Vasyl Budnyy
Посада: Доцент, The Department of Literary Theory and Comparative Literary Studies
Науковий ступінь: кандидат філологічних наук
Вчене звання: доцент
Телефон (робочий): (032)239-46-30
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Наукові інтереси
Theory of literature
Receptive aesthetics
History of Ukrainian literature and criticism
Literary comparative studies
Franko studies
Selected Publications
- Budnyy, Vasyl; Ilnytskyi, Mykola. Comparative literature. Kyiv: Kyievo-Mohylianska akademiia, 2008. 430 p.
- Budnyi, Vasyl’. Two Manifests of Modern Literature: “Czech Modern” by Josef Svatopluk Machar and Others and “Words of Criticism” by Ivan Franko. Ukrainske literaturoznavstvo. Issue 74. Lviv, 2011. P. 60–71. URL:
- Budnyi, Vasyl. Historiography of Literary Contemporaneity (Modernism in Methodological Paradigm of Franko as Literary Critic). Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Philology. 2011. Issue 55. P. 62–72. DOI: URL:
- Budnyi, Vasyl. Culturological Aspects of Literary Interpretation (Based on The Observations about Historical Evolution and Methodological Differentiation of Ukrainian Criticism of The Early Modern Age). Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Philology. 2014. Is. 60. Pt. 1. P. 94–111. URL:
- Budnyi, Vasyl. Literary-Critical Portrait: Genre Structure, Evolutionary Lines, Typological Variations. Ukrainian Literary Studies. 2016. Is. 81. P. 131–152. DOI: URL:
- Budnyi, Vasyl’. Ukrainian Modernity in the Literary-Critical Optics of Ivan Franko: Stylistic Typology, Chronology and Poetics. Jahrbuch der VII. Internat. virtuellen Konferenz der Ukrainistik “Dialog der Sprachen – Dialog der Kulturen. Die Ukraine aus globaler Sicht”. Bd. 2016 / Eds. Olena Novikova, Ulrich Schweier, Peter Hilkes. Verlag : readbox unipress Open Publishing LMU, 2017. P. 244 252. URL:
- Budnyi, Vasyl’. Ukrainian Modern in the Literature-Critical Reception of Mykhailo Hrushevskyi. Spheres of Culture / Ed. by Ihor Nabytovych. Lublin, 2017. Vol. XVІ. P. 199 206. URL:
- Budnyi, Vasyl. Literary Manifesto as a Generational Position Paper: Genre Structure, Types and Functions. Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Philology. 2018. Is. 67. Pt. 1. P. 13–27. DOI: URL:
- Budnyi, Vasyl. Artist – Art – Reader: Dialogicity of Franko’s Ideas and Modern Concepts. Ivan Franko: “I Am the Prologue…”: Materials of the International Scientific Congress for the 160th Anniversary of the Birth of Ivan Franko. Lviv, 2019. P. 448 456.
- Budnyi, Vasyl. Bohdan Lepky`s Literary Criticism in “Slovanský Přehled” Journal. Problems Of Slavonic Studies. 2019. Issue 68. Р. 162–174. URL:
- Budnyi, Vasyl. Vasyl Stefanyk in Czechia: Lifetime Perception in Reviews and Translations. Slovo i Chas. URL:
1954 – born in Lviv.
1972-1977 – studied at the Faculty of Philology of Ivan Franko State University of Lviv majoring in “Ukrainian Language and Literature”.
1997 – defended the dissertation “Literary-Critical Aesthetics of the Ukrainian Modern” in the specialty “Ukrainian Literature”.
2002 – at present – Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
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