The Ukrainian Language Department named after professor Ivan Kovalyk

  • About the Department
  • History of the department
  • Employees
  • Teaching materials
  • Lecturers' schedule
  • News


Chairperson, Associate Professor (by-worker)Zoriana KUPCHYNSKAChairperson, Associate Professor (by-worker)
Associate ProfessorLuboslava ASIYIVAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorUlyana DOBOSEVYCHAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorNataliya HLIBCHUKAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOksana KOSTIVAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorHalyna KUTNIAAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorIryna KUZMAAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOksana MOSURAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorVolodymyr PILETSKYIAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOlesia SKOLOZDRA-SHEPITKOAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorNataliia SOKIL-KLEPARAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOlena TRUSHAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorHalyna TYMOSHYKAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorTetiana VYSOTSKAAssociate Professor
Senior Lecturer (by-worker)Oksana LEVCHUKSenior Lecturer (by-worker)
LecturerLidiia BORIICHUKLecturer
LecturerOksana BUTKOVSKALecturer
LecturerIryna SUSLecturer
Senior Department Secretary, Lecturer (by-worker)Romaniia STRIIESHYNSenior Department Secretary, Lecturer (by-worker)
Department Secretary, Lecturer (by-worker)Yelyzaveta KISDepartment Secretary, Lecturer (by-worker)
Postgraduate Student, Lecturer (by-worker)Mariia VYSOTSKAPostgraduate Student, Lecturer (by-worker)

Lecturers' schedule

Teaching materials

The manual is recommended for practical lessons on morphology of the modern Ukrainian literary language for students of Slavonic, Iranian, Arabic and Japanese studies. A list of important topics and plans for the course, recommended readings, a system of practical tasks, schemes of parts of speech analysis, control questions and tasks are provided. The teaching of the parts of a language in a comparative perspective with Slavic and Eastern languages is regulated by Appendices. Alongside the traditional tasks and questions, such questions are offered that reflect the latest trends in the study of grammatical phenomena and the different principles of classifying parts of speech.

For students of philology in the majors of Slavic, Arabic, Persian, Japanese languages, literary art and applied linguistics.

The manual contains tasks for 17 practical lessons in historical phonetics, morphology and syntax, which cover the main topics of the course in historical grammar, as well as brief linguistic and historical commentaries for each of the practical lessons. It also includes model tests on historical phonetics and morphology and a number of scholarly works on the origins and main historical stages in the development of the Ukrainian language. The manual is intended for students of the Philological faculties of universities.

The workshop is based on the morphemics and derivatology syllabus for students of the Ukrainian Department of the Faculty of Philology. It contains a list of theoretical questions and a set of exercises, as well as test assignments for practical classes and students’ individual work in the course. The teaching material on morphemics and derivatology is grouped into two blocks: the first is based on an anatomical approach to the study of morpheme classes of different parts of speech and ways of word formation, and the second on a comprehensive analysis of the peculiarities of the morphemic and word-formation structure of each of the major parts of speech in particular. The second block is recommended for students’ individual work in the Modular Rating Method of Instruction. Each topic is accompanied by methodological comments on how to identify morphemes, difficult cases of morpheme analysis and the stages of word-formation analysis of words with different word-formation structures. The exercises are accompanied by examples to make it easier for a student to do them, and the literature they should work with before completing the tasks. The vast majority of the exercises are research-based, requiring students to activate their knowledge of previous and parallel courses (lexicology and phraseology, phonology and phonetics, historical grammar) and the ability to use different types of dictionaries.

  • Oksana Levchuk, Ivan Tsikhotskyi. Leksykolohiia suchasnoi ukrainskoi literaturnoi movy. Praktykum: Navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk dlia studentiv I kursu filolohichnoho fakultetu / Ivan Tsikhotskyi, Oksana Levchuk. – Lviv: [b.v.], 2014. – 258 s./ Oksana Levchuk, Ivan Tsikhotskyi. Lexicology of Modern Ukrainian Literary Language. Practicum: Manual for students of I year of Philological Faculty/Ivan Tsikhotskyi, Oksana Levchuk. – Lviv: [b.v.], 2014. – 258.

The manual is intended for work at practical lessons on lexicology of the modern Ukrainian literary language with first-year students of the Faculty of Philology. It contains a list of important topics and questions for the course, recommended readings, a system of practical tasks, schemes of lexicological and phraseological analysis, comparative characteristics and samples of dictionary entries from different types of lexicons and a thematic register of the main dictionaries. For students of the Ukrainian department of the philological faculties.

The book contains tasks for 16 practical lessons in phonetics and phonology, which cover the main topics of the course of phonetics and phonology of the modern Ukrainian literary language. It also includes model tests in phonetics and phonology and related disciplines such as orthoepy, accentology, graphics and orthography, quizzes for distance learning students and guidelines for completing them. The manual is intended for students of philological faculties of universities.

The methodological guidelines contain the requirements for course papers and advice on how to complete them, with the aim of helping a student to organise the work and prepare for the defense of the paper.

The manual is recommended for use in practical lessons on the methodology of teaching the Ukrainian language in secondary schools. It includes a list of important topics for mastering the course as well as questions to them, methodical commentary, recommended literature, system of practical tasks, questions for self-study, list of examination questions, samples of final tests, tasks and samples of control work for students of Ukrainian department of part-time form of studying, applications (samples of notes of lessons in the Ukrainian language, list of works on the Ukrainian language, provided for by the current program).

History of the department

History of the Ukrainian Language Department is closely related to the history of Lviv University, which is one of the oldest in Ukraine. In December 1848, the first Ukrainian Language and Literature Department was opened at Lviv University. The head of the department was Yakiv Holovatsky. Leaders of the department were Omelyan Ohonovsky, Oleksandr Kolessa, Kyrylo Studynskyi, Yan Yaniv, Vasyl Simovych and other prominent Ukrainians. In 1996-2015, the head of the department was Zenoviy Terlak. Since 2016, the head of the department has been Zoryana Kupchynska. And in 2017, the department was named after professor Ivan Kovalyk.

 The Ukrainian Language Department actively promotes international cooperation with Ukrainian centers of the European universities. The department has organized many international and national conferences and seminars; it prepares postgraduate and doctoral students; candidate and doctoral dissertations in the Ukrainian language are defended here. The department cooperates with the Small Academy of Sciences, participates in organizing and conducting contests, competitions of student scientific works etc; the department initiated the creation of the “Center for Linguistic Expertise “, which began to work actively in 2018.

Today the lecturers of the Ukrainian Language Department named after professor Ivan Kovalyk work in different branches of linguistics: terminology, derivatology, grammar, dialectology and linguogeography, methodology of teaching Ukrainian language, lexicography, history of language, phonetics and morphology, onomastics, linguistic Ivan Franko Studies, language culture, history of linguistics, lexical semantics, text linguistics, ethnolinguistics etc.

Department prepares specialists of the first (Bachelor’s) and second (Master’s) degrees in the major 035 Philology (area of specialization – 035.01 Ukrainian language and literature) and Secondary Education in the major 014 (area of specialization – 014.01 Ukrainian language and literature).

Міжнародна англомовна програма для підвищення кваліфікації науково-педагогічних і адміністративних працівників Львівського університету

05.07.2024 | 10:47

Global Academic Communication Program:
Advanced Level
Міжнародна англомовна програма
для підвищення кваліфікації науково-педагогічних і адміністративних працівників
Львівського університету та інших ЗВО України
3 кредити ECTs (сертифікат)

3 вересня – 30 листопада 2024 р. 

Інформація на сайті університету:

Запрошуємо на англомовну програму Global Academic Communication Program: Advanced Level для викладачів, дослідників та адміністрації ЗВО України зі вдосконалення навиків міжнародної академічної комунікації (поглиблений рівень).

Програма націлена на сертифікованих учасників трьох ітерацій програми «Англомовна академічна комунікація» (2022, 2023 і 2024 р. випуску), а також усіх зацікавлених, хто може представити сертифікат про рівень англійської мови (В1+...

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PhD position for the Research Initiative on Post-Soviet Space

23.05.2024 | 14:40

PhD scholarship opportunity at the University of Melbourne:
the Arts Faculty’s Research Initiative on Post-Soviet Space is inviting applicants to undertake a PhD by research. Proposals may be related to Soviet and post-Soviet history, memory studies in post-Soviet space, or Ukrainian Studies.
Deadline for applications: 10 June 2024

Project Summary
The Research Initiative on Post-Soviet Space (RIPSS) invites prospective applicants with an interest in projects aligned with our research focus to submit an Expression of Interest for a PhD.
Project proposals are invited from a...

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Halyna Kruk: “Poetry can be a part and manifestation of a civic position as well…”

13.05.2024 | 14:45

Amelia M. Glaser, Yuliya Ilchuk, and Halyna Kruk, who are shortlisted for A Crash Course in Molotov Cocktails (Arrowsmith Press).

“I try to sit down and write in the mornings before my teaching and meetings begin — even if it’s just a half hour of putting new thoughts into words. Once I have done that, in the afternoon and evening I indulge myself in translating. Translation has always been a way of reading deeply and focusing my thoughts around language. It’s...

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The Grand Futurological Congress

06.05.2024 | 14:41

We live in a volatile and elusive world where the future is difficult to envision as anything other than crises, disasters, and unprecedented change. Such a situation can make one feel perplexed, powerless, and disheartened. It’s increasingly challenging to think comprehensively. It’s becoming more difficult to make long-term plans and carry them out together. It’s even more challenging to look into the future at all. But literature helps us do that.
To show how we’ve convened a five-night Grand Futurological Congress...

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17.04.2024 | 13:35

We invite you to participate in the III International Multidisciplinary Student Internet Conference
which will be held on May 16, 2024
Postgraduates, undergraduates, students of Ukrainian and foreign higher education institutions are invited to participate in the conference!
The conference will focus on the following areas:
1. Philology.
2. History.
3. Ethnology.
4. Culture and arts.
5. Pedagogy.
6. Philosophy.
7. Psychology.
Please fill out the application form below by May 2, 2024, and send your abstract to by May 9, 2024 (requirements and a sample of...

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