
Talk “Writer’s Idiolect and Its Main Statistical Parameters (Case of Long Prose by Ivan Franko)”

12.12.2022 | 14:28

We would like to draw your attention to the following talk taking place on 13th December (10:15 AM) at the FSU Jena by Prof. Dr. Solomiya Buk (General Linguistics Department at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv) on the topic:

“Writer’s Idiolect and Its Main Statistical Parameters (Case of Long Prose by Ivan Franko)”
The study іs devoted to the search for strategies of complex system corpus lexіcographіc and statistical linguistic description of the author’s іdіolect, to the creatіon of a methodology for revealіng the quantіtatіve specіfіcіty of Franko’s texts as a necessary...

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Registration for the Lecture “Basics of Capital Structure and Corporate Governance” (Lecturer – Charles K. Whitehead )

21.11.2022 | 20:56

Basics of Capital Structure and Corporate Governance

Capital structure and corporate governance are interrelated. How a company raises capital affects how it is governed, and vice versa. This lecture will focus on how U.S. world-class businesses are governed – the fiduciary duties to which boards of directors and officers are subject – and the relationship between corporate governance and a company’s capital structure

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03.11.2022 | 18:47

International conference
November 7-8, 2022
The conference aims to revisit the role, positioning and impact of Ukrainian studies that stood for decades – together with Polish, Czech and Slovakian scholarship – in the shadow of Russian studies within the world leading Slavic academic centers.
As the research community strives for in‐depth investigations into this unduly neglected situation, some researchers have rightly expressed concerns over the academic rigor and trustworthiness of modern Slavic studies with its unequal if not...

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Halyna Kruk: War, as an existential crisis, gives birth to very bright manifestations of culture

13.09.2022 | 09:33

Does poetry provide salvation during war? Is trying to convince Western skeptics worth the effort? When will dialogue with “old friends from the russian federation” be possible and what things will the world be forced to reconsider after the war in Ukraine? We spoke about all this with poet, translator, literary critic and professor Halyna Kruk.

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