Uliana Parubiy
Посада: Доцент, The Department of Ukrainian Folklore Studies named after Academician Filaret Kolessa
Науковий ступінь: кандидат філологічних наук
Вчене звання: доцент
Телефон (робочий): (032) 239-47-20
Електронна пошта: ulyana.parubiy@lnu.edu.ua
Профіль у Google Scholar: scholar.google.com
Профіль ORCID: orcid.org
Наукові інтереси
Ukrainian folk lore, theory and poetics of folklore, textual scholarship of folklore.
- Parubiy U.Yu. Ukrainian Occasional ceremonial poetry: the problem of genre differentiation // Mandrivets. Ternopil, 2005. No2 (55). P. 34–39.
- Parubiy U.Yu. Key Methodological Principles of Structural Characteristics of Texts in Spell-casting and Incantation Poetry // Journal of Lviv University. Lviv, 2007. P. 232–239. (Philology Series; issue 41. Commemorating the 190th anniversary of M.Kostomarov and the 110th death anniversary of P.Kulish).
- Parubiy U.Yu. Narrative Peculiarities and Structural Models of Texts in Spell-casting and Incantation Poetry (based on the collection of papers “Polissya Spells (as recorded in 1970/1990’s)” // Фальклорная спадчына Р. Шырмы і Г. Цітовіча: вопыт збіральніцкай, науковай і папулярызатарскай дзейнасці у кантэксце праблем адраджэння традыцыйнай культуры вёскі: матэриалы ІХ Міжнар. навук. канф., (29–30 лістап. 2007 г., г. Мінск) / Бел. дзярж. ун-т; рэдкал. І. С. Роуда [і інш.]; уклад. Т. А. Марозава. Minsk: Parkus Plus, 2008. P. 155– 159.
- Parubiy U.Yu. Subject-Object Specificity of Narrative Models in Incantations // Lviv University Journal. Lviv, 2010. P. 315–320. (Philology Series; issue 43).
- Parubiy U. Peculiarities of Functioning of Spell-Casting and Incantation Traditions in the Villages of West Boyko Region (geography of usage) // Lemkowie, Bojkowie, Rusini historia, współczesność, kultura materialna i duchowa. Zielona Góra, 20015. P. 683–693.
- Parubiy U. Variability of Spell-Casting and Incantation Texts in the Villages of Western Boyko Region // Ukrainian Studies – Past, Present, and Future: collection of research papers “Ukrajinistika: minulost, přítomnost, budoucnost” III. Brno, 2015. P. 463–470.
- Parubiy U. Semantics of Incantation Formula “uroky na soroky” // Mythology and Folk Lore. Ukrainian Research and Education Journal. Lviv, 2017. No1– 4. P. 46–52.
Uliana Yuriyivna Parubiy is a philologist, folk lore scholar, Candidate of Philology (2020), assistant professor at the Filaret Kolessa Department of Ukrainian Folk Lore Studies (2017).
- 26.12.1978 in Lviv.
In 2001, she graduated from the Philology Faculty, at Ivan Franko Lviv National University. In 2007, finished her post-graduate studies at the Department of Ukrainian Folk Lore Studies of Ivan Franko Lviv National University.
2007–2019 – senior administrative assistant at the Department of Ukrainian Literature. 2017 – present – assistant professor at the Filaret Kolessa Department of Ukrainian Folk Lore Studies at Ivan Franko National University in Lviv.
In 2019, she presented her Candidate thesis on “Ukrainian Spell-Casting and Incantation Poetry: Structural and Semantic Peculiarities and the Genre Poetics” at Ivan Franko Lviv National University.
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