Yuliya Zaza

Position: Associate Professor, The Department of Oriental Studies named after Professor Yaroslav Dashkevych

Scientific degree: Doctor of Philological Sciences

Academic status: Associate Professor

Phone (office): (032) 239-47-04

Email: yuliya.zaza@lnu.edu.ua

Google Scholar profile: scholar.google.com.ua

Профіль ORCID: orcid.org

Academia.edu profile: lnulviv.academia.edu

Research interests

Research topics: Arabic Language, Lebanese Arabic dialect, Arabic speech etiquette, learning Arabic as a foreign language, pragmalinguistics, systemic functional linguistics.


  1. Zaza, Yu. 2007. “Arabic Lingual Means Of Greeting: Pragmatic And Situational Aspects”. Scientific Journal of the Lviv National University. Series: Philology. № 42. P. 101–110. [in Ukrainian]
  2. Zaza, Yu. 2007. “Thematic Repertoire of Phatic Genres” (based on the material of the Arabic language) Scientific Notes of the Tavric University named after Yu. Vernadsky. (Philology Edition).20 (59), №5. P. 223–232. [in Ukrainian]
  3. Zaza, Yu. 2008. Taboo Topics of the Speech Genre Of Greetings (on the material of the Arabic language) Scientific Journal of the Lviv National University. Series: Philology. № 45. P. 107–111. [in Ukrainian]
  4. Zaza, Yu.2009. “Model of the Situation of the Beginning of Communicative Contact” (based on Ukrainian and Czech language material) Master of Word Games.Philological Studies on the 60th Annivesary of the professor Floriy Bacevych/ Editors O. Yasinovska, L. Svarychevska. Luts’k, “Tverdynya”. P. 123–130. [in Ukrainian]
  5. Zaza, Yu. 2009. “Pragmalinguistic Characteristics of The Speech Genre of Greeting: the Context of the Social Roles of the Speakers” (based on the material of the Czech language). Language and the Culture (Scientific Journal). Kyiv.: Publishing House of D. Burago. №11. – Vol. ІV (116). P. 142–149. [in Ukrainian]
  6. Zaza, Yu. 2009. “Assymetric Communication of the Situation of the Beginning Communication in Intercultural Aspect” (based on the material of the Ukrainian, Czech and Arabic language). Language and the Culture (Scientific Journal). Kyiv: Publishing House of D. Burago. №12– №12. Vol. ІІ (127).  P. 211–218. [in Ukrainian]
  7. Zaza, Yu. 2010. “Syrian Arab Situation of the Communicative contact Beginning: National Particularity” Scientific Journal of the Lviv National University. Series: Philology. № 47. P. 95–99. [in Ukrainian]
  8. Zaza, Yu. 2010 “Register Characteristics of the Situation of the Beginning of the Communicative Contact” (on the Basis of the Ukrainian, Czech and Arabic Languages). Dissertation abstract. Donets’k.11p. [in Ukrainian]
  9. Zaza, Yu. 2010 “Configuration of Social Roles of Speakers in The Situation of The Beginning of Communicative Contact”. Speech Genres in Intercultural Communication. [author team.: R. Pomirko, Fl. Bacevych, A. Paslavska, Yu. Zaza]. Lviv, PAIS. P.141-181. [in Ukrainian]
  10. Zaza, Yu. 2010.” Category of Context in the Linguistic Pragmatic Aspect”. Language and the Culture (Scientific Journal). Kyiv: Publishing House of D. Burago. № 13.  Vol. ІІI (139). P.40-45. [in Ukrainian]
  11. Zaza, Yu. 2011.” Registers of the Beginning of the Communication”. (monograph). Lviv, PAIS. 2011. 206 p. [in Ukrainian]
  12. Zaza, Yu. 2011. “Arabic Speech Means of Establishing Communicative Contact: Between the Norm and Custom” Scientific Journal of the Lviv National University: Series: Philology. № 54. P.32–42. [in Ukrainian]
  13. Zaza, Yu. 2011.“Good Afternoon” or “Welcome?” – Cultural and Situational Contexts Translating  Features of Some Arabic Greetings”. Language and the Culture (Scientific Journal). Kyiv: Publishing House of D. Burago. № 14. – Vol. ІІI (149). – С. 375-385. [in Ukrainian]
  14. Zaza,Yu. 2014. “The Language “Rushna” as Component of the Youth Arabic Subculture”. Scientific Journal of the Lviv National University. Series: Philology. №  61.˗ С. 28–38. [in Ukrainian]
  15. Zaza,Yu. 2015. “Attitude of Arabic linguists towards the language of Arabic Internet Language and the Culture (Scientific Journal). Kyiv: Publishing House of D. Burago. № 17. Vol. І (175). P.299-305. [in Ukrainian]
  16. Zaza, Yu. 2017. Pragmatic Elements of Language Games in Arabic Virtual Discourse (based on the material of Arabic Instagram groups).  Scientific Journal of the Lviv National University. Series: Philology. №. 65. P. 11-19.: [in Ukrainian]
  17. Zaza, Yu.2022. “Learning Arabic reading – typical student’s mistakes and ways to solve them”. Scientific and pedagogical internship «Ukrainian traditions and European innovations in philologists‟ training»: Internship proceedings, February 21 –April 3, 2022. Częstochowa, 2022.  P.32-36. [in Ukrainian]
  18. Zaza, Yu. 2022. “The Communicative Code Of Social Networks As a Register Of Virtual Discourse: Arabic Formulas with the Component “ALLAH”” (GOD) (Based on Instagram Comments). Scientific journal of the Lviv State University of Life Safety “Philological Periodical of Lviv”. № 11. P.80-84. [in Ukrainian]
  19. Zaza,Yu. 2024. “The use of Instagram in the Methodology of Teaching Arabic for Higher Education” (on the example of selecting additional texts for reading). Scientific Annals of the National University of Ostroh Academy/ Series. Philology№21(89).P. 190–194.[in English]


Yuliya Zaza graduated with honors from the Faculty of Philology of the Ivan Franko National University.

In 1999, she completed an internship at the University of České Budejovice.

Since 2001 she has been an assistant at the Department of Oriental Studies.

2006-2010  she studied at the postgraduate course at the Department of General Linguistics.

In 2005, she completed an internship at the Institute of the Arabic Language at Damascus University.

In 2010, she defended her dissertation on the topic “Registers of the situation of the beginning of communicative contact” (based on the material of the Ukrainian, Arabic and Czech languages)  in the specialty “general linguistics” on 10.02.15.  Since 2012 she has been an associate professor at the Department of Oriental Studies.

21.02-3.04 has completed the scientific and pedagogical intership at Polonia University of Czestochowa, the Republic of Poland. “Ukrainian traditions in philologists’ training.

5.01-16.02 2024 ”Innovative Teaching Techniques and Programs of Study in Post-secondary Education. Integration to International Academic Community” Thompson Rivers University (TRU), Canada.

She teaches Arabic, theoretical Arabic grammar and the basics of the Syrian-Lebanese dialect for 3rd and 4th year students.  For 1st and 2nd year master’s students of the Arabic department – subjects “Methodology of teaching Arabic in higher education”, as well as Arabic as a second language for students of the Faculty of International Relations.








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