Polish and Ukrainian Polish Studies meetings – 9 lectures for polonists

12.02.2022 | 09:53

On February 10, 2022, polonists of Lviv once again participated in an international project “Polish and Ukrainian Polish Studies meetings – 9 lectures for polonists” (hosted by the Institute of Applied Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw and the department of Slavic Languages at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University). The fourth out of nine lectures was “How does the brain study? Neurobiological foundations of learning a language in a didactic aspect”, presented by doctor Adriana Prizel-Kania from the Jagiellonian University (Poland). During this lecture, second-year bachelors and masters of Lviv Polish Studies discovered many details about how the process of studying is related to the specifics of the human brain activity. This meeting, which sparked an interesting discussion, practically resulted in particular recommendations on how to “help” our brain to study. The lecture was of use both for students and professors – everyone picked for themselves valuable notes and hacks on how to make the process of studying as effective as possible.