Roman Krokhmalnyi

Position: Dean of faculty of Philology, Associate Professor, The Ukrainian Literature Department named after academician Mykhailo Vozniak

Scientific degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

Academic status: Associate Professor

Phone (office): (032) 239-41-88


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Research interests

  • information technologies in education
  • problems of development of phenomena of information society
  • poetics of text
  • Shevchenko studies
  • coherence of artistic image
  • scientific text



Krokhmalnyi R. Information and terminological concepts of project actions in higher education domain / H. Krokhmalna, D. Krokhmalnyi, P. Kazimi // International Workshop. IT Project Management 2021.– S. 381-390. 

Krokhmalny R. Die Formel der vergleichenden Kohärenz in der Poetik der Texte Taras Ševčenkos (Формула порівняльної когерентності в поетиці текстів Тараса Шевченка)//Jahrbuch der V. Internationalen virtuellen Konferenz der Ukrainistik “Dialog der Sprachen – Dialog der Kulturen. Die Ukraine aus globaler Sicht” Reihe: Internationale virtuelle Konferenz der Ukrainistik. Bd. 2014. Herausgegeben von Olena Novikova, Peter Hilkes, Ulrich Schweier. Verlag Otto Sagner, München – Berlin, 2016.- S.369-379.

Krokhmalny R. Metamorphose of the Coherent Myth-Space in Taras Shevchenko Poetry//Spheres of culture. Journal оf Philological, Historical, Social and Media Communication, Political Science and Cultural Studies – Lublin, 2012. – S.124-131.



Born in the city of Lviv. Education: Graduated from the Ivan Franko State University of Lviv in 1994, Qualification: Philologist. Teacher of Ukrainian Language and Literature. In 1998 defended the Candidate dissertation on “Ukrainian Romantic Poetry of the 20-60s of the 19th century: the module of metamorphosis” and was awarded the degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences (10.01.01 – Ukrainian Literature). From 1995 to 2001 – Teaching assistant at the Department of Ukrainian Literature; from 2001 to 2014 – Assistant Professor at the said Department; from 1997 to 2002 – Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Philology at Ivan Franko LNU; from 2002 to 2010 – Dean of the Faculty of Pre-University Training at Ivan Franko LNU; from 2009 to – Vice Head of the Expert Council of State Attestation Committee at MoE of Ukraine and the head of the Scientific and Methodological Committee at the MoE of Ukraine (pre-university and basic training of foreign students); from 2010 to 2014 – Vice-Rector for scientific and pedagogical work at Ivan Franko LNU; from 2011 to 2015 – Acting Head of the Department of Library Science and Bibliography of the Faculty of Culture and Arts; since December 2015 until present – Dean of the Faculty of Culture and Arts and Associate Professor at the Department of Library Science and Bibliography of Ivan Franko LNU.
Since 2018 until present – member of the Interdepartmental Expert Council for Higher Education at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Courses taught: “Fundamentals of scientific research”, “Theory and methodology of information society”, “Fundamentals of scientific text”, “Image and text”; supervisor of diploma and master’s theses, PhD thesis. Research interests: scientific text, information and education, information technologies in university education, text poetics, problems of Shevchenko studies, coherence of artistic image.
Author of a monograph “Metamorphosis and Text” (2005) and more than 80 scientific publications.
For the period of 2010–2021 published 7 tutorials (5 of them in co-authorship), 47 scientific articles (6 of them in co-authorship, 6 – in foreign journals, 1 – in the SCOPUS journal).



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