Iryna Dovhaliuk
Position: Professor, The Department of Ukrainian Folklore Studies named after Academician Filaret Kolessa
Scientific degree: Doctor of Art Studies Sciences
Academic status: Professor
Phone (office): (032) 239-47-20
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Research interests
Her scientific interests include the history of Ukrainian ethnomusicology, ethnomusicological archiving, and ethnomusicological pedagogy.
The main publications
а) monographs, separate publications:
- Dovhaliuk Iryna. Osyp Rozdols`kyj: Musical-etnographic heritage. Lviv, 2000. 154 p.
- Dovhalyuk Iryna. Phonographing Folk Music in Ukraine: History, Methodology and Tendencies: Monograph. Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2016. 650 p.
- Dovhaliuk Iryna. Ethnomusicological Research of Osyp Rozdol`s`kyi. Kyiv, 1997. 49 p.
b) Studies:
4. Iryna Dovhaliuk. Ethnomusical aspects in Volodymyr Shukhevych’s monograph “Hutsulshchyna”// Ethnomusic. Lviv, 2007. Number 3: A collection of scientific articles and materials devoted to the 60th anniversary of Bohdan Lukaniuk / Ed. Yurij Rybak. P. 43–56. (Scientific collections of the Mykola Lysenko Lviv State Music Academy; Vol. 15).
5. Iryna Dovhalyuk. „The Corpus of Ukrainian Folklore” the Etnographic commission of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv // Ethnomusic. Lviv, 2008. Number 4: Collection of articles and materials celebrating the 100th anniversary from the date of publication of „Halyts’ko-rus’ki narodni melodiis” by Osyp Rozdol’s’ky and Stanislav Liudkevych / Ed. Iryna Dovhaliuk. P. 9–36. (Scientific collections of the Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy, vol. 21).
6. Dovhaliuk Iryna. Causes to the history of the project to record dumy // Ethnomusic. – Lviv, 2008. Number 5: A collection of scientific articles and materials devoted to the 100th anniversary of the expedition for recording “duma” songs / Eds. Iryna Dovhaliuk, Yuriy Rybak. Р. 9–26. (Scientific collection series of the Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy, vol. 22).
7. Dovhalyuk Iryna. To the History of Filaret Kolessa’s Expedition to Naddniprians’ka Ukraine // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Philology. 2009. Is. 47. P. 5–27
8. Dovhalyuk Iryna. First Boyky Expedition of Filaret Kolessa // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Art Studies. Lviv, 2009. Issue 9. P. 54–69.
9. Dovhalyuk Iryna. Collections of phonographic cylinders in Halychyna archives // Historical Sources and Source Criticism. – 2010, [Stockholm] : Svenskt visarkiv. – P. 69–81.
10. Dovhalyuk Iryna. Galician collections of phonographic rollers // The Ninth Conference for Researchers of Folk Music in Chervona (Red) Rus` (Galicia and Volodymyria) and Adjacent Lands. Lviv, 2010. P. 71–84.
11. Dovhalyuk Iryna. The phonographic cylinders in the private archives of Filaret Kolessa // Ethnomusic: A collection of scientific articles and materials. Lviv, 2011. Number 7 (2010)/ Ed. Bohdan Lukaniuk. P. 101–115. (Scientific collections of the Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy, vol. 26).
12. Dovhalyuk Iryna. Opanas Slastion in the History of Phonographing Kobzar-Lyristic Traditions // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Art Studies. Lviv, 2011. Issue 10. P. 3–20.
13. Dovhalyuk Iryna. Lemkivschyna in Researches if Filaret Kolessa// Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Art Studies. Issue 11. Lviv, 2012. Р. 150–169.
14. Dovhaliuk Iryna. A few additions to the history of Filaret Kolessa expedition to Myrgorod (from Filaret Kolessa’s epistolary) // Ethnomusic. Lviv, 2012. Number 8: Collection of articles and materials in honor of Mykhajlo Myshanych on the occasion of his 70th birthday / Ed. Yuriy Rybak. P. 114–134. (Scientific compilation of the Mykola Lysenko National Music).
15. Dovhalyuk Iryna. Еkspedycje Filareta Kolessy na Lemkiwszczynu // Szlakiem karpackich tradycji ludowych. Kraków, 2012. S. 28–43.
16. Dovhalyuk Iryna. To the centenary of Lemko expeditions of Filaret Kolessa // Materials for Ukrainian ethnology. Issue 11 (14). Kyiv, 2012. P. 186–191.
17. Dovhalyuk Iryna. Phonograms’ Archive of Musical Ethnography Cabinet of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Art Studies. Issue 12. P. 114–130.
18. Dovhalyuk Iryna. The The First Publication of Folk Melodies in Galicia // Ethnomusic. Lviv, 2013. Number 9: Collection of articles and materials in honor of Mykola Lysenko / Ed. Iryna Dovhalyuk. P. 93–101. (Scientific compilation of the Mykola Lysenko National Music Academy in Lviv, vol. 30).
19. Dovhalyuk Iryna. Filaret Kolessa`s: archive in Lviv // The the Succession of Scholarly and Artistic Traditions: A collection of scholarlt papers and materials. L`viv, 2013. P. 14–32.
20. Dovhalyuk Iryna. On the history of the preparation of the musical volume of the corpus of Ukrainian folk dumas by Kateryna Hrushevska // Musical Ukrainian Studies: Contemporary Dimension: A Collection of Research Articles. Kyiv, 2013. Issue. 8. P. 294–305.
21. Dovhalyuk Iryna. Polissya expedition of Filaret Kolessa // Problems of Music Ethnology. Kyiv, 2014. Issue 9. P. 76–92
22. Dovhalyuk Iryna. Phonographic Research of Folklore in the Office of Musical Ethnography (All-Ukrainian Science Academy / Science Academy USSR) 1934–1948 // Ethnomusic: Collection of articles and materials to memory of Jurij Slyvyns’kyj. Lviv, 2014. Number 10 (2013) / Ed. Bohdan Lukaniuk. P. 54–75. (Scientific compilation of the Mykola Lysenko National Music Academy in Lviv. Vol. 33).
23. Dovhalyuk Iryna. The first phonographic recordings of folk music in Lemkivshchyna // Lemkos, Boykos, Ruthenians – history, present day.T. 5. Słupsk; Zielona Góra; Svidnik, 2015. S. 393–408.
24. Dovhalyuk Iryna. Shevchenko Scientific Society and phonographic recording // Ukrainian studies – past, present, future: a collection of scientific papers. Brno, 2015. P. 359–367.
25. Dovhalyuk Iryna. To the history of the branch of Vienna phonoarchive in university of Lviv // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Art Studies. Issue 16. Pt. 1. P. 92–
26. Dovhalyuk Irуna. Phonographic recordings of Ukrainian folk music in Berlin phonogram archive // Ethnomusic: Collection of articles and materials. Lviv, 2015. Number P. 17–28.
27. Dovhalyuk Iryna. Prehistory of folk music recording in Galicia // Etnomuzykologia na przełomie tysiącleci: historia, teoria, metodologia / redakcja Zbigniew Jerzy Przerembski. Wrocław, 2015. P. 45–61.
28. Dovhalyuk Iryna. Phonographic records of folk music in Lviv’s archives // Tradicia ir dabartis Tradition & Contemporariti. № 11. Klaipéda, 2016. P. 181–198.
29. Iryna Dovhaliuk, Yuriy Rybak. Bohdan Lukaniuk: an Oustanding Researcher and Teacher // Ukrainian music: a scientific journal. Lviv, 2017. Issule4 (26). P. 44–61.
30. Dovhalyuk Iryna. Phonographic records of folk music in Kiev archives // Tradicia ir dabartis Tradition & Contemporariti. № 12. Klaipéda, 2017. P. 301–316.
31. Dovhalyuk Iryna. Phonographical Cylinders in Filareth Kolessa’s Private Archives in Lviv // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Philology. 2017. Issue 66. P. 230–244.
32. Dovhalyuk Iryna, Review by Filaret Kolessa on a manuscript collection of folk songs with notes from Kholm and Podlasie regions by Yakiv Senchyk // Ethnomusic: Collection of articles and materials. Lviv, 2017. Number 13. P. 89–98.
33. Dovhalyuk Iryna. Methodology for expeditionary phonographic research of Ukrainian folk music by Filaret Kolessa // Tradicia ir dabartis / Tradition & Contemporariti. Issule Klaipéda, 2018. P. 235–248.
34. Dovhalyuk Iryna.The Beginnings of Sound Recording of Folk Music in Ukraine// Bulletin of Kyiv National Universityof Culture Andartsseries in Musical Artscientific Collection. Issue 1. Kyiv, 2018. – P. 67–82.
35. Dovhalyuk Iryna. First Steps of Folk Music Sound Documentation in Polyssia // Actual Issues of East-European Ethnomusicology. Dnipro, 2018. Issue 1. P. 13–30.
36. Dovhalyuk Iryna. Touches on the history of the relationship between Vasyl Barvinsky and Severyn Saprun- // Ukrainian music: a scientific journal. Lviv, 2018. Issule4 (30). P. 121–129.
37. Dovhaliuk, Іryna, Dobrianska, Lina. Lviv Ethnomusicology from Sources to the Present // 25th Anniversary of the Lviv Department of Musical Folkloristics and the Problematic Scientific-Researching Laboratory of Music Ethnology: History – Personalities – Achievements. Biographical Index. Lviv, 2019. P. 5–22.
38. Dovhalyuk Iryna. Calendar-almanac “Lviv Pilgrim” and the beginnings of interest in Ukrainian musical folklore in Galicia // Problems of Music Ethnology, Kyiv, 2020. Issue 15. P. 28-40.
39. Siuta Bogdan, Dovhalyuk Iryna, Markova Olena, Zinkiv Iryna, Hrab Non-Musical Markers of the Structure and Content of Musical Works at the end of the 20-th Century // AD ALTA: Journal оf Interdisciplinary Research (The Czech Republic). Vol. 11, Issue 01 (11/01). June, 2021. Р. 37 – 41. ISSN 1804-7890, ISSN 2464-6733 (Online). DOI number for your academic records:
40. Dovhaljuk Iryna, Dobrjanska Lina Třicet let samostatné ukrajinské etnomuzikologie (1990–2020) // Národopisna revue. 2021, № 2. S.121 – 133.
41. Dovhaliuk Іryna., Dobrianska Lina. Ethnomusicology of Ukraine at The Turn of XX–XXI Centuries (1991–2021): Centers, Pedagogy, Documentation // Problems of Music Ethnology, Kyiv, Issue 16. P. 5–23. DOI:
42. Dovhalyuk Iryna. Sources of Folk Musical Phonogram Archivistics in the Europe // Musicological Thought of Dnipropetrovsk region: Compilation of the scientific articles. Dnipro: GRANI, 2021. Issue 21 (2). P. 32–48. МУЗ.-ДУМ.-ДНІПРО-В.-21-2-2021….pdf
43. Iryna Dovhalyuk, Lina Dobrianska. Ethnomusicology of Ukraine at The Turn of XX–XXI Centuries (1991–2022): Science, Publications, Conferences // Problems of Music Ethnology. Kyiv, Issue 17. P. 5–15. DOI:
Iryna Dovhaliuk is a musicologist and holds a Doctor of Art History degree in Music Art. She authored the book “Phonograph Recording of Folk Music in Ukraine: History, Methodology, Trends” in 2017 in Kyiv. She became an associate professor in 2003.
She was born in Lviv and received her musical education at the Historical-Theoretical Faculty of the Mykola Lysenko Lviv State Conservatory in 1984. From 1985 to 1995, she worked as a concertmaster and music theory teacher at the Lviv Music-Pedagogical School named after Filarét Kolessa. Since 1993, she has been an assistant professor, promoted to associate professor in 2002, and became a professor at the Department of Ukrainian Folklore Studies of the Ivan Franko Lviv National University in 2018.
She is a co-founder and member of the organizing committee of the periodic international scientific conference “Kolessa Readings.” She has co-edited and edited several collections of scientific articles and materials. She has participated in individual and collective projects for the research and processing of the heritage of Ukrainian folklorists, including the digitization and publication of the phonographic folk music heritage of Osyp Rozdolsky and Filarét Kolessa.
She has authored over 150 publications, including two monographs, articles, reviews, translations, encyclopedic articles, and teaching materials. She has also participated in international scientific conferences in Ukraine and abroad.
Processing and digitization of the phonographic heritage of Osyp Rozdolsky (in collaboration with researchers from the Institute of Information Recording Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).
Processing and digitization of the collection of phonographic cylinders from the Private Archive of Academician Filarét Kolessa in Lviv (in collaboration with researchers from the Institute of Information Recording Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).
Processing and description of the manuscript and phonographic archive of the Private Archive of Academician Filarét Kolessa in Lviv.
She is a member of the musicological commission of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (1990), the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM 2007), and the Galician Music Society (2019).
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