Olha Maksymiv
Посада: завідувач, The Department of Oriental Studies named after Professor Yaroslav Dashkevych
Науковий ступінь: кандидат філологічних наук
Вчене звання: доцент
Телефон (робочий): (032) 239-47-04
Електронна пошта: olha.maksymiv@lnu.edu.ua
Профіль у Google Scholar: scholar.google.com
Профіль у Academia.edu: lnu.academia.edu
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Наукові інтереси
Ethnospecificity of the lexical system (Persian vs Ukrainian), frequency dictionaries (comparing the frequency dictionaries’ date), journalistic style of speech (on the four levels: word forms, lexemes, morphemes, semantems), lexicography, lexicology, lexical semantics, methodology and technology in teaching Persian for Ukrainian students.
- Grape and Phoenix in the Bible and the Koran. History of religions in Ukraine. Papers of the XIII International Scientific Conference (Lviv, May 20–22, 2003). – Lviv, 2003. Vol.2. P. 44–48.
- Transmission persian sounds at place names by Ukrainian language. Visnyk of the Lviv University. Ser. philology. Lviv, 2007. Vol. 42. P. 169–178.
- Persian corpora as source of material for educational dictionaries-minimums. Visnyk of the Lviv University. Ser. philology. Lviv, 2008. Vol. 45. P. 164–169.
- Persian language datebase as source of material for the frequency dictionary. The World of the Orient. Kyiv, 2008. No 4. P. 109–114.
- Persian corpora and the stages of composing a frequency dictionary. Abstract of articles of the 6th International Forum of Teachers of Persian Language and Literature. Tehran, 2008. P. 179.
- The principles of composing a frequency dictionary of newspaper’s vocabulary of the modern Persian language. Bulletin Taras Shevchenko national university of Kyiv. Oriental languages and literatures. Kyiv, 2009. No 14. P. 8–11.
- The methodics of identifying keywords based on comparison of the frequency dictionaries’ vocabulary. Studia Linguistica. Kyiv, 2003. Vol. 3. P. 192–199.
- Dynamics of ethno-specificity at different language levels. Abstract of articles of the international scientific conference “ХІІІ A. Krymsky Oriental Studies Readings. Kyiv, October 22–23, 2009. Kyiv, 2009. P. 75–77.
- The lexical system of the Persian language in the frequency dictionaries of different functional styles. Culture of Black Sea People. Simferopol, 2010. No 182. P. 85–89.
- The problem of word boundaries in the composition of frequency dictionaries of the Persian language. The Oriental Studies. Kyiv, 2010. No 51. P. 81–93.
- Microsemantic ethnospecifics of the Persian and Ukrainian journalistic functional style. Visnyk of the Lviv University. Ser. philology. Lviv, 2011. Vol. 54. P. 118–129.
- Toponymics in the Persian and Ukrainian publicism as part of two ethnolingual pictures of the world. Visnyk of the Lviv University. Ser. philology. Lviv, 2013. Vol. 59. P. 116–123.
- Principles of composing an educational Ukrainian-Persian dictionary / N. М. Zakhliupana, О. Y. Мaksymiv, М. Y. Stelmakh, І. V. Yaremchuk. The World of the Orient. Kyiv, 2013. No 1. P. 41–46.
- Lexical-semantic ethnospecifics of the Persian and Ukrainian journalistic functional style. Visnyk of the Lviv University. Ser. philology. Lviv, 2014. Vol. 61. P. 62–71.
- Morpho-semantic ethnospecifics of the Persian and Ukrainian journalistic functional style. Academic notes. Series: Philological sciences (linguistics). Kirovohrad : Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, 2015. Edition 136. P. 279–286.
- Specifics of the frequency dictionaries of modern Persian and Ukrainian newspapers. The Oriental Studies. Kyiv, 2014. No 68. P. 66–76.
- Restorer of Lviv oriental studies. Portrait of the orientalist Yarema Polotniuk. Dyvoslovo. Kyiv, 2021. No 1. P. 38–42.
- Arabic studies in Lviv. Programme and Proceedings International Scientific and Practical Videoconference “Ukrainian-Arabic Linguistic and Cultural Contacts”. February 16–17, 2023, Kyiv, Ukraine. Kyiv : KNLU Publishing Centre, 2023. P. 28.
- The sinology at Lviv University / І. V. Yaremchuk, О. Y. Мaksymiv. Visnyk of the Lviv University. Ser. philology. Lviv, 2024. Vol. 73–75. P. 188–200.
I was born on July 26, 1980 in Lviv, graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in 2002 (Philology, Persian language and literature, Ukrainian language and literature), from 2002 to 2012 I worked as an Assistant of Professor. In 2012 I defended my candidate’s dissertation on the topic: The ethnospecifics of the Persian lexical system (based on frequency dictionary of journalistic style) (Kyiv). From 2012 until today – Associate Professor of the Department of Philology, Oriental, named after professor Y. Dashkevych at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
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