PhD and Doctorate
PhD and Doctorate are basic forms of scientific-pedagogical and scientific personnel of higher qualification.
In Ukraine, PhD and Doctorate opens at higher educational institutions of the third or fourth levels of accreditation and similar postgraduate educational institutions or scientific institutions that have highly qualified educational and scientific personnel and advanced research, experimental and material resources.
Postgraduate study is carried out separately from the job (full-time) and on the job (part-time).
While studying, postgraduates master the methods of scientific research, pass candidate exams and conduct research for the chosen scientific focus of the thesis. In Ukraine, there are PhD exams in philosophy, foreign languages (to choose) and specialty (depending on the specialty for which the thesis is prepared). Students enrolled in PhD study separately from the job in the state order receive state scholarships (PhD students who are enrolled under the contract are not eligible to receive state scholarships). Upon completion of studying postgraduate students have to finish work on their thesis and submit it for the defense.
Doctorate accepts persons who have a scientific degree of PhD, scientific achievements and published works of chosen scientific specialty and who can conduct high-level fundamental, searching and applied scientific research.
The result of postgraduate’s three years of activity is research work for the PhD degree, and after a public defence – its approval by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine and awarding a scientific degree. The doctorate can enter a citizen of Ukraine with a PhD not earlier than 5 years after the respective thesis defence.
Activities in the field of training scientific and pedagogical personnel is governed by the “Regulations on the preparation of scientific and pedagogical staff,” approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine resolution № 309 of 01.03.1999. Picking out the state order for training of scientific and pedagogical staff through graduate school, the state pays great attention to the rational use of public funds. The main criterion of efficiency of the PhD school is the number of theses defended by applicants during their studies in PhD school. Therefore, a great responsibility falls directly on postgraduate students.
Documents required for admission to PhD school
Postgraduate Information Report
More information can be found on a Postgraduate and doctoral department website