The Department of Literary Theory and Comparative Literary Studies

  • About the Department
  • Strategy
  • History of the department
  • Employees
  • Research
  • Teaching materials
  • Lecturers' schedule
  • News

Educational programs:

The department prepares specialists of the first (bachelor’s) and second (master’s) levels in the specialty 035 Philology (specialization – 035.01 Ukrainian language and literature, educational program “Creative Writing”). Since 2002, a postgraduate program has been operating at the department, two doctoral and 16 candidate theses were defended.


Strategy of the department


The Department of Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature is one of the leading educational and scholarly centers of Ukraine and Europe. Relying on the fundamental basis of the philological tradition of Ivan Franko Lviv National University, the department continues to develop the heritage of the literary scholarly school in the field of philology. The department trains specialists in creative writing, literary theory, and comparative studies.

At the department work well-known literary scholars. This authors of influential monographs participate in many international forums and conferences, scholarly projects, etc. Among the University professors and lecturers are theorists and historians of literature, translators of artistic works, and popularizers of Ukrainian literature. The department’s employees are focused on strengthening the scientific and intellectual base of the country, forming new generations of the Ukrainian intellectual elite—educated, conscious, spiritually rich citizens.


The Department of Theory of Literary and Comparative Literary is focused on maintaining its high status as one of the leading scientific and educational centers in the field of literary studies, developing an intellectual environment and popularizing humanitarianism among the younger generation, and establishing the traditions of the Lviv school in the field of Comparative Literature. The department should be a prestigious place for acquiring a specialty for philologically gifted young people, a center of cultural progress and international cooperation, a center for the popularization of Ukrainian literature in Europe and the world.


The department conduct studies on “Literature and history: Anthropos—topos—tropos” within the framework of the research topic “Ukrainian mainland and diaspora literature: texts and contexts” (state registration No. 0121U110149).


Chairperson, Professor (by-worker)Mykhailo HnatyukChairperson, Professor (by-worker)
ProfessorOlena HaletaProfessor
ProfessorMykola IlnytskyiProfessor
ProfessorMykola LehkyiProfessor
Associate ProfessorVasyl BudnyyAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorMaryana CheletskaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorUlyana FedorivAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorMaryana HirnyakAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorTaras LuchukAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOleksandra SaliiAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorMariya ZubrytskaAssociate Professor
LecturerYuliya TeplaLecturer

Lecturers' schedule

Teaching materials


  • Hnatiuk M. History of Ukrainian Literary Criticism (XIX- early XX c.): Textbook // Mykhailo Hnatiuk. – Lviv – Brno, 2013. – p. 180


  •  Budnyi V., Ilnytskyi M. Comparative Literature: Textbook for Students of Higher Education. – Kyiv: Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Publishing House, 2008. – p. 430.
  • Ilnytskyi M., Budnyi V. Historical Literary Studies: In 2 parts. Part I. Lecture Course: A Study Guide. – Lviv: Ivan Franko University Center for Publishing, 2007. – p.280.
  •  Ilnytskyi M., Budnyi. Comparative Literary Studies: In 2 parts. Part II. Practical exercises: Textbook. – Lviv: Publishing Center of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2007. – p.144.
  • Ilnytskyi M. Ukrainian Literary Thought in the XX Century (Western Ukraine, Emigration): Textbook. Lviv: I. Franko National University. I. Franko, 2015. p.352.
  • Hnatiuk M. Ivan Franko and the Problems of Literary Theory: Textbook / M. I. Hnatiuk. – p. 240.

Methodological recommendations:

Elearning courses

 “The socialist realist canon in Ukrainian literature: A modern reinterpretation” (by associate professor Ulyana Fedoriv)

“Theory of Literature” (by Professor Olena Haleta)



• “Classical poetics and aesthetics of the postmodern era: denial or transformation?” (2003)

• “Literature in the system of interdisciplinary relations” (2007)

• “Reaching literature at the crossroads of ages (on 75th anniversary of prof. Mykola Ilnytskyi)” (2009)

• “Art is created by rage and reason” (on 100th anniversary of Bohdan Ihor Antonych)” (2009)

• “Literature on the borderland: ambivalence, hybridity, overcoming borders” (2012)

• “Generational phenomenon as rebellion and de(con)struction” (2017)

• “Literature and history: Anthropos—topos—tropos” (2021)

History of the department

Theoretical problems of literature and comparative literary studies have been studied at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv since the beginning of its functioning as a classical European university of the XIX-XX centuries. The roots of this Department go back to 1909 when the Department of Comparative Literary Studies was founded at Lviv National University. The first Head of the Department was Jan Kasprowicz.

A new stage in the study of literary theory and comparative studies is associated with the period of independence of Ukraine when in 2001 the Department of Literary Theory and Comparative Literary Studies was established at the university. The main task of the Department was to give a new impetus to the theoretical and comparative work of literary scholars of the university and of the whole Ukraine. During the period of 2001-2018 the Department was headed by Correspondent Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Professor Mykola Ilnytskyi, since 2018 – by Professor Mykhailo Hnatiuk. Since its inception, a team of scholars has been formed (3 Doctors of Philology and 6 Candidates of Philological Sciences) who make a significant contribution to the development of Philology.

Since 2010, the Department has been preparing graduates in the educational program ‘Literary Art’ of the second (Master’s) educational and scientific degree of higher education for students majoring in 035 Philology, and since 2019 – the first (Bachelor’s) educational and scientific degree of higher education for students majoring in 035 Philology.

The Department of Literary Theory and Comparative Literary Studies is focused on maintaining its high status as one of the leading scholarly and educational centers in the field of literary studies, developing intellectual milieu and popularizing humanities among the younger generation, establishing Lviv comparative school. Ukrainian renowned scholars, who are also famous in international scholarly circles, work at the Department, in particular M. Ilnytskyi, M. Hnatiuk, O. Haleta, V. Budnyi, M. Zubrytska, T. Luchuk, M.Hirniak, M. Cheletska, U. Fedoriv, Yu. Tepla. These are the authors of influential monographs, well-known literary theorists, comparatists, translators of fiction, popularizers of Ukrainian literature, who participate in international scientific forums and research projects. The Department has become a prestigious place for philologically gifted young people to gain specialist expertise, a center of cultural progress and international cooperation.

Міжнародна англомовна програма для підвищення кваліфікації науково-педагогічних і адміністративних працівників Львівського університету

05.07.2024 | 10:47

Global Academic Communication Program:
Advanced Level
Міжнародна англомовна програма
для підвищення кваліфікації науково-педагогічних і адміністративних працівників
Львівського університету та інших ЗВО України
3 кредити ECTs (сертифікат)

3 вересня – 30 листопада 2024 р. 

Інформація на сайті університету:

Запрошуємо на англомовну програму Global Academic Communication Program: Advanced Level для викладачів, дослідників та адміністрації ЗВО України зі вдосконалення навиків міжнародної академічної комунікації (поглиблений рівень).

Програма націлена на сертифікованих учасників трьох ітерацій програми «Англомовна академічна комунікація» (2022, 2023 і 2024 р. випуску), а також усіх зацікавлених, хто може представити сертифікат про рівень англійської мови (В1+...

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PhD position for the Research Initiative on Post-Soviet Space

23.05.2024 | 14:40

PhD scholarship opportunity at the University of Melbourne:
the Arts Faculty’s Research Initiative on Post-Soviet Space is inviting applicants to undertake a PhD by research. Proposals may be related to Soviet and post-Soviet history, memory studies in post-Soviet space, or Ukrainian Studies.
Deadline for applications: 10 June 2024

Project Summary
The Research Initiative on Post-Soviet Space (RIPSS) invites prospective applicants with an interest in projects aligned with our research focus to submit an Expression of Interest for a PhD.
Project proposals are invited from a...

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Halyna Kruk: “Poetry can be a part and manifestation of a civic position as well…”

13.05.2024 | 14:45

Amelia M. Glaser, Yuliya Ilchuk, and Halyna Kruk, who are shortlisted for A Crash Course in Molotov Cocktails (Arrowsmith Press).

“I try to sit down and write in the mornings before my teaching and meetings begin — even if it’s just a half hour of putting new thoughts into words. Once I have done that, in the afternoon and evening I indulge myself in translating. Translation has always been a way of reading deeply and focusing my thoughts around language. It’s...

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The Grand Futurological Congress

06.05.2024 | 14:41

We live in a volatile and elusive world where the future is difficult to envision as anything other than crises, disasters, and unprecedented change. Such a situation can make one feel perplexed, powerless, and disheartened. It’s increasingly challenging to think comprehensively. It’s becoming more difficult to make long-term plans and carry them out together. It’s even more challenging to look into the future at all. But literature helps us do that.
To show how we’ve convened a five-night Grand Futurological Congress...

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17.04.2024 | 13:35

We invite you to participate in the III International Multidisciplinary Student Internet Conference
which will be held on May 16, 2024
Postgraduates, undergraduates, students of Ukrainian and foreign higher education institutions are invited to participate in the conference!
The conference will focus on the following areas:
1. Philology.
2. History.
3. Ethnology.
4. Culture and arts.
5. Pedagogy.
6. Philosophy.
7. Psychology.
Please fill out the application form below by May 2, 2024, and send your abstract to by May 9, 2024 (requirements and a sample of...

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