Oresta Matsiak (Basa)

Посада: Доцент, The Ukrainian Literature Department named after academician Mykhailo Vozniak

Телефон (робочий): 0322394190

Електронна пошта: oresta.basa@lnu.edu.ua

Профіль у Google Scholar: scholar.google.com.ua

Профіль у Facebook: www.facebook.com

Наукові інтереси

Modern Ukrainian prose of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, interaction of literature with other types of art – music, painting, cinema.


  1. Basa O. Her Lilies (O. Kobylianska’s Works about Herself) / Oresta Basa // Materials of the All-Ukrainian Scientific Seminar “The Phenomenon of Textuality in Modern Culture” (May 3-5, 1997, Lviv). — A young nation. — K.: Smoloskyp, 1997. — No. 5. — P. 35-40.
  2. Basa O. Olha Kobylianska’s Carpathian Marine Landscapes / Oresta Basa// Literary Zoshyty. Studies. Publications. Reviews. Bibliography. — Lviv: Ivan Franko LNU Publishing Center, 2001. — N. 1. — P. 110-114.
  3. Matsiak (Basa) O. Musical Discourse of Olha Kobylianska’s Prose / O. Matsiak (Basa) // Literary Studies. — K.: PPC “Kyiv University”, 2004. — Issue 9. — P. 148 – 155.
  4. Matsiak (Basa) O. “Synthesis of Arts” as a Literary Term: Argumentation and Definition / Oresta Matsiak (Basa) // Current Problems of Modern Philology. Literary Studies. Collection of Scientific Papers. Issue XIII / Editorial board Polishchuk Y. and others. — Rivne: Perspective, 2004. — P. 28-33.
  5. Matsiak (Basa) O. Olha Kobylianska’s Associative and Nominative Painting / Oresta Matsiak (Basa) // Scientific Bulletin of Chernivtsi University: Collection of Scientific Articles. Issue 216 – 217. Slavonic Philology. Olha Kobylianska — Writer and Citizen: National and Universal. To the 140th anniversary of the birth. — Chernivtsi: Books – XXI, 2004. — P. 55 – 58.
  6. Matsiak O. Accords as a Type of Fragmentary Prose of Olha Kobylyanska / Oresta Matsiak // Ukrainian Literary Studies. — Lviv, 2006. — Issue 67. — P. 76 – 81.
  7. Matsiak O. Ivan Franko’s Treatise “From the Secrets of Poetic Creativity” in the Context of the Theory of the Synthesis of Arts / Oresta Matsiak // Ivan Franko: Spirit, Science, Thought, Will: Materials of the International Scientific Congress Dedicated to the 150th Anniversary of Ivan Franko’s Birth (Lviv, September 27 – October 1, 2006). ― Lviv: Ivan Franko LNU Publishing Center, 2008. ― Vol. 1. ― P. 435-444.
  8. O. Matsiak O. Kobylyanska’s Sketch “Under Open Sky” as the Verbal Graphics / Oresta Matsiak // Scientific Bulletin of Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University: Collection of Scientific Articles. ― Chernivtsi: Ruta, 2011. ― Issue: 545 – 546: Slavonic Philology. — P. 90-93.
  9. Matsiak O. Kobylianska and Chopin: Without Imitation / Oresta Matsiak // Paradigma: Collection of Scientific Works. ― Lviv: Institute of Ukrainian Studies named after I. Krypyakevych of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2013. ― Vol. 7. ― P. 221 – 230.
  10. Matsiak O. “Forest Song” by Lesya Ukrainka — Music as Ontology / Oresta Matsiak // Musical Texture of a Literary Text: Intermedial Studies / editor by Svitlana Macenka. — Lviv: Apriori, 2017. — P. 75 – 78.


Oresta Basa was born on June 11, 1972 in Lviv. In 1995, she graduated with honors from the Faculty of Philology of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, majoring in Ukrainian language and literature. In 1995-1998, she was a post-graduate student of the Department of Ukrainian Literature named after Acad. M. Wozniak of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. In 1998-1999, she was a junior researcher at the research department of Ivan Franko Lviv National University. Since 1999 – at the Department of Ukrainian Literature named after Acad. M. Wozniak: laboratory assistant (1999-2004), senior laboratory assistant (2004-2010), part-time assistant (2008-2010), associate professor (since 2010). In 2006, she successfully defended her thesis “Arts Synthesis in Olha Kobylyanska’s Prose: the Problem of the Writer’s Self-Identification” for the degree of candidate of philological sciences with a specialty of 10.01.01 – Ukrainian literature.


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