International Projects
“Bulgaria and Ukraine: the culture of revolutions (XIX-XXI centuries)“
(Institute of Literature of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, a grant from the Foundation for Scientific Research (Bulgaria).
Research supervisor – Ostap Slyvinsky.
“Cultural ambassadors in times of crisis“
(University of Tübingen, Germany, grant under the European program COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).
Research supervisor – Ostap Slyvinsky.
“Programs named after Lane Kirkland“
(Marie Curie-Skłodowska University (Lublin, Poland).
Research supervisor – Khrystyna Nikolaychuk.
“Memory of language. Pamięć języka w polszczyźnie odziedziczonej. Wybrane zjawiska języka polskiego w Ukrainie (for example “Gazety Polskiej Bukowiny“
(Nicolaus Copernicus University (Toruń, Poland).
Research supervisor – Alla Kravchuk.
“Ukraine: the key to Europe“
(University of Birmingham, Great Britain).
Research supervisor – Olena Haleta.
“Rethinking Ukrainian literature of the 20th century: the travelogues of Sofia Yablonska as a way of self-expression and shared cultural experience“
(Karl Ebergard University of Tübingen, Germany).
Research supervisor – Olena Haleta.
The areas of international cooperation of the Faculty of Philology in 2021 with foreign scientific institutions were the following events: holding joint conferences, internships in foreign scientific institutions, membership in international scientific organizations, editorial boards of scientific journals and collections, participation in international research projects and others. Philologists have presented papers at 85 international scientific conferences and other scientific events. For example, prof. S. Pylypchuk – participant of the International Conference “International Scientific Conference Dedicated to prof. Otar Bakanidze “Literary Studies: History, Perspectives and Challenges” (March 31, 2021, Georgia, Tbilisi), where he delivered a report on the topic “From “Nadiya” to the rank of Anthea: the evolution of the worldview of Lesya Ukrainka.” The annual XXIX International Slavic Colloquium dedicated to the memory of the Slavic first educators Saints Cyril and Methodius was held at the Faculty of Philology on May 20-21, 2021. It was organized jointly with the Institute of Slavic Studies, as well as with the Department of Slavic Linguistics of the Sofia University named after St. Clement of Ohrid (Bulgaria). Teachers of the Faculty of Philology are members of the editorial boards of more than 40 foreign scientific journals and collections (“International Journal of Language and Linguistics”, “East European Journal of Psycholinguistics”, “Limbaj şi context = Speech and Context”, “Serbian Studies Research”). Sad, Serbia), etc.), are members of international philological organizations: Societas Linguistica Europaca, IQLA (International Quantitative Linguistics Association), etc. For example, prof. F. Batsevych is a member of the 7th editorial boards of scientific publications in Ukraine, as well as the Polish journal “Slavia Orientalis”, which is part of the international scientometric database of Scopus publications. In addition, for the current year, teachers of the Faculty of Philology have published 64 articles in foreign scientific journals.
More than 20 faculty members have completed research internships abroad (Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Turkey, Croatia, Czech Republic, Montenegro, etc.). For example, Assoc. O. Turkevich passed an internship at the University of Vienna (Austria) within the OeAD scholarship program – Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research, 01.06.2021 – 30.06.2021.
Research and teaching staff during 2021 participated in the implementation of international research projects. Assoc. O. Slyvynsky – participant of the international research project “Yesterday’s World” through the prism of the 1939s’ crisis. A sense of threat to Europe in the culture and literature of Bulgaria, Ukraine, Poland and Czechoslovakia” (Institute of Literature of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria) and the project “Cultural Envoys in Times of Crisis” (University of Tübingen, Germany). Prof. A. Kravchuk participated in the implementation of small projects funded by the Cabinet of Ministers of Poland through the Foundation “Assistance to Poles in the East” (September – December 2020) and in the international project “Dookoła języka i literatury – 9 wykładów dla polonistów” within the NAWA program (Poland) “Promotion of the Polish language” 2020-2021, Warsaw University (Poland) and Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (June 2021). O. Antoniv – head of the international project from I. Franko Lviv National University on conducting a certification exam in Ukrainian as a foreign language for Saturday school graduates (Frankfurt am Main, Germany). She is the author of the video lecture “Flexible skills and the art of successful communication of modern students” for students of the University of Warsaw in the didactic project “Modern Ukrainian Studies” and video presentation “Specyfika nauczania języka ukraińskiego w środowisku studentów obcojęzyczny”. Organizer of the round table “Wyzwania nowoczesnej glottodydaktyki. Język, literature, kultura współczesnj Ukrainy 30 lat po odzyskaniu Niepodległości» (Warszawa, 20 lipca 2021).