The Department of Slavic Philology named after Professor Ilarion Svientsitskyi

  • About the Department
  • History of the department
  • Employees
  • Teaching materials
  • Lecturers' schedule
  • News


ChairpersonOlha SorokaChairperson
ProfessorAlla TatarenkoProfessor
ProfessorLiudmyla VasylyevaProfessor
Associate ProfessorOlha AlbulAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorHalyna BushkoAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorZoriana HiletskaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorZoriana HukAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorIhnativ IhnativAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorLidiia KhodaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorNataliia KhorozAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorMariana KlymetsAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOlha KravetsAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorOleksandr MotornyyAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorLobur NadiyaAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorLiubov OstashAssociate Professor
Associate ProfessorMariia VasylyshynAssociate Professor
Senior LecturerOksana LazorSenior Lecturer
Senior LecturerUliana VanchushovychSenior Lecturer
LecturerNadiia BrylynskaLecturer
LecturerPrimož LubejLecturer
Department SecretaryRoksolana LeshchukDepartment Secretary

Lecturers' schedule

Teaching materials

Methodical materials:
Soroka O.
1. Soroka. O. Skazhy tse bolhars’koyu! Ykrains’ko-bolhars’kyi rozmovnyk i slovnyk. (Кажи го на български! Украинско-български разговорник и речник) / Olha Soroka, Bohdan Sokil. – Ternopil: Mandrivets, 2011. – 252 s. / Soroka O. Say it in Bulgarian! Ukrainian-Bulgarian phrasebook and dictionary. (Кажи го на български! Украинско-български разговорник и речник) / Olha Soroka, Bohdan Sokil. – Ternopil: Mandrivets, 2011. – p. 252.
2. Soroka O. Ukrains’ko-bolharskyi rozmovnyk. Frazy. Slova. Komentari.Фрази.Думи. Коментари. Украинско-български разговорник / O. Soroka, B. Sokil, O. Albul, – Uzhhorod: «IVA», 2015, — 222 s. / Soroka O. Ukrainian-Bulgarian phrasebook. Phrases. Words. Comments. Фрази.Думи. Коментари. Украинско-български разговорник/ O. Soroka, B. Sokil, O. Albul, – Uzhhorod: «IVA», 2015, — p. 222.
Tatarenko A.:
3. Tatarenko A. Postmodernizm u serbs’kiy literaturi: Navchal’nuy posibnyk. — Lviv: LA «Piramida», 2013. —196 s. / Tatarenko A. Postmodernism in Serbian literature: a textbook. – Lviv: LA «Piramida», 2013. – p. 196.
4. Aydachych D., Tatarenko A. Serbs’ka literatyra XX st. Khrestomatiya / Vybir ta opratsiuvannia Deyana Aydachycha, Ally Tatarenko. — Kyiv : «Osvits Ukrainy», 2016. — 300 s. / Aydachych D., Tatarenko A. Serbian literature of the twentieth century. Chrestomathy / Selection and elaboration by Dejan Aydachych, Alla Tatarenko. – Kyiv: «Osvita Ukrainy», 2016. – p. 300.
Vasylyeva L.
5. Vasylyeva L., Vollmayer-Lubey Ya., Lubey P., Sokil B. Ukrains’ko-slovens’kyi tematychnyi slovnyk / [ukl. L. P. Vasylyeva L., Vollmayer-Lybey Ya., Lybey P., Sokil B.]. – Lviv: LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2015. — 359 s. / Vasylyeva L., Wallmayer-Lubey Ya., Lubey P., Sokil B. Ukrainian-Slovenian thematic dictionary / [ed. Vasylyeva L., Wallmayer-Lubey Ya., Lubey P., Sokil B.]. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2015. – p. 359.
6. Vasylyeva L., Sokil B. Ukrains’ko-serbs’kyi tematychnyi slovnyk / [ukl. L. P. Vasylyeva, B. M. Sokil, O. B. Tkachuk]. – Lviv: LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2016. — p. 353. / Vasylyeva L., Sokil B. Ukrainian-Serbian thematic dictionary / [ed. L. Vasylyeva, B. Sokil.]. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2016. – p. 349.
7. Vasylyeva L., Sokil B., Tkachuk O. Ukrains’ko-khorvats’kyi tematychnyi slovnyk / [ukl.. L. P. Vasylyeva, B. M. Sokil, O. B. Tkachuk]. – Lviv: LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2016. – 353 s. / Vasylyeva L., Sokil B., Tkachuk O. Ukrainian-Croatian thematic dictionary / [ed. L. Vasylyeva, B. Sokil, O. Tkachuk]. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2016. – p. 353.
8. Vasylyeva L., Tkachuk O., Chumak V. Ukrains’ko-khorvats’kyi slovnyk. Kyiv: Slovnyky Ukrainy, 2018. – 630 s. / Vasylyeva L., Tkachuk O. Chumak V. Ukrainian-Croatian dictionary. Kyiv: Slovnyky Ukrainy, 2018.- p. 630.
Albul O.:
9. Metodichiskiye rekomiendatsyi po bibliograficheskomy opisaniyu proizvidieniy pechati, oformlieniiu ssylok v diplomnykh i kursovykh rabotakh/ Trofymovych K. K., Albul O. A. – Lvov, 1988. / Guidelines for the bibliographic description of printed works, the design of references in diploma and course papers / Trofimovich K., Albul O. – Lviv, 1988.
10. Metodicheskiye ukazaniya k izucheniyu bolgarskogo yazyka (dlya studentov russkogo otdeleniya filologicheskogo fakul’teta)/Albul O.A., Tirtova G.P. – Lvov, 1990. / Guidelines for the study of the Bulgarian language (for students of the Russian Department of the Faculty of Philology) / Albul O., Tirtova H. – Lviv, 1990.
11. Metodicheskiye ukazaniya k izucheniyu serbokhorvatskogo yazyka (dlya studentov russkogo otdeleniya filologicheskogo fakul’teta)/Tirtova G.P., Albul O.A. – Lvov, 1990. / Guidelines for the study of the Serbo-Croatian language (for students of the Russian Department of the Faculty of Philology) / Tirtova H., Albul O. – Lviv, 1990.
12. Robocha prohrama “Staroslovyansʹka mova” (dlya studentiv nefilolohichnykh spetsialʹnostey/Fedyk L.S., Yarmolyuk M.O., Albul O.A. – Lviv, 1998. / Working program «Old Slavonic language» for students of non-philological specialties / Feduk L., Yarmolyuk M., Albul O. – Lviv, 1998.
13. Metodychni vkazivky do vyvchennya kursu “Istorychna hramatyka bolharsʹkoyi movy”. – Lviv, 1998. / Methodical guidelines for studying the course «Historical Grammar of the Bulgarian Language». – Lviv, 1998.
14. Metodychni vkazivky do napysannya ta oformlennya kvalifikatsiynykh robit(dlya studentiv slovyansʹkoho viddilennya)/Petrukhina L.E., Albul O.A. – Lviv, 2003. / Methodical guidelines for writing and design of qualification works (for students of the Slavic department) / Petrukhina L., Albul O. – Lviv, 2003.
15. Metodychni vkazivky do napysannya ta oformlennya kvalifikatsiynykh robit(dlya studentiv slovyansʹkoho viddilennya)/Albul O.A., Kravchuk A.M., Petrukhina L.E.). – Lviv, 2011. / Methodical guidelines for writing and design of qualification works (for students of the Slavic department) / Albul O., Kravchuk A., Petrukhina L.). – Lviv, 2011.
Vasylyshyn M.:
16. Zbirnyk tekstiv dlya chytannya zi serbsʹkoyi movy z leksyko-hramatychnym komentarem i pytannyamy do dyskusiy: praktykum ∕ M.B.Vasylyshyn, M.YU.Klymetsʹ, N.S.Khoroz. Lviv: SPDFO “Marusych M.M.”, 2013. – 56 s. / Collection of texts for reading in the Serbian language with lexical and grammatical commentary and questions for discussion: workshop ∕ M. Vasylyshyn, M. Klymets, N. Khoroz. Lviv: business entity “Marusych M. M.”, 2013. – p. 56.
17. Da ty kazhem joshovo: navchalʹnyy posibnyk ∕ M.B. Vasylyshyn, M.YU.Klymetsʹ, N.S.Khoroz. – Lʹviv: LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2014. – 116 s. / Da ty kazhem joshovo:a textbook ∕ M. Vasylyshyn N. Klimets, N. Khoroz. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2014. – p. 116.
18. Zbirnyk vprav z khorvatsʹkoyi movy (Diyeslovo): navchalʹnyy posibnyk ∕ N.S.Khoroz, M.YU. Klymetsʹ, M.B.Vasylyshyn). Lʹviv: LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2014. – 156 s. / Collection of exercises in the Croatian language (Verb): textbook ∕ N. Khoroz, M. Klymets, M. Vasylyshyn). Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2014. – p. 156.
Hiletska Z.:
19. Hiletsʹka Zoryana. Slovatsʹko-ukrayinsʹkyi slovnyk linhvistychnoyi terminolohiyi. – Lʹviv: LNU im. Ivana Franka, 2022. – 222 s. / Hiletska Zoryana. Slovak-Ukrainian dictionary of linguistic terminology. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2022. – p. 222.
Huk Z.:
20. Huk Z. Serbsʹkyi imennyk ta prykmetnyk: slovozmina. Navchalʹnyi posibnyk. – Lʹviv, 2017. – 104 s. / Huk Z. Serbian noun and adjective: word change. Tutorial. – Lviv, 2017. – p. 104.
21. Huk Z. Serbsʹkyi imennyk ta prykmetnyk: slovozmina. Navchalʹnyi posibnyk. Vyd. 2-he, dopovn. Ta vypravl. – Lʹviv: PAIS, 2019. – 136 s. / Huk Z. Serbian noun and adjective: word change. Tutorial. Ed. 2nd, add. and corrected. – Lviv: PAIS , 2019. – p. 136.
Kravets O.:
22. Kravetsʹ Olʹha. «Teoriya ta praktyka perekladu» – Analiz, poshuk, syntez yak skladovi perekladatsʹkoho protsesu (leksyko-stylistychni osoblyvosti perekladu opovidannya Ivo Andrycha «Knyha») – Lʹviv, 2003. – 24 s. / Kravets Olha. «Theory and practice of translation» – Analysis, search, synthesis as components of the translation process (lexical and stylistic features of the translation of Ivo Andrych’s short story «Knyha») – Lviv, 2003. – p. 24.
23. Kravetsʹ Olʹha. «Okremi aspekty mizhslovyansʹkykh literaturnykh vzayemyn (sproba komparatyvnoho doslidzhennya ukrayinsʹko–khorvatsʹkykh literaturnykh zvyazkiv XIX–XX st.» – Mizhslovyansʹki literaturni vzayemyny 30-60-kh rokiv XIX stolittya. Okremi aspekty. Metodolohichni zauvahy dlya slavistychnykh studiy – Lʹviv, 2004. – 32. / Kravets Olha. «Particular aspects of inter-Slavic literary relations (an attempt at a comparative study of Ukrainian-Croatian literary relations of the 19th-20th centuries.» – Inter-Slavic literary relations of 30-60-ies of the 19th century. Particular aspects. Methodological remarks for Slavic studies – Lviv, 2004 – 32.
Lobur N.:
1. O. Antonenko, N. Lobur, O.Palamarchuk, H.Strelʹchuk, M.Shevchenko. Ukrayinsʹko-chesʹkyi slovnyk linhvistychnoyi terminolohiyi. – Lʹviv: Vydavnychyy tsentr Lʹvivsʹkoho natsionalʹnoho universytetu imeni Ivana Franka, 2009. – 200 s. / O. Antonenko, N. Lobur, O. Palamarchuk, H. Strelchuk, M. Shevchenko. Ukrainian-Czech Dictionary of Linguistic Terminology. – Lviv: Publishing house of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2009. – p. 200.
2. Yirzhi Hasil, Nadiya Lobur, Olʹha Palamarchuk.Chesʹka mova dlya ukrayintsiv. Pidruchnyk. Chastyna 1. – Lʹviv: Vydavnychyy tsentr LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2011. – 295 s. / Yirzhi Hasil, Nadiya Lobur, Olha Palamarchuk. Czech language for Ukrainians. Textbook. Part 1. – Lviv: Publishing house of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2011. – p. 295.
3. O. L. Palamarchuk, O. V. Antonenko, N. V. Lobur. Iz zhyttya suchasnoyi Chekhiyi II. Navchalʹnyy posibnyk z analitychnoho chytannya dlya studentiv slavistiv 3-4 kursiv. Druhe vydannya, rozshyrene i dopovnene. Kyyiv. Vyd-vo «Osvita Ukrayiny», 2014, 205 s. / O. Palamarchuk, O. Antonenko, N. Lobur. From the life of modern Czech Republic II. A textbook on analytical reading for 3-4-years students of Slavic Philology. The second edition, expanded and supplemented. Kyiv. Publishing House «Osvita Ukrainy», 2014, – p. 205.
Motornyi O.:
24. Motornyi O. Chesʹka mova – dostupno ta tsikavo (metodychni rekomendatsiyi z suchasnoyi chesʹkoyi movy). – Lʹviv. Payis, 2015. / Motornyi O. Czech language – accessible and interesting (methodical recommendations on modern Czech language). – Lviv. PAIS, 2015.
25. Brylynsʹka N. Motornyi O. Istoriya chesʹkoyi literatury. Vid zarodzhennya do seredyny XX st.: zbirnyk testovykh zavdanʹ / Nadiya Brylynsʹka, Oleksandr Motornyy. – Lʹviv : PAIS, 2019. – 320 s. / Brylynska N. Motornyi O. History of Czech literature. From the beginning to the middle of the 20th century: a collection of test tasks / Nadiya Brylynska, Oleksandr Motornyi. – Lviv: PAIS, 2019. – p. 320.
Lazor O.:
26. Rozdil VI. Kulʹturnyy rozvytok: nauka / Motornyy V., Lazor O., Adamenko S. // Luzhytsʹki Serby: posibnyk z narodoznavstva pid zah. Red. V. Motornoho ta D. Sholʹtse. – Lʹviv: Misioner, 1997. – S. 132–142. / Section VI. Cultural development: science / Motornyi V., Lazor O., Adamenko S. // Lusatian Serbs: a guide to ethnography , gen. ed. V. Motornyi and D. Scholze. – Lviv: Missioner, 1997. – P. 132–142.
27. Rozdil VII. Kulʹturni dialohy: ukrayinsʹko-luzhytsʹki kulʹturni ta literaturni zvʺyazky XIX st. / Motornyy V., Hnatyuk M., Felʹkelʹ M., Lazor O. // Luzhytsʹki serby: posibnyk z narodoznavstva pid zah. red. V. Motornoho ta D. Sholʹtse. – Lʹviv: Misioner, 1997. – S. 228–237. / Section VII. Cultural Dialogues: Ukrainian-Lusatian Cultural and Literary Relations of the 19th century/ Motornyi V., Hnatyuk M., Felkel M., Lazor O. // Lusatian Serbs: a guide to ethnography, gen. ed. V. Motornyi and D. Scholze. – Lviv: Missioner, 1997. – p. 228–237.
28. Rozdil VII. Kulʹturni dialohy: ukrayinsʹko-luzhytsʹki kulʹturni vzayemyny XX st. /Motornyy V., Hnatyuk M., Felʹkelʹ M., Lazor O. // Luzhytsʹki serby: posibnyk z narodoznavstva pid zah. red. V. Motornoho ta D. Sholʹtse. – Lʹviv: Misioner, 1997. – S. 238–245. / Section VII. Cultural dialogues: Ukrainian-Lusatian cultural relations of the 20th century. Motornyi V., Hnatyuk M., Felkel M., Lazor O. // Lusatian Serbs: a guide to ethnography, gen. ed. V. Motornyi and D. Scholze. – Lviv: Missioner, 1997. – p. 238–245.
29. Heohrafichnyy pokazhchyk / Lazor O., Shen F. // Luzhytsʹki serby: posibnyk z narodoznavstva pid zah. red. V. Motornoho ta D. Sholʹtse. – Lʹviv: Misioner, 1997. – S. 258–259. / Geographical index / Lazor O., Shen F. // Lusatian Serbs: a guide to ethnography, gen. ed. V. Motornyi and D. Scholze. – Lviv: Misioner, 1997. – p. 258–259.
30. Imennyy pokazhchyk / Lazor O., Adamenko S. // Luzhytsʹki serby: posibnyk z narodoznavstva pid zah. red. V. Motornoho ta D. Sholʹtse. – Lʹviv: Misioner, 1997. – S. 260–265. / Nominal index / Lazor O., Adamenko S. // Lusatian Serbs: a guide to ethnography, gen. ed. V. Motornyi and D. Scholze. – Lviv: Misioner, 1997. – p. 260–265.
31. Materialy do vyvchennya staroslovyansʹkoyi movy /Albul O., Lazor O. – Lʹviv, 2018. – 82 s. / Materials for the study of the Old Slavonic language / Albul O., Lazor O. – Lviv, 2018. – p. 82.
Educational and methodical publications
32. Teoriya ta praktyka perekladu (robocha prohrama dlya studentiv slovʺyansʹkoho viddilennya filolohichnoho fakulʹtetu) / Lazor O. – Lʹviv: LNU im. I. Franka, 2002. – 12 s. / Theory and practice of translation (working program for students of the Slavic department of the Faculty of Philology) / Lazor O. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2002. – p. 12.
33. Chesʹkyy folʹklor / Lazor O. // Lʹvivsʹka bohemistyka. Prohramy teoretychnykh kursiv zi spetsialʹnosti chesʹka mova i literatura”. – Lʹviv: Vydavnychyy tsentr LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2006. – S. 83–92. / Czech folklore / Lazor O. // Lviv Bohemian Studies. Programs of theoretical courses in the specialty «Czech language and literature». – Lviv: the Publishing House of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2006. – p. 83–92.
34. Slovatsʹkyy folʹklor / Lazor O. // Lʹvivsʹka slovakistyka. Prohramy teoretychnykh kursiv zi spetsialʹnosti “Slovatsʹka mova i literatura”. – Lʹviv, 2006. – S. 92–101. / Slovak folklore / Lazor O. // Lviv Slovak Studies. Programs of theoretical courses in the specialty «Slovak language and literature». – Lviv, 2006. – p. 92–101.
Ostash L.:
35. Ostash L.R. Metodychni rekomendatsiyi i testovi zavdannya z morfolohiyi suchasnoyi chesʹkoyi movy (imennyk) / Lyubov Ostash. – Lʹviv : PAIS, 2010. – 80 s. / Ostash L. Methodical recommendations and test tasks on the morphology of the modern Czech language (noun) / Lyubov Ostash. – Lviv: PAIS, 2010. – p. 80.
36. Ostash L.R. Vyvchaymo chesʹku movu : zbirnyk testovykh zavdanʹ : navchalʹnyy posibnyk / Lyubov Ostash. – Lʹviv : PAIS, 2018. – 164 s. / Ostash L. Let’s study the Czech language: a collection of test tasks: a textbook / Lyubov Ostash. – Lviv: PAIS, 2018. – p. 164.
Khoda L.:
37. Khoda L.D. Piznaymo Slovachchynu razom: zbirnyk tekstiv i zavdanʹ zi slovatsʹkoyi movy z mizhkulʹturnoyi komunikatsiyi / L.D. Khoda. – Lʹviv: PAIS, 2017. – 168 s. / Khoda L. Let’s discover Slovakia together: a collection of texts and tasks in the Slovak language on intercultural communication / L. Khoda. – Lviv: PAIS, 2017. – p. 168.
Khoroz N., Klymets M.:
38. Zbirnyk tekstiv dlya chytannya zi serbsʹkoyi movy z leksyko-hramatychnym komentarem i pytannyamy do dyskusiy: praktykum / M.B.Vasylyshyn, M. Yu. Klymetsʹ, N.S.Khoroz. – Lʹviv: SPDFO „Marusych M.M.“, 2013. – 56 s. / Collection of texts for reading in the Serbian language with lexical and grammatical commentary and questions for discussion: workshop / M. Vasylyshyn, M. Klymets, N. Khoroz. – Lviv: business entity «Marusych M. M.», 2013. – p. 56.
39. Zbirnyk vprav iz khorvatsʹkoyi movy (Diyeslovo): navchalʹnyy posibnyk / N.S. Khoroz, M. Yu. Klymetsʹ, M.B. Vasylyshyn. – Lʹviv: LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2014. – 156 s. / Collection of exercises in the Croatian language (Verb): textbook / N. Khoroz, M. Klimets, M. Vasylyshyn. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2014. – p. 156.
40. Da ty kazhem ǰosh ovo: navchalʹnyy posibnyk / M.B.Vasylyshyn, M.Yu. Klymetsʹ, N.S. Khoroz. – Lʹviv: LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2014. – 116 s. / Da ti kazem josh ovo: navchalnyi posibnyk / M. Vasylyshyn, M. Klymets, N. Khoroz. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2014. – p. 116.
41. Suchasna slovensʹka literatura. Vybrane : antolohiya / uporyad. Primozh Lubey, Maryana Klymetsʹ, Nataliya Khoroz. – Lʹviv : LNU imeni Ivana Franka, 2017. – 252 st. / Contemporary Slovenian literature. Selected: anthology / order. Primozh Lubey, Maryana Klimets, Natalia Khoroz. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2017. – p. 252.

History of the department

The Department of Slavic Philology was established on January 24, 1888 under the name “Institute of Comparative Philology of Slavic Languages, Literatures and Art”. The Department of Slavic Philology had a theoretical philological and linguistic orientation and relied mainly on comparative historical principles, subsequently expanding the composition of languages, making the study of the spiritual life of the Slavic peoples more profound and substantial, paying attention to issues of methodology and the compilation of educational materials.

Today the Department is one of the most influential educational and research centers of Slavistics in Ukraine. It trains specialists of the first educational degree (Bachelors) and the second educational degree (Masters) of six areas of specialization: 035. 032 “Slavic Languages and Literatures (Translation Including), first – Bulgarian”, 035. 035 “Slavic Languages and Literatures (Translation Including), first – Serbian”, 035.036 “Slavic Languages and Literatures (Translation Including), first – Slovak”, 035.037 “Slavic Languages and Literatures (Translation Including), first – Croatian”, 035.038 “Slavic Languages and Literatures (Translation Including), first – Czech” 035.039 “Slavic Languages and Literatures (Translation Including), first – Slovenian “. During the course of study, in addition to the main Slavic language, students can also study Ukrainian, English and one more Slavic language of their choice.

The teaching staff of the Department is engaged in the study of topical problems of Slavic linguistics and literary studies, comparative studies, literary theory, history of Slavic studies, translation studies, methods of teaching Slavic languages and literatures, Ukrainian-Inoslavic relations, as well as Sorabistics in Ukraine and Europe.

The Department is one of the influential centers of translation of Ukrainian literature into Slavic languages, translation and popularization of Slavic literatures in Ukraine. The curator of this area of study is Professor Alla Tatarenko.

For twenty years, the Department has been cooperating with scientific institutions, international organizations and universities in Ukraine, Bulgaria, Belarus, Germany, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Croatia, the Czech Republic and other countries. The teaching staff and students of the Department participate in congresses, conferences, colloquia, as well as in international projects, scientific seminars, teaching practices, meetings with foreign guests, scientific internships, and summer schools. The teachers of the Department have been awarded with prizes and merit certificates from foreign universities, creative associations and organizations on multiple occasions.

Міжнародна англомовна програма для підвищення кваліфікації науково-педагогічних і адміністративних працівників Львівського університету

05.07.2024 | 10:47

Global Academic Communication Program:
Advanced Level
Міжнародна англомовна програма
для підвищення кваліфікації науково-педагогічних і адміністративних працівників
Львівського університету та інших ЗВО України
3 кредити ECTs (сертифікат)

3 вересня – 30 листопада 2024 р. 

Інформація на сайті університету:

Запрошуємо на англомовну програму Global Academic Communication Program: Advanced Level для викладачів, дослідників та адміністрації ЗВО України зі вдосконалення навиків міжнародної академічної комунікації (поглиблений рівень).

Програма націлена на сертифікованих учасників трьох ітерацій програми «Англомовна академічна комунікація» (2022, 2023 і 2024 р. випуску), а також усіх зацікавлених, хто може представити сертифікат про рівень англійської мови (В1+...

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PhD position for the Research Initiative on Post-Soviet Space

23.05.2024 | 14:40

PhD scholarship opportunity at the University of Melbourne:
the Arts Faculty’s Research Initiative on Post-Soviet Space is inviting applicants to undertake a PhD by research. Proposals may be related to Soviet and post-Soviet history, memory studies in post-Soviet space, or Ukrainian Studies.
Deadline for applications: 10 June 2024

Project Summary
The Research Initiative on Post-Soviet Space (RIPSS) invites prospective applicants with an interest in projects aligned with our research focus to submit an Expression of Interest for a PhD.
Project proposals are invited from a...

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Halyna Kruk: “Poetry can be a part and manifestation of a civic position as well…”

13.05.2024 | 14:45

Amelia M. Glaser, Yuliya Ilchuk, and Halyna Kruk, who are shortlisted for A Crash Course in Molotov Cocktails (Arrowsmith Press).

“I try to sit down and write in the mornings before my teaching and meetings begin — even if it’s just a half hour of putting new thoughts into words. Once I have done that, in the afternoon and evening I indulge myself in translating. Translation has always been a way of reading deeply and focusing my thoughts around language. It’s...

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The Grand Futurological Congress

06.05.2024 | 14:41

We live in a volatile and elusive world where the future is difficult to envision as anything other than crises, disasters, and unprecedented change. Such a situation can make one feel perplexed, powerless, and disheartened. It’s increasingly challenging to think comprehensively. It’s becoming more difficult to make long-term plans and carry them out together. It’s even more challenging to look into the future at all. But literature helps us do that.
To show how we’ve convened a five-night Grand Futurological Congress...

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17.04.2024 | 13:35

We invite you to participate in the III International Multidisciplinary Student Internet Conference
which will be held on May 16, 2024
Postgraduates, undergraduates, students of Ukrainian and foreign higher education institutions are invited to participate in the conference!
The conference will focus on the following areas:
1. Philology.
2. History.
3. Ethnology.
4. Culture and arts.
5. Pedagogy.
6. Philosophy.
7. Psychology.
Please fill out the application form below by May 2, 2024, and send your abstract to by May 9, 2024 (requirements and a sample of...

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