The Department of Ukrainian Folklore Studies named after Academician Filaret Kolessa
- Про кафедру
- Історія кафедри
- Співробітники
- Методичні матеріали
- Викладацький розклад
- Новини
Про кафедру
завідувач, Професор (сумісник)Vasyl Ivashkiv | завідувач, Професор (сумісник) |
ПрофесорIryna Dovhaliuk | Професор |
ДоцентVOVCHAK Andrii | Доцент |
ДоцентUliana Parubiy | Доцент |
Старший лаборантOksana Shumeiko | Старший лаборант |
ЛаборантOksana Kobasiar | Лаборант |
Викладацький розклад
Методичні матеріали
- Ukrainska folklorystyka. Slovnyk-dovidnyk / Ukladannia i zahalna redaktsiia Mykhaila Chornopyskoho. Ternopil: Pidruchnyky i posibnyky, 2008. 448 s./Ukrainian Folklore Studies. Handbook Dictionary / Conclusion and general editing by Mykhailo Chernopyskyi. Ternopil: Textbooks and teaching aids, 2008. p.448.
- Pidhorna L. M. Folklorystychni kontseptsii Mykoly Kostomarova. Teksty lektsii. Lviv, Vydavnychyi tsentr LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2008. 72 s./ Pidhorna L. M. Folkloristic Concepts of Mykola Kostomarov. Texts of lectures. Lviv, Publishing Center of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2008. P.72.
- Harasym Ya. I. Narysy do istorii ukrainskoi folklorystyky: navchalnyi posibnyk. Kyiv: Znannia, 2009. 301 s./ Harasym Ya. I. Essays on the History of Ukrainian Folkloristics: Textbook. Kyiv: Znanie, 2009. p.301.
- Vovchak Andrii, Dovhaliuk Iryna. Dokumentuvannia folklornoi tradytsii. Zasady orhanizatsii i provedennia folklorystychnoho polovoho doslidzhennia, transkrybuvannia y arkhivuvannia zibranoho folklornoho materialu: Metodychni rekomendatsii dlia studentiv filolohichnoho fakultetu (napriam pidhotovky 6.020303 – filolohiia: ukrainska mova ta literatura) / Vydannia druhe, dopovnene. Lviv, 2015. 52 s./ Vovchak Andrii, Dovhaliuk Iryna. Documenting Folklore Tradition. Fundamentals of Organizing and Conducting Folkloristic Field Research, Transcribing and Archiving the Collected Folklore Material: Methodological Guidelines for Students of the Faculty of Philology (area of specialization 6.020303 – Philology: Ukrainian language and literature) / Second edition, supplemented. Lviv, 2015. p.52.
- Chornopyskyi M. H. Poetychnyi svit dytynstva. Ukrainska narodna slovesnist (Folklor). Khrestomatiia / Mykhailo Chornopyskyi. Ternopil: Vyd-vo «Pidruchnyky i posibnyky», 2016. Vyp. I. 175 s./ Chornopyskyi M. H. The Poetic World of Childhood. Ukrainian Folk Literature (Folklore). Textbook/ Mykhailo Chornopyskyi. Ternopil: Textbooks and Manuals Publishing House, 2016. Issue I. p.175.
- Sokil H. Obriadovyi folklor ukraintsiv: navchalnyi posibnyk. Lviv, 2018. 138 s./ Sokil H. Rite folklore of Ukrainians: Textbook. Lviv, 2018. p.138.
Історія кафедри
The Department of Ukrainian Folklore Studies named after Academician Filaret Kolessa is a leading educational and research folklore centre in Ukraine.
The Department was established at the Faculty of Philology of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in 1990. The teaching staff and students develop the university traditions of Ukrainian Folklore Studies, started by the Department of Oral Literature of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Ukrainian (Secret) University in Lviv (1921–1923) and continued by the Department of Folklore Studies and Ethnography of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (1939–1947).
When the major “Folklore Studies” was introduced at the Department in 1995, an educational complex for scholarly, theoretical and practical training of specialists in Folklore Studies was gradually established in which an important place was given, in particular, to the collection of information: the formation of knowledge and skills of folkloristic work in the course of field research. Today the Department trains specialists of three educational degrees (Bachelors, Masters, PhDs) in the area of specialization “Folklore Studies” (“Ukrainian Folklore Studies”).
The teaching staff of the Department conducts a wide range of theoretical, methodological and practical research in the field of Folklore and Folklore Studies: the history of folklore, the history of ethnomusicology, the theory and poetics of folklore, the problems of folklore genres, modern trends in the development of folklore, documenting folklore traditions, Ethnoorganology, problems of interaction of folklore and literature. The Department actively organizes national and international conferences.
The Department is a center of educational and research folklore institutional complex which includes the Laboratory of Folklore Research (founded in 2010), Scientific Library of the Department, Folklore Archive of the Department of Ukrainian Folklore Studies (since 2004), Electronic Archive of Ukrainian Folklore (since 2014).
The Department maintains close ties with ethnographic centers of Austria, Canada, Poland, Slovakia, and the USA.
Poety as a Witness to War
This is a free event; however space is limited —please use link to RSVP!
“These poems of witness may be wrought from a horrendous war, composed in times of turmoil and void of leisure, yet the Ukrainian poet Halyna Kruk’s mastery is evident on every page …Sometimes tender, offering surprising moments of stubbornly persisting beauty, sometimes bitter and hard, Kruk’s poems are also a reminder for the rest of the world to ‘take us in, like unpleasant medicine’.” —Judges’ Citation, Griffin...
Lost in Living: Literary Evening with Halyna Kruk
Lost in Living: Literary Evening with Halyna Kruk
Tuesday, November 5, 2024, 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Pritsak Memorial Library at HURI, 34 Kirkland Street, Cambridge, MA 02138
A literary evening with Halyna Kruk, an award-winning Ukrainian poet, writer, translator, and scholar.
In conversation with Oleh Kotsyuba, Director of Print and Digital Publications, Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University, and Dzvinia Orlowsky, a Pushcart Prize poet and translator.
IN-PERSON. All attendees are warmly invited to join us for a wine & cheese reception immediately following the event.
About the Books
“We act like children with our dead,” Halyna Kruk writes...
The Ukrainian Cultural Festival is co-presented by Razom for Ukraine and the Ukrainian Institute, Kyiv and produced in partnership with the National Ballet of Ukraine, Ukrainian Contemporary Music Festival, Yara Arts, Ukrainian Museum, KISFF, Linoleum Festival, and others and will take place October 15th through October 31st in New York.
Over the course of two weeks in October, you will have an opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of Ukrainian poetry and prose and check out the best in contemporary...
A Crash Course in Molotov Cocktails: Reading by Halyna Kruk
A Crash Course in Molotov Cocktails: Reading by Halyna Kruk
Halyna Kruk (1974) is an award-winning Ukrainian poet, writer, translator, and scholar. She is the author of five books of poetry/ Two collections have come out in English in the past two years: Griffin Poetry Prize shortlisted A Crash Course in Molotov Cocktails (Arrowsmith Press, 2022) and Lost in Living (Lost Horse Press, 2024) Her numerous literary awards include the Sundara Ramaswamy Prize, the 2023 Women in Arts Award, the 2021 BookForum Best Book Award...