Slovak advertising // Scientific Newspaper of the International Humanitarian University. Odesa, 2015. Series «Philology». Issue 18. P. 146–149 //
- L.D. Khoda. Morphological deviations in the modern Slovak advertising texts // Scientific Newspapers of the International Humanitarian University. Series «Philology». Odesa, 2015. Issue 19. P. 186–188 //
- L.D. Khoda Phraseologisms in the modern Slovak advertising // Scientific notes of V.I. Vernadskyi Tavriisk National University. “Philology. Social communications” series. Kyiv, 2018. Volume 29 (68). No. 3. P. 35–38 //
- L.D. Khoda. Gaming methods in the foreign language learning in the training of philologist specialists // Philological education as a component of the education system in Ukraine and EU countries. Wroclawek, Republic of Poland, 2019. P. 104–106.
- L.D. Khoda. Slang vocabulary in advertising copies (as exemplified by Slovak and Ukrainian languages) // Humanities science current issues: interuniversity collection of Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University Young Scientists Research Papers. Drohobych, 2019. Issue 24. Volume 2. P. 138–142. (Index Copernicus International) //
- L.D. Khoda Proper names in the Slovak advertising texts // Studia Slovakistica. Modern Slavic studies in Ukraine and Europe. Uzhgorod, 2019. P. 173–179.
- L. Khoda. Occasionalisms in the advertizing copies (as exemplified by Slovak, Bulgarian and Ukrainian languages) // Orbis Linguarum. Neophyte of Rila Southwestern University. Blahoevgrad, 2020. Volume 18. Issue 1. P. 44–51 (SCOPUS) //
- L.D. Khoda Translations of advertising texts into the Ukrainian and Slovak languages // Ukrajinský jazyk a kultúra v umeleckom a odbornom preklade v stredoeurópskom priestore. Issue II. Prešov: The Faculty of Philology of Prešov University, 2020. P. 101–116.
- L.D. Khoda. Advertising language in the period of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic (on the materials of Ukrainian and Slovak texts) // South Archive (philological sciences). Issue LXXXII. Kherson: Kherson State University, 2020. P. 130–134 //
- L.D. Khoda Reality and fantasy in Dushan Mitana’s story “Night News”: theses of the report // Development of philological sciences: European practices and national perspectives: International Scientific and Practical Conference. Odesa, October, 23-24, 2020. Odesa: Southern Ukrainian organization “Center of Philological Research”, 2020. Part 2. P. 7–10.
- L.D. Khoda. Patriotic and philosophical lyrics poetry of Janko Jesenský // Scientific Newspaper of the International Humanitarian University. Odesa, 2021. Series «Philology». No. 47. Volume 3. P. 62–65 //
- L.D. Khoda. Characteristic features of the students’ speech development in the conditions of distance learning (as based of the Ukrainian and Slovak languages) // Humanities science current issues: interuniversity collection of Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University Young Scientists Research Papers. Drohobych, 2021. Issue 42. Volume 2. P. 151–155 (Index Copernicus) //
- L.D. Khoda. Analysis of Slovak fiction in the Ukrainian translations 2011–2021: theses of the report // Development of strategies and priority tasks of philological sciences: Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Zaporizhzhia, November, 5-6, 2021. Zaporizhzhia: Classical Private University, 2021, P. 12–14.
- L.D. Khoda Spelling and punctuation deviations in the modern Slovak advertising texts // Transcarpathian Philological Studios. “Helvetica” Publishing House, 2021. Issue 19. Volume 1. P. 94–97 (Index Copernicus) //
L.D. Khoda. Review on the textbook by Jarmila Kredátusová (J. Kredátusová) “Súdny preklad v praxi. Dokumenty prádného pravá (ukrainsko-slovenský aspect)” // Southern archive (philological sciences). Kherson: Kherson State University, 2021. No. 88. P. 82–83.
Training manual:
L.D. Khoda. Let’s get to know Slovakia together: a collection of texts and tasks on the Slovak language frim the intercultural communication / L.D. Khoda. Lviv: PAYS, 2017. 168 p.
Teaching materials
L.D. Khoda. Let’s get to know Slovakia together: a collection of texts and tasks on the Slovak language frim the intercultural communication / L.D. Khoda. Lviv: PAYS, 2017. 168 p.
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