The Ukrainian Literature Department named after academician Mykhailo Vozniak

  • About the Department
  • History of the department
  • Employees
  • Teaching materials
  • Lecturers' schedule
  • News


ChairpersonVolodymyr MykytyukChairperson
ProfessorValeriy KorniychukProfessor
ProfessorBohdana KrysaProfessor
ProfessorTaras PastukhProfessor
ProfessorVolodymyr PratsovytyiProfessor
ProfessorIryna RozdolskaProfessor
ProfessorIryna RozdolskaProfessor
Associate ProfessorRostyslav ChopykAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorNazar FedorakAssociate Professor
Associate Professor (by-worker)Roman KrokhmalnyiAssociate Professor (by-worker)
Associate ProfessorHalyna KrukAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorMykola KrupachAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOrysia LehkaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOresta Matsiak (Basa)Associate Professor
Associate ProfessorStepan MykushAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorBohdan TykholozAssociate Professor
LecturerLiliia BomkoLecturer
Lecturer, Postgraduate Student (by-worker)Adriana HentsLecturer, Postgraduate Student (by-worker)
LecturerYurii HorbliansyiLecturer
Department SecretaryKhrystyna OnishechkoDepartment Secretary

Lecturers' schedule

Teaching materials

History of the department

The Ukrainian Literature Department named after academician Mykhailo Vozniak is one of the leading university scientific institutions of the state; it is a historically established center for literary research in Ukraine and is widely known for its Ivan Franko Studies School.
In 1848, it was the first university department of Ukrainian literature. At different times, it was headed by such outstanding national scholars like Yakiv Holovatskyi, Omelyan Ohonovsky, Oleksandr Kolessa, Kyrylo Studynskyi, Mykhailo Vozniak. Heads of the Ukrainian-Literature Department, apart from Mykhailo Vozniak, whose name adorns the institution for creating an original scientific school, were Vasyl Lesyk, Ivan Doroshenko, Arkadiy Khalimonchuk, Leonila Mishchenko, Taras Salyha , and since 2021, the head of the department has been Volodymyr Mykytyuk – a Candidate of Philological Sciences and Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, who is also a literary critic, a scholar of Ivan Franko studies and a teacher.
The Ukrainian Literature Department named after academician Mykhailo Vozniak laid a scientific and personnel foundation of the Department of Ukrainian Folklore Studies named after academician Filaret Kolessa, which was founded at the University in 1991, and later of the Department of Literary Theory and Comparative Literary Studies that was founded in 2001. On the basis of the Department, the Institute of Ivan Franko Studies (Director – Doctor of Philological Sciences Svyatoslav Pylypchuk) was founded in 1988, and the Institute of Literary Studies (Director – Doctor of Philological Sciences Rozdolska Iryna) – in 1996.
Scholars and teachers of the department create modern literary scientific schools, primarily the school of Ivan Franko studies. They actively cooperate with national and European scientific institutions, research the Ukrainian diaspora works of the twentieth century, history and philosophy of medieval studies, literature of National Resistance, provide literary criticism for the modern literary process, study the historiography of literature, develop the latest European methodology and methods of teaching literature in secondary and high schools, etc.
The department is a scientific and educational center where students receive professional training in the majors 014.01 Secondary Education (Ukrainian language and literature), 035.01 Philology (Ukrainian language and literature), and become qualified Ukrainian philologists, teachers of Ukrainian language and literature with a wide range of their professional opportunities and competencies.
Prominent scholars known in international circles, authors of monographs, textbooks and manuals, participants of national and international scientific forums, participants of large-scale research projects work at the department. Among them: T. Salyha, B. Krysa, V. Pratsovytyy, V. Korniychuk, V. Mykytyuk, A. Pecharskyi, I. Rozdolska, L. Bondar, S. Mykush, M. Krupach, R. Chopyk, O. Lehka, O. Matsyak, N. Fedorak, G. Kruk, B. Tykholoz and others, who provide deep philological knowledge, expand cultural horizons, promote strong ties between Ukraine and the world. They prepare a scientific and intellectual foundation of the country, create new generations of Ukrainian intellectual elite, which are educated, conscious and spiritually rich citizens.

Міжнародна англомовна програма для підвищення кваліфікації науково-педагогічних і адміністративних працівників Львівського університету

05.07.2024 | 10:47

Global Academic Communication Program:
Advanced Level
Міжнародна англомовна програма
для підвищення кваліфікації науково-педагогічних і адміністративних працівників
Львівського університету та інших ЗВО України
3 кредити ECTs (сертифікат)

3 вересня – 30 листопада 2024 р. 

Інформація на сайті університету:

Запрошуємо на англомовну програму Global Academic Communication Program: Advanced Level для викладачів, дослідників та адміністрації ЗВО України зі вдосконалення навиків міжнародної академічної комунікації (поглиблений рівень).

Програма націлена на сертифікованих учасників трьох ітерацій програми «Англомовна академічна комунікація» (2022, 2023 і 2024 р. випуску), а також усіх зацікавлених, хто може представити сертифікат про рівень англійської мови (В1+...

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PhD position for the Research Initiative on Post-Soviet Space

23.05.2024 | 14:40

PhD scholarship opportunity at the University of Melbourne:
the Arts Faculty’s Research Initiative on Post-Soviet Space is inviting applicants to undertake a PhD by research. Proposals may be related to Soviet and post-Soviet history, memory studies in post-Soviet space, or Ukrainian Studies.
Deadline for applications: 10 June 2024

Project Summary
The Research Initiative on Post-Soviet Space (RIPSS) invites prospective applicants with an interest in projects aligned with our research focus to submit an Expression of Interest for a PhD.
Project proposals are invited from a...

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Halyna Kruk: “Poetry can be a part and manifestation of a civic position as well…”

13.05.2024 | 14:45

Amelia M. Glaser, Yuliya Ilchuk, and Halyna Kruk, who are shortlisted for A Crash Course in Molotov Cocktails (Arrowsmith Press).

“I try to sit down and write in the mornings before my teaching and meetings begin — even if it’s just a half hour of putting new thoughts into words. Once I have done that, in the afternoon and evening I indulge myself in translating. Translation has always been a way of reading deeply and focusing my thoughts around language. It’s...

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The Grand Futurological Congress

06.05.2024 | 14:41

We live in a volatile and elusive world where the future is difficult to envision as anything other than crises, disasters, and unprecedented change. Such a situation can make one feel perplexed, powerless, and disheartened. It’s increasingly challenging to think comprehensively. It’s becoming more difficult to make long-term plans and carry them out together. It’s even more challenging to look into the future at all. But literature helps us do that.
To show how we’ve convened a five-night Grand Futurological Congress...

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17.04.2024 | 13:35

We invite you to participate in the III International Multidisciplinary Student Internet Conference
which will be held on May 16, 2024
Postgraduates, undergraduates, students of Ukrainian and foreign higher education institutions are invited to participate in the conference!
The conference will focus on the following areas:
1. Philology.
2. History.
3. Ethnology.
4. Culture and arts.
5. Pedagogy.
6. Philosophy.
7. Psychology.
Please fill out the application form below by May 2, 2024, and send your abstract to by May 9, 2024 (requirements and a sample of...

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