Position: Lecturer, The Ukrainian Language Department named after professor Ivan Kovalyk

Scientific degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

Email: oksana.butkovska@lnu.edu.ua

Web page: philology.lnu.edu.ua

Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com

LinkedIn profile: www.linkedin.com

Research interests

  • Ukrainian as a foreign language
  • Ukrainian language for professional purposes
  • Sociolinguistics: the experience of Ukraine and the world
  • Knowledge of language and society in high school
  • Language, public opinion, propaganda
  • Dialectology
  • Methods of teaching the Ukrainian language
  • Modern Ukrainian literary language (lexicology)
  • Modern Ukrainian literary language (syntax)


Chapter in a collective monograph

  • Butkovska O. Formation of the terminology system of modern sociolinguistics: theoretical prerequisites of comparative analysis. Sociolinguistics: Integrative research direction. Acadimic discipline / edited by H. P. Matsyuk. Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2021. P. 152‑


Articles in the international scientometric database Index Copernicus

  • Vasyltsiv O. S. Terms denoting the interaction of language and politics (on the material of Ukrainian, English and Polish languages). Language and society. 2015. Vol. 6. P. 35–45.
  • Butkovska O. Towards the problem of sociolinguistic metalanguage analysis: methodology of stage-by-stage modeling of terminological field. Language and society. 2016. Vol. 7. P. 7–17.
  • Butkovska O. Romaniuk Svitlana. Ukraiński dyskurs polityczny w latach 2010–2014. Analiza lingwistyczna. – Warszawa – Iwano–Frankiwsk, 2016. – 357 s. Language and society. 2016. Vol. 7. P. 156–157.
  • Chuchvara A., Butkovska O. On International Sociolinguistic Conference ‘Sociolinguistic Knowledge as a Way of Developing New Security Culture : Ukraine and the world’. Lviv, December 15-16, 2016. Language and society. 2016. Vol. 7. P. 154-156.
  • Butkovska O. Terms denoting the interaction of languages in the various sociolinguistic traditions. Language and society. Vol. 8. P. 12–21.
  • Butkovska O. Paradigmatic relations in the terminology system of sociolinguistics: semantic group “bilingualism” (on the material of Ukrainian, Polish and English languages). Language and society. 2019. Vol. 10. P. 22-34.

Articles in specialized scientific publications

  • Vasyltsiv O. S. Structural features of two-component terms of sociolinguistics (on the material of Ukrainian, English and Polish languages). Grammatical studies: coll. of science works. 2015. P. 152–157.
  • Vasyltsiv O.S. Structural features of three-component terms of sociolinguistics in the Ukrainian, English and Polish languages. Terminological Bulletin. 2015. Vol. 3 (2). P. 53–61.
  • Vasyltsiv O. S. Word-formative features of one-component sociolinguistic terms in the Ukrainian and English languages. Scientific journal of the National Pedagogical University named after M. P. Drahomanov. Series 10. Problems of grammar and lexicology of Ukrainian language: coll. of science works. 2015. Issue 12. P. 194–199.
  • Vasyltsiv O. S. The phenomenon of antonymy of sociolinguistic terms in the Ukrainian, English and Polish languages. Actual problems of philology and translation studies: coll. of science works. 2015. Vol. 9. P. 23–28.
  • Vasyltsiv O. S. Microfield political communication: Nuclear Zone (on the material of Ukrainian, Polish and English languages). Studia Linguistica: coll. of science works. 2016. Vol. 9. P. 426–434.

Other publications

  • S. Vasyltsiv Hyper-hyponymic relations of the term bilingualism in the Ukrainian and English languages. Zbiór raportów naukovych: Aktualne naukove problemy. Rozpatrzenie, decision, praktyka. 2014. Cz. 5. P. 112–118.
  • Vasyltsiv O.S. The phenomenon of synonymy of sociolinguistic terms in the Ukrainian, English and Polish languages. Studia Ucrainenica Varsoviensia. 2016. P. 43–51.
  • Vasyltsiv O. S. Structure of definition of sociolinguistic term in the Ukrainian, English and Polish languages. Language and society. 2013. Vol. 4. P. 74–81.



In 2013, graduated from the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, speciality “Applied Linguistics”.

In 2016, defended Thesis for a candidate degree in Philology (speciality – 10.02.15 – General Linguistics) on topic ‘Structural and semantic peculiarities of sociolinguistic terms in the Ukrainian, Polish and English languages’. Scientific supervisor – Doctor of Philological Sciences, prof. Halyna Matsyuk.

Since 2016 – assistant of the Department of Ukrainian applied linguistics, from 2021 – assistant of the Department of Ukrainian language named after prof. Ivan Kovalyk.



Executive Secretary and member of the editorial board of the Scholarly journal ”Language and society” which is part of the scientometric database Index Copernicus.

Member of the branch competition commission of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research in sociolinguistics.

Participant of the International Project “Language in Society: Semantics, Syntactics, Pragmatics” 2021-2024 on the basis of an agreement between Warsaw, Wroclaw, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.



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