Olena Horoshkevych

Position: Senior Lecturer, The Department of Oriental Studies named after Professor Yaroslav Dashkevych

Phone (office): (032) 239-47-04

Email: olena.horoshkevych@lnu.edu.ua

Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com.ua

Профіль ORCID: orcid.org

Research interests

Japanese, Culture and Literature of Japan.


  1. Horoshkevych O. Zones of conceptual metaphor creation of the lexems “oko” in Ukrainian and “me” – “eye” in Japanese.//Problems of comparative semantics. Issue 5, K., 2001 p.120-124
  2. Horoshkevych O. Representation of human emotional states in phraseological units with a somatic component in the Japanese language.//Bulletin of the Ivan Franko University of Lviv. Philplpgical series. Issue 36. – Lviv, 2005, p. 280-290
  3. Horoshkevych O. Evaluation of a person in somatic phraseology of the Japanese language. National languages and cultures in their specificity and interaction. Issue 8. T.5. – K., 2005. – p. 242-247
  4. Horoshkevych O. Horoshkevych O. Somatic Segment of the Japanese Verbal Picture of the World (conceptual fields of the lexemes ude – arm, te – hand, ashi – leg, feet) / O. Horoshkevych // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Philology. – Lviv, 2008. – Issue 45. – pp. 234-241.
  5. Horoshkevych O. Scenarios of human behavior in somatic phrasemics of the modern Japanese language.//Language and culture. National languages and cultures in their specificity and interaction. Issue 11. T.IX – K., 2009. – p. 171-175.
  6. Horoshkevych O. Communicatively active phraseological units of the Japanese language to indicate the emotional states of a person (results of the survey).//Linguistic and conceptual pictures of the world. Issue 27/ – K., 2009. – p. 21-26
  7. Horoshkevych O. Metronymic somatic nomination in the Japanese language/K.: Orientalism № 51, – 2010, p. 25-33
  8. Horoshkevych O. Somatic phraseology in the course of learning Japanese as a foreign language.//Bulletin of KNU named after Taras Shevchenko/ Oriental languages and literatures/ – 2011. № 17, p. 21-26
  9. Horoshkevych O. A literary work as a source for studying the peculiarities of communicative behavior (based on Tanizaki Jun`ichiro`s novel “Little Snow”. // Bulletin of KNU named after Taras Shevchenko/ Oriental languages and literatures – 2011, p.21-28
  10. Horoshkevych O. The image of the city in the conceptual space of Jun`ichiro Tanizaki`s novel “Little Snow”. //Bulletin of the Ivan Franko University of Lviv. Philplpgical series. Issue 54. – Lviv, 2011. – p.270-289
  11. Horoshkevych O. Linguistic activity code in paremias and phraseology of modern Japanese language / O. Horoshkevych // Language and Conceptual Pictures of the World. – Kyiv, 2012. – Vol. 40. – pp. 22-29.
  12. Horoshkevych O. Code of human language behavior in paremies and phraseology of the modern Japanese language. //Bulletin of KNU named after Taras Shevchenko/ Oriental languages and literatures – 2011, p.21-28
  13. Horoshkevych O. Reflection of the rules of human speech behavior in the phraseology of the modern Japanese language.//Eastern world, 2013,  № 1. –  С.23 – 29.
  14. Horoshkevych O. The Problem of Selection and Description of Language Material in Arrangind Dictionary of Japanese Somatic Phraseology / O. Horoshkevych // Language and Conceptual Pictures of the World. – Kyiv, 2014. – Vol. 49. – pp. 13-20.
  15. Horoshkevych O. The Image of the City in the Conceptual Space of the Novel “A Light Snowfall” Written by Jun`ichiro Tanizaki / O. Horoshkevych // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Philology. – Lviv, 2011. – Issue 54. – pp. 279-289.
  16. Horoshkevych O. The concept of  腹hara in the Japanese language picture of the world.// Bulletin of the Ivan Franko University of Lviv. Philplpgical series. Issue 61. – Lviv, 2014, p. 136-142.
  17. Horoshkevych O. Linguistic and cultural portrait of Japanese somatisms mi 身 ‘body’ and 体 karada ‘body’. //Bulletin of KNU named after Taras Shevchenko/ Oriental languages and literatures, 2015. P. 25-31.
  18. Horoshkevych O. The Symbolic Meaning of Phytonym “Violet” in Japanese Poetological Tradition / O. Horoshkevych // Language and Conceptual Pictures of the World. – Kyiv, 2016. – Vol. 58. – pp. 154-162.
  19. Horoshkevych O. Nakanishi Susumu as a historian of language and his scientific views on the etymology of the Japanese vocabulary. // Bulletin of the Ivan Franko University of Lviv. Philplpgical series. Issue. 2016, p.154-163/
  20. Horoshkevych O. Reconsideration of Ancient Plots Akutagawa Pyunoske`s Works (on the material of short-story “杜子春”) / O. Horoshkevych // Language and Conceptual Pictures of the World. – Kyiv, 2018. – Vol. 63. – pp. 156-162.
  21. Horoshkevych O. Matsuo Basho`s poetry in Ukrainian translations // Bulletin of the Ivan Franko University of Lviv. Philplpgical series. Issue  73-75, 2023. – p. 7-21
  22. Horoshkevych O. H. The image of China in the short stories of Akutagawa Ryunosuke // Messenger of Kyiv National Linguistic University. Series Philolog. Vol. 27 No. 1 (2024) – p.40-49.
  23. Horoshkevych O. The Chinese component of intertextuality in the literary works of Matsuo Basho (Based on the material of the lyrical diary “The Narrow Road to the Deep North”) // Scientific readings in the Memory of the deceased Orientalists. – Kyiv, 2024. – Vol. 63. – pp. 119-123.
  24. Horoshkevych O. H. The Psychological Portrait of Judas Iscariot in the Short Story by Dazai Osamu “An Urgent Appeal” // Studia-linguistica. – 2024. – Vol. 24. рр. 42-55


Was born in Lviv, Ukraine.
In 1992 year graduated The Institute of Asian and African Countries at Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Since 1992 year was teaching Japanese in the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
Now is the senior teacher of The Department of Oriental Studies named after Professor Yaroslav Dashkevych in the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

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