Oresta Zaburanna

Position: Associate Professor, The Department of Oriental Studies named after Professor Yaroslav Dashkevych

Scientific degree: Doctor of Philological Sciences

Academic status: Associate Professor

Phone (office): (032) 239-47-04

Email: oresta.zaburanna@lnu.edu.ua

Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com

Профіль ORCID: orcid.org

Research interests

Japanese Linguistics, General Linguistics, Pragmatics


  1. Zaburanna Oresta (2024) Phonetically Modified Proper Names in Modern Japanese: status and ways of forming // Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. ORIENTAL LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES, 1(29), 10-16. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17721/1728-242.
  2. Zaburanna Oresta (2024) Cultural and Historical Context of Japanese Surname Anthroponymikon Formation // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Philology. 2023, Issue 73-75, pp. 23-4 (In Ukrainian)
  3. Zaburanna Oresta (2023). ““Overwhelming” violence and personality in “Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage” by Haruki Murakami”. Skhodoznavstvo, (91), 69–86. 
  4. Zaburanna Oresta (2019) Role of the semantics of the directive verb in the strong request (Contrastive study in the Ukrainian and Japanese) // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Philology, Issue 70, pp. 147-153. (In Ukrainian)
  5. Zaburanna Oresta (2017) Objective Function of the Genitive Case in Modern Ukrainian (on the Basis of Ivan Nechui-Levytskyi’s Novels) // Proceedings of the International Symposium “The Cultural Brackish Waters ― Concerning Various Aspects of the East Slavic World ―”, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, pp. 54-74. (In Japanese)
  6. Zaburanna Oresta (2107) Contrastive study of the variability of requestive strategies in Japanese and Ukrainian caused by addressee’s social status // Language and Society, Issue 58, pp. 133-147. (In Ukrainian)
  7. Zaburanna Oresta (2107) The variability of the requestive strategies in Japanese caused by addressee’s social status // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Philology, Issue 65, pp. 138-153, 2017. (In Ukrainian)
  8. Zaburanna Oresta (2016) The use and linguistic forms of V-てもらっていい? depending on addressee’s social status // Linguistic and Conceptual Worldviews, Issue 58, pp. 27-33. (In Ukrainian)
  9. Zaburanna Oresta (2015) Meaning and functioning of V-てください in Modern Japanese // Linguistic and Conceptual Worldviews, Issue 54, pp. 52-56. (In Ukrainian)
  10. Zaburanna Oresta (2014) Linguistic expressions intended for making requests in the Japanese language // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Philology, Issue 61, pp. 143-156. (In Ukrainian)
  11. Zaburanna Oresta (2013) Contrastive Study of Making Demand in Japanese and Ukrainian: The Case of College Students // Japanese studies: research and education annual report, 17, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, pp.1-18. (In Japanese)
  12. Zaburanna Oresta (2012) Urge to action in cases of strong requests (the case of student native speakers of Japanese) // Linguistic and Conceptual Worldviews, Issue 45, pp. 40-44. (In Ukrainian)
  13. Zaburanna Oresta (2011) Pragmatic choice of predicates in the situation of asking for information // Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Philology, Issue 54, pp. 297-303. (In Ukrainian)
  14. Zaburanna Oresta (2009) Transitive-intransitive verbs in Japanese language textbooks // Linguistic and Conceptual Worldviews, Issue 27, pp. 179-182. (In Ukrainian)
  15. Zaburanna Oresta (2003) Anthropocentrism in the phraseological meaning // Linguistics, 1, pp. 55-59. (In Ukrainian)

Teaching materials

Zaburanna Oresta, Toyofuku Yoko (2006) Topics in Japanese, Klasyka, 172p. (In Ukrainian)


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