Uliana Parubiy

Position: Associate Professor, The Department of Ukrainian Folklore Studies named after Academician Filaret Kolessa

Scientific degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

Academic status: Associate Professor

Phone (office): (032) 239-47-20

Email: ulyana.parubiy@lnu.edu.ua

Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com

Профіль ORCID: orcid.org

Research interests

Ukrainian folk lore, theory and poetics of folklore, textual scholarship of folklore.


  1. Parubiy U.Yu. Ukrainian Occasional ceremonial poetry: the problem of genre differentiation // Mandrivets. Ternopil, 2005. No2 (55). P. 34–39.
  2. Parubiy U.Yu. Key Methodological Principles of Structural Characteristics of Texts in Spell-casting and Incantation Poetry // Journal of Lviv University. Lviv, 2007. P. 232–239. (Philology Series; issue 41. Commemorating the 190th anniversary of M.Kostomarov and the 110th death anniversary of P.Kulish).
  3. Parubiy U.Yu. Narrative Peculiarities and Structural Models of Texts in Spell-casting and Incantation Poetry (based on the collection of papers “Polissya Spells (as recorded in 1970/1990’s)” // Фальклорная спадчына Р. Шырмы і Г. Цітовіча: вопыт збіральніцкай, науковай і папулярызатарскай дзейнасці у кантэксце праблем адраджэння традыцыйнай культуры вёскі: матэриалы ІХ Міжнар. навук. канф., (29–30 лістап. 2007 г., г. Мінск) / Бел. дзярж. ун-т; рэдкал. І. С. Роуда [і інш.]; уклад. Т. А. Марозава. Minsk: Parkus Plus, 2008. P. 155– 159.
  4. Parubiy U.Yu. Subject-Object Specificity of Narrative Models in Incantations // Lviv University Journal. Lviv, 2010. P. 315–320. (Philology Series; issue 43).
  5. Parubiy U. Peculiarities of Functioning of Spell-Casting and Incantation Traditions in the Villages of West Boyko Region (geography of usage) // Lemkowie, Bojkowie, Rusini historia, współczesność, kultura materialna i duchowa. Zielona Góra, 20015. P. 683–693.
  6. Parubiy U. Variability of Spell-Casting and Incantation Texts in the Villages of Western Boyko Region // Ukrainian Studies – Past, Present, and Future: collection of research papers “Ukrajinistika: minulost, přítomnost, budoucnost” III. Brno, 2015. P. 463–470.
  7. Parubiy U. Semantics of Incantation Formula “uroky na soroky” // Mythology and Folk Lore. Ukrainian Research and Education Journal. Lviv, 2017. No1– 4. P. 46–52.


Uliana Yuriyivna Parubiy is a philologist, folk lore scholar, Candidate of Philology (2020), assistant professor at the Filaret Kolessa Department of Ukrainian Folk Lore Studies (2017).

  1. 26.12.1978 in Lviv.

In 2001, she graduated from the Philology Faculty, at Ivan Franko Lviv National University. In 2007, finished her post-graduate studies at the Department of Ukrainian Folk Lore Studies of Ivan Franko Lviv National University.

2007–2019 – senior administrative assistant at the Department of Ukrainian Literature.  2017 – present – assistant professor at the Filaret Kolessa Department of Ukrainian Folk Lore Studies at Ivan Franko National University in Lviv.

In 2019, she presented her Candidate thesis on “Ukrainian Spell-Casting and Incantation Poetry: Structural and Semantic Peculiarities and the Genre Poetics” at Ivan Franko Lviv National University.


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