Olha Kolosova
Посада: Асистент, The Department of Oriental Studies named after Professor Yaroslav Dashkevych
Телефон (робочий): (032) 239-47-04
Електронна пошта: olha.kolosova@lnu.edu.ua
Профіль ORCID: orcid.org
Профіль у LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com
Наукові інтереси
Japanese language, Japanese language teaching methods, language and media
- Kolosova O. Graphical, phonetic and lexical features of travel blogs written in Ukrainian Language // The Scientific heritage.Budapest, Hungary.2018.Vol 3, №29. P.41-44
- An aspect-based approach to genre-forming features selection of Japanese travel blogs // Language and conceptual pictures of the world. Kyiv, 2018. №63, P.61-66
- Pragmalinguistic features of Japanese and English travel notes based on travel blogs’ material (comparative description) // Language and conceptual pictures of the world. Kyiv, 2017. №60, P.64-71
- Pragmalinguistic features of travel notes (based on Japanese travel blogs) //Bulletin of Lviv University. Philological series. Lviv, 2017. № 65, p. 158-164
- Features of communicative function of language in Japanese blogosphere (based on material about travels to Eastern Europe) // Language and conceptual pictures of the world. Kyiv, 2016. №58, P.92-97
Place of birth – Lviv.
2009 – graduated from the Classical Gymnasium at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
2009-2014 – student of the Oriental Studies Department named after prof. Y. Dashkevych, Philology Faculty at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (2014 – master’s degree in philology. Teacher of Japanese language and literature).
Since 2014 – lecturer at the Department of Oriental Studies named after professor Yaroslav Dashkevych
2015-2018 – graduate student of the Department of General linguistics at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
2018 – internship program “Japanese Language Program for specialists in Cultural and Academic Fields” by the Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute, Kansai
2024 – Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Open Academy 2024 Spring course. Online courses in the subjects “Japanese Language”, “Language and Media”
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