International Cooperation
International Educational Projects
- Jagiellonian University (Prof. Haleta O.I. is a visiting Professor of the Faculty of International Relations and Political Science, Jagiellonian University, February-June 2021).
- University of Gdańsk (2021 – A. Tatarenko gave a lecture and met students of Serbian philology (online) by the invitation of prof. Aidachych D).
- Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Since 2017, the Faculty of Philology of the Lviv Ivan Franko University has the Global Japan Office (room 121a). Japanese volunteer guides students of Japanese philology and helps them learn Japanese language and literature. There is a student exchange program (we send one student of Japanese philology to an annual program with a scholarship and accept their student for one year or three students for a monthly program of the Ukrainian language).
- St. Clement of Ohrid Sofia Universit (2017-2018 – student internship at Sofia University named after St. Kliment of Ohrid; Faculty of Slavic Languages, Sofia University St. Clement of Ohrid is one of the organisers of the International Slavic Colloquium, which is held at Lviv University).
- University of Kragujevac (An agreement on cooperation has been signed with the Faculty of Philology and Arts (Department of Serbian Language and Department of Serbian Literature), which allows for mutual invitation of visiting professors to give lectures. Twice the university has provided scholarships for students of Serbian philology for free semester-based enrolment, providing accommodation and meals).
- University of Lublin (Since 2008, the Slovene Language Lectorate has been operating (the Center for the Slovene Language as a Second and / or Foreign Language is a structural unit that supports the activities of the lectorate). Speakers from the Universities of Lublin and Marybor were invited to the lecture, and every year professors and students have the opportunity to take part in the Seminar of Slovenian Language, Literature and Culture. With the support of the lecturate, two volumes of the anthology “Modern Slovenian Literature” were published, as well as literary and musical events and other cultural events of various types were held).
- University of Novi Sad (An agreement to cooperate has been signed with the Faculty of Philosophy (Department of Serbian Language and Department of Serbian Literature), which allows for mutual invitation of visiting professors to give lectures).
International Scientific Projects
- University of Zagreb (2021 – preparation of the thematic issue of the scientific journal “Književna smotra” (WoS, Scopus) “Seeing Ukraine: Independent Literature, 1991-2021” took place. Among the editors there were professors of Lviv Ivan Franko University O. Haleta, A. Tatarenko, U. Fedoriv, a lecturer from the University of Zagreb D. Pavleshen. Right now the publication of the “Ukrainian issue” of the magazine “Alternator” is being prepared. (A. Tatarenko wrote the preface).
- Charles University (Translation project – Supplement to the monograph: Matyash Iryna, Tertychna Anna, Manasieva Inna. Ukrainian-Bulgarian relations: official and cultural diplomacy (1918–1944) / National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Institute of History of Ukraine, VI Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Foundation of the Presidents of Ukraine; Ukrainian and Bulgarian Committee of Historians; Scientific Society of the History of Diplomacy and International Relations; Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Bulgaria. – Kyiv; Sofia: Institute of History of Ukraine, 2021. – 372 p.);
(Translation project «Nauka – tse vona» (“Science is a woman”) in Bulgarian (carried out by 4th year Ukrainain students of Bulgarian philology in collaboration with Bulgarian students of Ukrainian philology from St. Kliment of Ohrid Sofia University (headed by Assoc. Prof. Soroka O.B., Dr. Kamberova R.H.) (October, 2021); - Adam Mickiewicz University (Tatarenko A.L. participated in a joint research project. As a result, professor delivered a lecture and the publication of a book took place).
- Charles University (Research project by Soroka O.B: “Bŭlgariya i Ukraĭna – kultura na prelomite (XIX-XXI)”/ “Bulgaria and Ukraine – a culture of turning points (XIX-XXI)”. Conference took place on May 8-11, 2019. Translation project: Bulgarian Avant-Garde Poetry, 2018. Project of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Ukraine: Participation of students of the Department of Slavic Philology in the contest “Bŭlgariya – Ukraĭna Plodove, koreni, khorizonti.”/ “Bulgaria – Ukraine Fruits, roots, horizons”. University of Belgrade).
Participation in the grant project “Literary Prize of the Eastern Partnership Visegrad 2018 (VEaPLA)” (implementation of the Agreement on th financial resources from the International Visegrad Fund Visegrad + Grant № 21730335). Klymets M.Yu. was responsible for the implementation of the project by Lviv University. She prepared a list of candidates for the Literary Prize nomination and wrote an article in English (Klymets M. In Search of the Lost Home. Features of Kateryna Kalytko’s Poetic Collection – Torture Chamber. Vineyard. Home. // Oriens Aliter. Journal for Culture and History of the Central and Eastern Europe, Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague, 2 (2018), pp. 44-54.
Academic mobility of faculty members
- Albul O.A. 04.18.2016 –23.04.2016 – Erasmus + research internship at St. Kliment of Ohrid Sofia University. Topic of the lecture is the following “Inconvenient cases of interlingual lexical parallels in the process of teaching Slavic languages as foreign languages”.
- Albul O.A. 29.05.2017 – 02.06.2017 – Erasmus + research internship St. Kliment of Ohrid Sofia University. Topic of lecture is the following “The use of numerals two, three, four with nouns in the Ukrainian language”
- Lazor O.Ya. in April 2018 – Erasmus + research internship at St. Kliment of Ohrid University in Sofia. The topic of the lecture is the Church Slavonic language in Ukraine
- Soroka O.B. from November 12 to 18, 2020 – Erasmus + research internship at St. Kliment of Ohrid Sofia University. The topic of the lecture is the changes in Ukrainian spelling.
- Klimets M.Yu 2018 – the Erasmus + project at the University of Lublin – research internship.
Academic mobility of faculty members
- Marta Nedoviz (a 4th year student) studied for a semester at Comenius University (Bratislava, Slovakia) as part of the ERASMUS + program, which gave her a great opportunity to immerse herself in the Slovak environment, deepen her knowledge of Slovak culture, literature, history and improve her language skills.
- Under the same program, students Sofija Stetsko, Solomiya Hrynkevych and Tetyana Salyuk studied at the University of Zagreb for 4 months.
- Sofija Nedokus and Nadiya Smolska received scholarships from the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic to study at the Summer School of Slovak Language and Culture. This school is known as as one of the best in Europe teaching 160 young people from more than 30 countries.
- Under the NAWA (Polonista) program, Mykytyn Lilia and Bilous Andriana studied for a semester at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland, and Olga Pasternak and Alina Zhbadinska studied at the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland.
- Adriana Boretska, Khrystyna Zozulya, Yulia Kravchenko and Khrystyna Shymkiv took part in the summer school of Slovak language and literature UJOP with the support of the Department of Slavic Philology named after Ilarion Svienitskii and the Slovak Society named after V. Stefanyk.
- Postgraduate student of the second year of study Puzdrak Lydia studied under the Erasmus + program at the University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland).
- Maria Oleksyuk received the scholarship from the Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria and had the opportunity to participate in the Summer Seminar on Bulgarian Language and Culture at the University of Veliko Tarnovo named after Saints Cyril and Methodius.
- Solomiya Panchyshyn and Roman Boris became participants of the summer school of the International Slavic Center at the University of Belgrade and took an excellent opportunity to improve their knowledge of Serbian language and literature.
- We are happy for Zoryana Dudynets, who received a scholarship to study at the Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan, Poland) under the ERASMUS + program.
- Sofia Buga is this year’s participant of the summer school of the International Slavic Center at the University of Belgrade.
- Victoria Shklyarska, Iryna Gos, Svitlana Musiychuk had a great opportunity to study at the University of Palacký in Olomouc (Czech Republic).
- Oleksandra Mazurenko received a scholarship from the South Moravian Region of the Czech Republic and studied at the Summer School of Slavic (Bohemian) Studies, Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic).
- Khrystyna Zozulya is an active participant in the 57th seminar of Slovenian language, literature and culture (Ljubljana, Slovenia).
- Babyak Olha, Ibraev Konstantyn, Dehtyar Elyzaveta, Lozovska Olena, Skoropada Khrystyna, Nazaruk Alina, Shmanko Marta, Kachkivskyi Denys had the opportunity to study at Zhejiang University (China) during this semester.
- Lecturers of The Department of Polish Philology Lesia Bilenka-Svystovych, Anna Nakonechna, Olha Tuz, Ulyna Yevchuk received a scholarship for lecturers at the Nikolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Toruń, Poland) under the ERASMUS + program.
- We are happy for Mariana Levtseniuk, Yustyna Demchuk, Khrystyna Buk, Sofiia Doskoch who received a scholarship to study at the Nikolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Toruń, Poland) under the ERASMUS + program.
International Educational and Scientific Activities
- March 24, 2022 – presentation of the Ukrainian journal issue of the scientific journal “Književna smotra” (WoS, Scopus) “Bachyty Ukrayinu: Nezalezhna literatura ,1991-2021” (“To see Ukraine: Independent Literature, 1991-2021”) at the University of Zagreb. Some LNU teachers took part, among them O. Galeta, A. Tatarenko, U. Fedoriv.
- September 2021 – International Scientific Seminar “360 krokiv do Ilariona Svyentsitsʹkoho” (“360 Steps to Ilarion Sventsitsky”), with the participation of the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine at the Republic of Bulgaria.
- Since March 2021 Professor O. Galeta has been participating in the scientific seminar of the Workshop on the study of the creative process of the Faculty of Polish Studies at the Jagiellonian University.
- November 24-26, 2017 – participation of M. Hirniak and U. Fedorov in the International Conference of Ukrainian Studies in Prague “Ukraine as a cultural and historical narrative (language, history, literature)”. – Prague (Czech Republic).