Methodological materials

The Department of Ukrainian Language named after Professor Ivan Kovalyk

The manual is recommended for practical lessons on morphology of the modern Ukrainian literary language for students of Slavonic, Iranian, Arabic and Japanese studies. A list of important topics and plans for the course, recommended readings, a system of practical tasks, schemes of parts of speech analysis, control questions and tasks are provided. The teaching of the parts of a language in a comparative perspective with Slavic and Eastern languages is regulated by Appendices. Alongside the traditional tasks and questions, such questions are offered that reflect the latest trends in the study of grammatical phenomena and the different principles of classifying parts of speech.

For students of philology in the majors of Slavic, Arabic, Persian, Japanese languages, literary art and applied linguistics.

The manual contains tasks for 17 practical lessons in historical phonetics, morphology and syntax, which cover the main topics of the course in historical grammar, as well as brief linguistic and historical commentaries for each of the practical lessons. It also includes model tests on historical phonetics and morphology and a number of scholarly works on the origins and main historical stages in the development of the Ukrainian language. The manual is intended for students of the Philological faculties of universities.

The workshop is based on the morphemics and derivatology syllabus for students of the Ukrainian Department of the Faculty of Philology. It contains a list of theoretical questions and a set of exercises, as well as test assignments for practical classes and students’ individual work in the course. The teaching material on morphemics and derivatology is grouped into two blocks: the first is based on an anatomical approach to the study of morpheme classes of different parts of speech and ways of word formation, and the second on a comprehensive analysis of the peculiarities of the morphemic and word-formation structure of each of the major parts of speech in particular. The second block is recommended for students’ individual work in the Modular Rating Method of Instruction. Each topic is accompanied by methodological comments on how to identify morphemes, difficult cases of morpheme analysis and the stages of word-formation analysis of words with different word-formation structures. The exercises are accompanied by examples to make it easier for a student to do them, and the literature they should work with before completing the tasks. The vast majority of the exercises are research-based, requiring students to activate their knowledge of previous and parallel courses (lexicology and phraseology, phonology and phonetics, historical grammar) and the ability to use different types of dictionaries.

  • Oksana Levchuk, Ivan Tsikhotskyi. Leksykolohiia suchasnoi ukrainskoi literaturnoi movy. Praktykum: Navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk dlia studentiv I kursu filolohichnoho fakultetu / Ivan Tsikhotskyi, Oksana Levchuk. – Lviv: [b.v.], 2014. – 258 s./ Oksana Levchuk, Ivan Tsikhotskyi. Lexicology of Modern Ukrainian Literary Language. Practicum: Manual for students of I year of Philological Faculty/Ivan Tsikhotskyi, Oksana Levchuk. – Lviv: [b.v.], 2014. – 258.

The manual is intended for work at practical lessons on lexicology of the modern Ukrainian literary language with first-year students of the Faculty of Philology. It contains a list of important topics and questions for the course, recommended readings, a system of practical tasks, schemes of lexicological and phraseological analysis, comparative characteristics and samples of dictionary entries from different types of lexicons and a thematic register of the main dictionaries. For students of the Ukrainian department of the philological faculties.

The book contains tasks for 16 practical lessons in phonetics and phonology, which cover the main topics of the course of phonetics and phonology of the modern Ukrainian literary language. It also includes model tests in phonetics and phonology and related disciplines such as orthoepy, accentology, graphics and orthography, quizzes for distance learning students and guidelines for completing them. The manual is intended for students of philological faculties of universities.

The methodological guidelines contain the requirements for course papers and advice on how to complete them, with the aim of helping a student to organise the work and prepare for the defense of the paper.

The manual is recommended for use in practical lessons on the methodology of teaching the Ukrainian language in secondary schools. It includes a list of important topics for mastering the course as well as questions to them, methodical commentary, recommended literature, system of practical tasks, questions for self-study, list of examination questions, samples of final tests, tasks and samples of control work for students of Ukrainian department of part-time form of studying, applications (samples of notes of lessons in the Ukrainian language, list of works on the Ukrainian language, provided for by the current program).


The Department of Ukrainian Literature named after Academician Mykhailo Vozniak


  1. Mykytiuk. Ivan Franko i metodyka vykladannia ukrainskoi literatury./ V. Mykytiuk. Ivan Franko and the Methodology of Teaching Ukrainian Literature.
  1. Mykytiuk. Pedahohichna kontseptosfera Ivana Franka: istoriia i suchasnist./ V. Mykytiuk. Ivan Franko’s Pedagogical Conceptual Framework: History and Modernity.
  1. Mykytiuk. Metodyka testuvannia znan ta umin z ukrainskoi literatury./ V. Mykytiuk. Methods for Testing Knowledge and Skills in the Ukrainian Literature.
  1. Mykytiuk. Pedahohichni kontsepty Ivana Franka (teoriia ta metodyka navchannia literatury)/ V. Mykytiuk. Ivan Franko’s Pedagogical Concepts (Theory and Methodology of Teaching Literature)
  1. Rozdolska. Aktualni problemy ukrainskoho Rezystansu: navchalnyi kurs./ I. Rozdolska. Current Problems of Ukrainian Resistance: A Training Course.
  1. Rozdolska. Literaturnyi fenomen Ukrainskykh Sichovykh Striltsiv./ I. Rozdolska. Literary Phenomenon of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen.
  1. Chopyk. Perestupnyi vik: Ukrainske pysmenstvo na zlami XIX-XX st./ R. Chopyk. The Age of Transcendence: Ukrainian Writing at the Turn of the XIX-XX c.
  1. Krysa. Metodychni rekomendatsii do kursu istorii ukrainskoi literatury XI-XVIII stolit./ B. Krysa. Methodological Recommendations for the History of the Ukrainian Literature of the XI-XVIII c.


The Department of Literary Theory and Comparative Literary Studies


Training materials


  • Hnatiuk M. Istoriia ukrainskoi literaturnoi krytyky (XIX – poch. XX st.) : Pidruchnyk / Mykhailo Hnatiuk. – Lviv – Brno, 2013. – 180 s./ Hnatiuk M. History of Ukrainian Literary Criticism (XIX- early XX c.): Textbook // Mykhailo Hnatiuk. – Lviv – Brno, 2013. – p. 180


  • Budnyi V., Ilnytskyi M. Porivnialne literaturoznavstvo: Pidruchnyk dlia stud. vyshch. navch. zakl. – Kyiv: VD “Kyievo-Mohylianska akademiia”, 2008. – 430 s./ Budnyi V., Ilnytskyi M. Comparative Literature: Textbook for Students of Higher Education. – Kyiv: Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Publishing House, 2008. – p. 430.

  • Hnatiuk M. Ivan Franko i problemy teorii literatury : navch. posib. / M. I. Hnatiuk.- K. : VTs «Akademiia», 2011. – 240 s./ Hnatiuk M. Ivan Franko and the Problems of Literary Theory: Textbook / M. I. Hnatiuk. – p. 240.
  • Ilnytskyi M., Budnyi V. Porivnialne literaturoznavstvo: U 2 ch. Chastyna I. Lektsiinyi kurs: Navchalnyi posibnyk. – Lviv: Vydavnychyi tsentr LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2007. – 280 s./ Ilnytskyi M., Budnyi V. Historical Literary Studies: In 2 parts. Part I. Lecture Course: A Study Guide. – Lviv: Ivan Franko University Center for Publishing, 2007. – p.280.
  • Ilnytskyi M., Budnyi V. Porivnialne literaturoznavstvo: U 2 ch. Chastyna II. Praktychni zaniattia: Navchalnyi posibnyk. – Lviv: Vydavnychyi tsentr LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2007. – 144 s./ Ilnytskyi M., Budnyi. Comparative Literary Studies: In 2 parts. Part II. Practical exercises: Textbook. – Lviv: Publishing Center of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2007. – p.144.
  • Ilnytskyi M. Ukrainska literaturoznavcha dumka ХХ stolittia (Zakhidna Ukraina, emihratsiia): navch. posibnyk. Lviv: Lviv. nats. un-t im. I. Franka, 2015. 352 s./ Ukrainian Literary Thought in the XX Century (Western Ukraine, Emigration): Textbook. Lviv: I. Franko National University. I. Franko, 2015. p.352.

Methodological recommendations:

Будний В. Науковий семінар з літературознавчої проблематики для студентів бакалаврату філологічного факультету. Львів, 2021. 99 с.

  • Haleta O. Metodychni rekomendatsii do kursu “Antropolohiia literatury”. – Lviv: Pais, 2019. – 72 s./ Haleta O. Methodological Guidelines for the Course “Anthropology of Literature”. – Lviv: Pais, 2019. – p.72 .

Haleta_Antropolohiia-literatury.doc (

  • Haleta O. Metodychni rekomendatsii do kursu “Pamiat i pokolinnia v literaturi”. – Lviv: Pais, 2019. – 52 s./ Haleta O. Methodological Guidelines for the Course “Memory and Generation in Literature”. – Lviv: Pais, 2019. – p.52.

Haleta_Pamiat-i-pokolinnia.doc (

  • Haleta O. Valerian Pidmohylnyi: prohramni teksty, iliustratsii, poiasnennia, zavdannia, testy / Olena Haleta. – Lviv, 2001. – 72 s./Haleta O. Valerian Pidmohylnyi : Program Texts, Illustrations, Explanations, Tasks, Tests / Olena Haleta. – Lviv, 2001. – p.72
  • Hirniak M. O. Metodychni rekomendatsii do kursu “Semiotyka» dlia studentiv mahistratury filolohichnoho fakultetu spetsialnosti «literaturna tvorchist». – Lviv : Vydavnychyi tsentr Lvivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Ivana Franka, 2010. – 70 s./ Hirniak M. O. Methodological Guidelines for the Semiotics Course for Master’s Students of the Faculty of Philology Majoring in “Literary Art”. – Lviv: Publishing Centre of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2010. – p.70 .
  • Hnatiuk M. Metodychni rekomendatsii do kursu «Teoriia ta istoriia ukrainskoi literaturnoi krytyky». – Lviv: PAIS, 2020. – 47 s./ Hnatiuk M. Methodological Guidelines for the Course “Theory and History of Ukrainian Literary Criticism”. – Lviv: PAIS, 2020. – p.47

metod_teoriia_istoriia_krytyky.doc (

  • Fedoriv U. Metodychni rekomendatsii do kursu «Literatura ta mystetstvo v konteksti suspilnykh zmin» dlia studentiv mahistratury filolohichnoho fakultetu spetsialnosti 035 Filolohiia / Uliana Fedoriv Mykolaivna. – Lviv : PAIS, 2017. – 44 s./ Fedoriv U. Methodological Guidelines for the Course “Literature and Art in the Context of Social Change” for Master’s Students of the Faculty of Philology Majoring in 035 Philology / Uliana Fedoriv Mykolaivna. – Lviv: PAIS, 2017. – p. 44 .

Elearning courses

“Соцреалістичний канон в українській літературі: сучасне перепрочитання” (автор – доцент Уляна Федорів)/ The socialist realist canon in Ukrainian literature: A modern reinterpretation” (by associate professor Ulyana Fedoriv)

“Теорія літератури” (автор – професор Олена Галета)/ “Theory of Literature” (by Professor Olena Haleta)/


The Department of Ukrainian Folklore Studies named after Academician Filaret Kolessa

List of selected training manuals

  1. Ukrainska folklorystyka. Slovnyk-dovidnyk / Ukladannia i zahalna redaktsiia Mykhaila Chornopyskoho. Ternopil: Pidruchnyky i posibnyky, 2008. 448 s./Ukrainian Folklore Studies. Handbook Dictionary / Conclusion and general editing by Mykhailo Chernopyskyi. Ternopil: Textbooks and teaching aids, 2008. p.448.
  2. Pidhorna L. M. Folklorystychni kontseptsii Mykoly Kostomarova. Teksty lektsii. Lviv, Vydavnychyi tsentr LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2008. 72 s./ Pidhorna L. M. Folkloristic Concepts of Mykola Kostomarov. Texts of lectures. Lviv, Publishing Center of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2008. P.72.
  3. Harasym Ya. I. Narysy do istorii ukrainskoi folklorystyky: navchalnyi posibnyk. Kyiv: Znannia, 2009. 301 s./ Harasym Ya. I. Essays on the History of Ukrainian Folkloristics: Textbook. Kyiv: Znanie, 2009. p.301.

  1. Vovchak Andrii, Dovhaliuk Iryna. Dokumentuvannia folklornoi tradytsii. Zasady orhanizatsii i provedennia folklorystychnoho polovoho doslidzhennia, transkrybuvannia y arkhivuvannia zibranoho folklornoho materialu: Metodychni rekomendatsii dlia studentiv filolohichnoho fakultetu (napriam pidhotovky 6.020303 – filolohiia: ukrainska mova ta literatura) / Vydannia druhe, dopovnene. Lviv, 2015. 52 s./ Vovchak Andrii, Dovhaliuk Iryna. Documenting Folklore Tradition. Fundamentals of Organizing and Conducting Folkloristic Field Research, Transcribing and Archiving the Collected Folklore Material: Methodological Guidelines for Students of the Faculty of Philology (area of specialization 6.020303 – Philology: Ukrainian language and literature) / Second edition, supplemented. Lviv, 2015. p.52.

  1. Chornopyskyi M. H. Poetychnyi svit dytynstva. Ukrainska narodna slovesnist (Folklor). Khrestomatiia / Mykhailo Chornopyskyi. Ternopil: Vyd-vo «Pidruchnyky i posibnyky», 2016. Vyp. I. 175 s./ Chornopyskyi M. H. The Poetic World of Childhood. Ukrainian Folk Literature (Folklore). Textbook/ Mykhailo Chornopyskyi. Ternopil: Textbooks and Manuals Publishing House, 2016. Issue I. p.175.
  2. Sokil H. Obriadovyi folklor ukraintsiv: navchalnyi posibnyk. Lviv, 2018. 138 s./ Sokil H. Rite folklore of Ukrainians: Textbook. Lviv, 2018. p.138.


Department of General Linguistics

Yasinovska O.Ясіновська_Оксана_Наукова_робота_студентів_лінгвістів

Buk S. Osnovy statystychnoi linhvistyky: Navchal’no-metodychnyi posibnyk/ Vidp. Red. Prof. F. S. Batsevych. Vydavnychyi tsentr LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2008. 124 s. / Buk S. Fundamentals of statistical linguistics: Textbook/ Resp.  Ed.  Prof.  F. Batsevych.  Ivan Franko Lviv National University Publishing Center, 2008. P. 124)

Matsyuk Halyna.Multicultural Aspects of Names and Naming in the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church: The Thematic Group “the Names of New Saints” //Names and Naming/ Multicultural Aspects. Ed. Oliviu Felecan, Alina Bughesiu. Palgrave Macmillan. 2021. Co-author.

Sociolinguistics. Integrative research direction. Academic discipline. Collective monograph. Lviv, 2021. – 280 p. Ed. Halyna Matsyuk (in the Ukrainian language).

Matsyuk Halyna. A course towards the Ukrainianization of the church. Why was it ineffective in the Ukrainian People’s Republic (UNR) 1917-1918? / / Language in Society: Semantics, Syntax, Pragmatics / Ed. Halyna Matsyuk, Irena Mytnik, Olena Novikova. Part 1 – Warsaw-Lviv-Munich, Wydawnictwo KUL.-2019 (in the Ukrainian language).

Matsyuk Halyna. Security dimention of modern education and new requirements for the content of linguistics disciplines at the philological faculties of higher education institutions// Strategic directions of development of modern linguodidactics: monograph / Edited by E.Palykhata, O.Petryshyna. Ternopil, 2021. P.68-76. Co-author. (in the Ukrainian language)  (co-author)

Matsyuk Halyna. Conversion to orthodoxy as social phenomenon and category of historical sociolinguistics // StudiaUkrainіcaVarsoviensia –Warszawa, 2019.-t.7. C23-33. (in the Ukrainian language)

Halyna Matsyuk. Marking Ukrainiane’s public space as interaction of language and ideology: past and present// Name and Naming. Sacred and Profane in Onomastics. Ed. By Oliviu Felecan.-Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, Editura Argonavt, 2017.-p.889-900 DOI: 10.30816/ICONN4/2017772


Department of Slavic Philology named after Professor Ilarion Sventsitskyi

Methodical materials:

Soroka O.

  1. O. Skazhy tse bolhars’koyu! Ykrains’ko-bolhars’kyi rozmovnyk i slovnyk. (Кажи го на български! Украинско-български разговорник и речник) / Olha Soroka, Bohdan Sokil. – Ternopil: Mandrivets, 2011. – 252 s. / Soroka O. Say it in Bulgarian! Ukrainian-Bulgarian phrasebook and dictionary.  (Кажи го на български! Украинско-български разговорник и речник) / Olha Soroka, Bohdan Sokil.  – Ternopil: Mandrivets, 2011. – p. 252.
  2. Soroka O. Ukrains’ko-bolharskyi rozmovnyk. Frazy. Slova. Komentari.Фрази.Думи. Коментари. Украинско-български разговорник / O. Soroka, B. Sokil, O. Albul, – Uzhhorod: «IVA», 2015, — 222 s. / Soroka O. Ukrainian-Bulgarian phrasebook.   Words.  Comments.  Фрази.Думи. Коментари. Украинско-български разговорник/ O. Soroka, B. Sokil, O. Albul, – Uzhhorod: «IVA», 2015, — p. 222.

Tatarenko A.:

  1. Tatarenko A. Postmodernizm u serbs’kiy literaturi: Navchal’nuy posibnyk. — Lviv: LA «Piramida», 2013. —196 s. / Tatarenko A. Postmodernism in Serbian literature: a textbook. – Lviv: LA «Piramida», 2013. – p. 196.
  2. Aydachych D., Tatarenko A. Serbs’ka literatyra XX st. Khrestomatiya / Vybir ta opratsiuvannia Deyana Aydachycha, Ally Tatarenko. — Kyiv : «Osvits Ukrainy», 2016. — 300 s. / Aydachych D., Tatarenko A. Serbian literature of the twentieth century. Chrestomathy / Selection and elaboration by Dejan Aydachych, Alla Tatarenko.  – Kyiv: «Osvita Ukrainy», 2016. – p. 300.

Vasylyeva L.

  1. Vasylyeva L., Vollmayer-Lubey Ya., Lubey P., Sokil B. Ukrains’ko-slovens’kyi tematychnyi slovnyk / [ukl. L. P. Vasylyeva L., Vollmayer-Lybey Ya., Lybey P., Sokil B.]. – Lviv: LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2015. — 359 s. / Vasylyeva L., Wallmayer-Lubey Ya., Lubey P., Sokil B. Ukrainian-Slovenian thematic dictionary / [ed. Vasylyeva L., Wallmayer-Lubey Ya., Lubey P., Sokil B.].  – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2015. – p. 359.
  2. Vasylyeva L., Sokil B. Ukrains’ko-serbs’kyi tematychnyi slovnyk / [ukl. L. P. Vasylyeva, B. M. Sokil, O. B. Tkachuk]. – Lviv: LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2016. — p. 353. / Vasylyeva L., Sokil B. Ukrainian-Serbian thematic dictionary / [ed. Vasylyeva, B.  Sokil.].  – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2016. – p. 349.
  3. Vasylyeva L., Sokil B., Tkachuk O. Ukrains’ko-khorvats’kyi tematychnyi slovnyk / [ukl.. L. P. Vasylyeva, B. M. Sokil, O. B. Tkachuk]. – Lviv: LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2016. – 353 s. / Vasylyeva L., Sokil B., Tkachuk O. Ukrainian-Croatian thematic dictionary / [ed. L. Vasylyeva, B.  Sokil, O. Tkachuk].  – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2016. – p. 353.
  4. Vasylyeva L., Tkachuk O., Chumak V. Ukrains’ko-khorvats’kyi slovnyk. Kyiv: Slovnyky Ukrainy, 2018. – 630 s. / Vasylyeva L., Tkachuk O. Chumak V. Ukrainian-Croatian dictionary. Kyiv: Slovnyky Ukrainy, 2018.- p. 630.

Albul O.:

  1. Metodichiskiye rekomiendatsyi po bibliograficheskomy opisaniyu proizvidieniy pechati, oformlieniiu ssylok v diplomnykh i kursovykh rabotakh/ Trofymovych K. K., Albul O. A. – Lvov, 1988. / Guidelines for the bibliographic description of printed works, the design of references in diploma and course papers / Trofimovich K., Albul O. – Lviv, 1988.
  2. Metodicheskiye ukazaniya k izucheniyu bolgarskogo yazyka (dlya studentov russkogo otdeleniya filologicheskogo fakul’teta)/Albul O.A., Tirtova G.P. – Lvov, 1990. / Guidelines for the study of the Bulgarian language (for students of the Russian Department of the Faculty of Philology) / Albul O., Tirtova H. – Lviv, 1990.
  3. Metodicheskiye ukazaniya k izucheniyu serbokhorvatskogo yazyka (dlya studentov russkogo otdeleniya filologicheskogo fakul’teta)/Tirtova G.P., Albul O.A. – Lvov, 1990. / Guidelines for the study of the Serbo-Croatian language (for students of the Russian Department of the Faculty of Philology) / Tirtova H., Albul O. – Lviv, 1990.
  4. Robocha prohrama “Staroslovyansʹka mova” (dlya studentiv nefilolohichnykh spetsialʹnostey/Fedyk L.S., Yarmolyuk M.O., Albul O.A. – Lviv, 1998. / Working program «Old Slavonic language» for students of non-philological specialties / Feduk L., Yarmolyuk M., Albul O. – Lviv, 1998.
  5. Metodychni vkazivky do vyvchennya kursu “Istorychna hramatyka bolharsʹkoyi movy”. – Lviv, 1998. / Methodical guidelines for studying the course «Historical Grammar of the Bulgarian Language». – Lviv, 1998.
  6. Metodychni vkazivky do napysannya ta oformlennya kvalifikatsiynykh robit(dlya studentiv slovyansʹkoho viddilennya)/Petrukhina L.E., Albul O.A. – Lviv, 2003. / Methodical guidelines for writing and design of qualification works (for students of the Slavic department) / Petrukhina L., Albul O. – Lviv, 2003.
  7. Metodychni vkazivky do napysannya ta oformlennya kvalifikatsiynykh robit(dlya studentiv slovyansʹkoho viddilennya)/Albul O.A., Kravchuk A.M., Petrukhina L.E.). – Lviv, 2011. / Methodical guidelines for writing and design of qualification works (for students of the Slavic department) / Albul O., Kravchuk A., Petrukhina L.). – Lviv, 2011.

Vasylyshyn M.:

  1. Zbirnyk tekstiv dlya chytannya zi serbsʹkoyi movy z leksyko-hramatychnym komentarem i pytannyamy do dyskusiy: praktykum ∕ M.B.Vasylyshyn, M.YU.Klymetsʹ, N.S.Khoroz. Lviv: SPDFO “Marusych M.M.”, 2013. – 56 s. / Collection of texts for reading in the Serbian language with lexical and grammatical commentary and questions for discussion: workshop ∕ M. Vasylyshyn, M. Klymets, N. Khoroz. Lviv: business entity “Marusych M. M.”, 2013. – p. 56.
  2. Da ty kazhem joshovo: navchalʹnyy posibnyk ∕ M.B. Vasylyshyn, M.YU.Klymetsʹ, N.S.Khoroz. – Lʹviv: LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2014. – 116 s. / Da ty kazhem joshovo:a textbook ∕ M. Vasylyshyn N. Klimets, N. Khoroz.  – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2014. –  116.
  3. Zbirnyk vprav z khorvatsʹkoyi movy (Diyeslovo): navchalʹnyy posibnyk ∕ N.S.Khoroz, M.YU. Klymetsʹ, M.B.Vasylyshyn). Lʹviv: LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2014. – 156 s. / Collection of exercises in the Croatian language (Verb): textbook ∕ N. Khoroz, M. Klymets, M. Vasylyshyn). Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2014. – p. 156.

Hiletska Z.:

  1. Hiletsʹka Zoryana. Slovatsʹko-ukrayinsʹkyi slovnyk linhvistychnoyi terminolohiyi. – Lʹviv: LNU im. Ivana Franka, 2022. – 222 s. / Hiletska Zoryana. Slovak-Ukrainian dictionary of linguistic terminology.  – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2022. – p. 222.

Huk Z.:

  1. Huk Z. Serbsʹkyi imennyk ta prykmetnyk: slovozmina. Navchalʹnyi posibnyk. – Lʹviv, 2017. – 104 s. / Huk Z. Serbian noun and adjective: word change.   – Lviv, 2017. – p. 104.
  2. Huk Z. Serbsʹkyi imennyk ta prykmetnyk: slovozmina. Navchalʹnyi posibnyk. Vyd. 2-he, dopovn. Ta vypravl. – Lʹviv: PAIS, 2019. – 136 s. / Huk Z. Serbian noun and adjective: word change.   Ed.  2nd, add.  and corrected.  – Lviv: PAIS , 2019. – p. 136.

Kravets O.:

  1. Kravetsʹ Olʹha. «Teoriya ta praktyka perekladu» – Analiz, poshuk, syntez yak skladovi perekladatsʹkoho protsesu (leksyko-stylistychni osoblyvosti perekladu opovidannya Ivo Andrycha «Knyha») – Lʹviv, 2003. – 24 s. / Kravets Olha.  «Theory and practice of translation» – Analysis, search, synthesis as components of the translation process (lexical and stylistic features of the translation of Ivo Andrych’s short story «Knyha») – Lviv, 2003. – p. 24.
  2. Kravetsʹ Olʹha. «Okremi aspekty mizhslovyansʹkykh literaturnykh vzayemyn (sproba komparatyvnoho doslidzhennya ukrayinsʹko–khorvatsʹkykh literaturnykh zvyazkiv XIX–XX st.» – Mizhslovyansʹki literaturni vzayemyny 30-60-kh rokiv XIX stolittya. Okremi aspekty. Metodolohichni zauvahy dlya slavistychnykh studiy – Lʹviv, 2004. – 32. / Kravets Olha. «Particular aspects of inter-Slavic literary relations (an attempt at a comparative study of Ukrainian-Croatian literary relations of the 19th-20th centuries.» – Inter-Slavic literary relations of 30-60-ies of the 19th century. Particular aspects. Methodological remarks for Slavic studies – Lviv, 2004 – 32.

Lobur N.:

  1. Antonenko, N. Lobur, O.Palamarchuk, H.Strelʹchuk, M.Shevchenko. Ukrayinsʹko-chesʹkyi slovnyk linhvistychnoyi terminolohiyi. – Lʹviv: Vydavnychyy tsentr Lʹvivsʹkoho natsionalʹnoho universytetu imeni Ivana Franka, 2009. – 200 s. / O. Antonenko, N. Lobur, O. Palamarchuk, H. Strelchuk, M. Shevchenko. Ukrainian-Czech Dictionary of Linguistic Terminology. – Lviv: Publishing house of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2009. – p. 200.
  2. Yirzhi Hasil, Nadiya Lobur, Olʹha Palamarchuk.Chesʹka mova dlya ukrayintsiv. Pidruchnyk. Chastyna 1. – Lʹviv: Vydavnychyy tsentr LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2011. – 295 s. / Yirzhi Hasil, Nadiya Lobur, Olha Palamarchuk. Czech language for Ukrainians.   Part 1. – Lviv: Publishing house of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2011. – p. 295.
  3. L. Palamarchuk, O. V. Antonenko, N. V. Lobur. Iz zhyttya suchasnoyi Chekhiyi II. Navchalʹnyy posibnyk z analitychnoho chytannya dlya studentiv slavistiv 3-4 kursiv. Druhe vydannya, rozshyrene i dopovnene. Kyyiv. Vyd-vo «Osvita Ukrayiny», 2014, 205 s. / O. Palamarchuk, O. Antonenko, N. Lobur. From the life of modern Czech Republic II.  A textbook on analytical reading for 3-4-years students of Slavic Philology. The second edition, expanded and supplemented.  Kyiv.  Publishing House «Osvita Ukrainy», 2014, – p. 205.

Motornyi O.:

  1. Motornyi O. Chesʹka mova – dostupno ta tsikavo (metodychni rekomendatsiyi z suchasnoyi chesʹkoyi movy). – Lʹviv. Payis, 2015. / Motornyi O. Czech language – accessible and interesting (methodical recommendations on modern Czech language). – Lviv.  PAIS, 2015.
  2. Brylynsʹka N. Motornyi O. Istoriya chesʹkoyi literatury. Vid zarodzhennya do seredyny XX st.: zbirnyk testovykh zavdanʹ / Nadiya Brylynsʹka, Oleksandr Motornyy. – Lʹviv : PAIS, 2019. – 320 s. / Brylynska N. Motornyi O. History of Czech literature. From the beginning to the middle of the 20th century: a collection of test tasks / Nadiya Brylynska, Oleksandr Motornyi.  – Lviv: PAIS, 2019. – p. 320.

Lazor O.:


  1. Rozdil VI. Kulʹturnyy rozvytok: nauka / Motornyy V., Lazor O., Adamenko S. // Luzhytsʹki Serby: posibnyk z narodoznavstva pid zah. Red. V. Motornoho ta D. Sholʹtse. – Lʹviv: Misioner, 1997. – S. 132–142. / Section VI. Cultural development: science / Motornyi V., Lazor O., Adamenko S. // Lusatian Serbs: a guide to ethnography , gen.    V. Motornyi and D. Scholze.  – Lviv: Missioner, 1997. – P. 132–142.
  2. Rozdil VII. Kulʹturni dialohy: ukrayinsʹko-luzhytsʹki kulʹturni ta literaturni zvʺyazky XIX st. / Motornyy V., Hnatyuk M., Felʹkelʹ M., Lazor O. // Luzhytsʹki serby: posibnyk z narodoznavstva pid zah. red. V. Motornoho ta D. Sholʹtse. – Lʹviv: Misioner, 1997. – S. 228–237. / Section VII. Cultural Dialogues: Ukrainian-Lusatian Cultural and Literary Relations of the 19th century/ Motornyi V., Hnatyuk M., Felkel M., Lazor O. // Lusatian Serbs: a guide to ethnography, gen.    V. Motornyi and D. Scholze.  – Lviv: Missioner, 1997. – p. 228–237.
  3. Rozdil VII. Kulʹturni dialohy: ukrayinsʹko-luzhytsʹki kulʹturni vzayemyny XX st. /Motornyy V., Hnatyuk M., Felʹkelʹ M., Lazor O. // Luzhytsʹki serby: posibnyk z narodoznavstva pid zah. red. V. Motornoho ta D. Sholʹtse. – Lʹviv: Misioner, 1997. – S. 238–245. / Section VII. Cultural dialogues: Ukrainian-Lusatian cultural relations of the 20th century. Motornyi V., Hnatyuk M., Felkel M., Lazor O. // Lusatian Serbs: a guide to ethnography, gen.    V. Motornyi and D. Scholze.  – Lviv: Missioner, 1997. – p. 238–245.
  4. Heohrafichnyy pokazhchyk / Lazor O., Shen F. // Luzhytsʹki serby: posibnyk z narodoznavstva pid zah. red. V. Motornoho ta D. Sholʹtse. – Lʹviv: Misioner, 1997. – S. 258–259. / Geographical index / Lazor O., Shen F. // Lusatian Serbs: a guide to ethnography, gen.   V. Motornyi and D. Scholze.  – Lviv: Misioner, 1997. – p. 258–259.
  5. Imennyy pokazhchyk / Lazor O., Adamenko S. // Luzhytsʹki serby: posibnyk z narodoznavstva pid zah. red. V. Motornoho ta D. Sholʹtse. – Lʹviv: Misioner, 1997. – S. 260–265. / Nominal index / Lazor O., Adamenko S. // Lusatian Serbs: a guide to ethnography, gen.   V. Motornyi and D. Scholze.  – Lviv: Misioner, 1997. – p. 260–265.
  6. Materialy do vyvchennya staroslovyansʹkoyi movy /Albul O., Lazor O. – Lʹviv, 2018. – 82 s. / Materials for the study of the Old Slavonic language / Albul O., Lazor O. – Lviv, 2018. – p. 82.

Educational and methodical publications

  1. Teoriya ta praktyka perekladu (robocha prohrama dlya studentiv slovʺyansʹkoho viddilennya filolohichnoho fakulʹtetu) / Lazor O. – Lʹviv: LNU im. I. Franka, 2002. – 12 s. / Theory and practice of translation (working program for students of the Slavic department of the Faculty of Philology) / Lazor O. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2002. – p. 12.
  2. Chesʹkyy folʹklor / Lazor O. // Lʹvivsʹka bohemistyka. Prohramy teoretychnykh kursiv zi spetsialʹnosti chesʹka mova i literatura”. – Lʹviv: Vydavnychyy tsentr LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2006. – S. 83–92. / Czech folklore / Lazor O. // Lviv Bohemian Studies. Programs of theoretical courses in the specialty «Czech language and literature».  – Lviv: the Publishing House of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2006. – p. 83–92.
  3. Slovatsʹkyy folʹklor / Lazor O. // Lʹvivsʹka slovakistyka. Prohramy teoretychnykh kursiv zi spetsialʹnosti “Slovatsʹka mova i literatura”. – Lʹviv, 2006. – S. 92–101. / Slovak folklore / Lazor O. // Lviv Slovak Studies. Programs of theoretical courses in the specialty «Slovak language and literature».  – Lviv, 2006. – p. 92–101.

Ostash L.:

  1. Ostash L.R. Metodychni rekomendatsiyi i testovi zavdannya z morfolohiyi suchasnoyi chesʹkoyi movy (imennyk) / Lyubov Ostash. – Lʹviv : PAIS, 2010. – 80 s. / Ostash L. Methodical recommendations and test tasks on the morphology of the modern Czech language (noun) / Lyubov Ostash. – Lviv: PAIS, 2010. – p. 80.
  2. Ostash L.R. Vyvchaymo chesʹku movu : zbirnyk testovykh zavdanʹ : navchalʹnyy posibnyk / Lyubov Ostash. – Lʹviv : PAIS, 2018. – 164 s. / Ostash L. Let’s study the Czech language: a collection of test tasks: a textbook / Lyubov Ostash. – Lviv: PAIS, 2018. – p. 164.

Khoda L.:

  1. Khoda L.D. Piznaymo Slovachchynu razom: zbirnyk tekstiv i zavdanʹ zi slovatsʹkoyi movy z mizhkulʹturnoyi komunikatsiyi / L.D. Khoda. – Lʹviv: PAIS, 2017. – 168 s. / Khoda L. Let’s discover Slovakia together: a collection of texts and tasks in the Slovak language on intercultural communication / L. Khoda. – Lviv: PAIS, 2017. – p. 168.

Khoroz N., Klymets M.:

  1. Zbirnyk tekstiv dlya chytannya zi serbsʹkoyi movy z leksyko-hramatychnym komentarem i pytannyamy do dyskusiy: praktykum / M.B.Vasylyshyn, M. Yu. Klymetsʹ, N.S.Khoroz. – Lʹviv: SPDFO „Marusych M.M.“, 2013. – 56 s. / Collection of texts for reading in the Serbian language with lexical and grammatical commentary and questions for discussion: workshop / M. Vasylyshyn, M. Klymets, N. Khoroz. – Lviv: business entity «Marusych M. M.», 2013. – p. 56.
  2. Zbirnyk vprav iz khorvatsʹkoyi movy (Diyeslovo): navchalʹnyy posibnyk / N.S. Khoroz, M. Yu. Klymetsʹ, M.B. Vasylyshyn. – Lʹviv: LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2014. – 156 s. / Collection of exercises in the Croatian language (Verb): textbook / N. Khoroz, M. Klimets, M. Vasylyshyn. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2014. – p. 156.
  3. Da ty kazhem ǰosh ovo: navchalʹnyy posibnyk / M.B.Vasylyshyn, M.Yu. Klymetsʹ, N.S. Khoroz. – Lʹviv: LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2014. – 116 s. / Da ti kazem josh ovo: navchalnyi posibnyk / M. Vasylyshyn, M. Klymets, N. Khoroz. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2014. – p. 116.
  4. Suchasna slovensʹka literatura. Vybrane : antolohiya / uporyad. Primozh Lubey, Maryana Klymetsʹ, Nataliya Khoroz. – Lʹviv : LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2017. – 252 st. / Contemporary Slovenian literature. Selected: anthology / order.  Primozh Lubey, Maryana Klimets, Natalia Khoroz.  – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2017. – p. 252.