Посада: Lyceum № 1 of Zymna Voda, Headmaster, Старший викладач, The Ukrainian Language Department named after professor Ivan Kovalyk
Науковий ступінь: кандидат філологічних наук
Електронна пошта: oksana.levchuk@lnu.edu.ua
Веб-сторінка: philology.lnu.edu.ua
Профіль у LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com
Наукові інтереси
- Folkloristics
- ethnolinguistics
- linguistic folkloristics
- zoomorphic symbolism of the Ukrainian folklore
- Interpretation of the symbol of a horse in the works on folklore. Visnyk of Lviv University. Series Philology. Lviv, 2007. Issue 37. P. 388-393.
- The symbolic meaning of zoonim horse (in Ukrainian folk paremias, riddles and phraseological units). Visnyk of Lviv University. Series Philology. Lviv, 2009. Issue 46. Vol. I. P. 267-273.
- The linguistic image of horse and his attributive descriptions in Ukrainian song folklore/ Visnyk of Lviv University. Series Philology. Lviv, 2012. Issue 57. P. 136-146.
- Attributive characteristics of a horse in the sub-dialect of batiuks (based on the materials of dialect records by I. Verkhratskyi). Visnyk of Lviv University. Series Philology. Lviv, 2017. Issue 64. Vol. II. P. 222-227.
- Verbalization of the functions of the horse in the Ukrainian folk song. Visnyk of Lviv University. Series Philology. Lviv, 2018. Issue 68. P. 281–292.
- Principles and motives of giving modern Ukrainian nicknames to horses. Visnyk of Lviv University. Series Philology. Lviv, 2019. Issue 71. Vol. II. P. 420–425.
- Genesis and «social» essence of the image of a horse in the Ukrainian folk culture of the world. Scientific notes of V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University. Series: “Philology. Journalism”. Kyiv, 2019. Issue 30 (69). № 3, Vol. II. P. 171-176.
- Some aspects of the “social status” of a horse in the Ukrainian oral folk tradition. Scientific notes of V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University. Series: “Philology. Journalism”. Kyiv, 2021. Issue 32 (71). № 4, Vol. III. P. 127-132.
I was born on November 27-th 1979 in the village of Zymna Voda of Lviv region. In 2002 I graduated with honors from the philological faculty of Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko. My specialty was folkloristics and I’ve got qualification “A philologist, folklorist. A lecturer of Ukrainian Language and Literature.”
From 2002 till 2016 I was a senior laboratory assistant at the Ukrainian language department. At the same time I worked as a Ukrainian language and literature teacher at the preparatory courses pre-university faculty. Now it’s the Institute of postgraduate education.
From 2003 till 2010 I studied at the graduate school of the Ukrainian folkloristics department named after Filaret Kolessa.
From 2010 till 2016 I had a part-time job as an assistant at the Ukrainian Language department. From 2016 till 2021 I was a senior lecturer at the same department and it was my main place of work.
From July 2021 I am a headmaster of Lyceum № 1 of Zymna Voda and I have a part-time job as a senior lecturer at the Ukrainian language department named after Ivan Kovalyk.
In 2021 I defended my thesis «The image of a horse within the system of zoomorphic symbolism of the Ukrainian folklore» and received a Candidate Degree in Philology in specialty 10.01.07 – Folklore Studies.
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