Oleksandra ANTONIV

Посада: Старший викладач, The Department of Ukrainian Applied Linguistics

Телефон (робочий): (032) 239-43-55

Електронна пошта: oleksandra.antoniv@lnu.edu.ua

Профіль у Google Scholar: scholar.google.com

Наукові інтереси

  • History of the Ukrainian language
  • Ukrainian as a foreign language
  • Standardization and certification of the Ukrainian language
  • Intercultural communication


Textbooks and manuals

  • Antoniv O., Kovalenko V., Faryna N., Tsenuh O. Learn Ukrainian – Test yourself: a handbook for learning the Ukrainian as a foreign language (А2-В1). Kyiv: INKOS Firm, 2022. 90 p.
  • Antoniv O., Mazuryk D., Synchak O., Boyko H. Ukrainian as a Foreign Language. Standardized requirements. Levels of command of Ukrainian as a foreign language A1-C2. Examples of certification tasks: manual. Kyiv: INKOS Firm, 2020. 186 p.
  • Antoniv O., Romaniuk S., Synchak O., Ukraine-Poland: Dialogue of Cultures. Handbook for learning the Ukrainian language. C1. Warsaw, 2014. 195 p.
  • Antoniv O., Strizyk L. Ukrainian for F Modular Course. B1-B2: manual. Kyiv: INCOS Firm, 2012. 268 p.
  • My Lviv: manual to study Ukrainian as a Foreign Language (B2). Lviv: Don Bosco, 2012. 79 p. (co-authored).



  • Linguistic and country studies dictionary of proper names in Ukrainian language. Names of religious holidays. Issue 3. Vol. 2.  Lviv, 2005.  63 p.


Chosen articles

  • Antoniv O. The newest type of Ukrainian-Polish phrasebooks (Review of the phrasebook: Katarzyna Jakubowska-Krawczyk, Svitlana Romaniuk, Marta Zambrzycka. Szkolne rozmówki ukraińsko-polskie. Materiał pomocniczy dla nauczycieli nieznających języka ukraińskiego, którzy pracują z uczniami z Ukrainy. Warszawa, 2022). Theory and practice of teaching the Ukrainian language as a foreign language: of science works. Vol. 16. Lviv, 2022. P. 173–177. http://publications.lnu.edu.ua/collections/index.php/ukrinos/article/view/3733
  • Antoniv O., Petehyrych V. The Oldest Authentic Writing Artifact from L’viv. Korean Journal of Ukrainian Studies. 2021. 2,  Number 12. P. 1–14.
  • https://www.koreanjournalofukrainianstudies.com/_files/ugd/058c61_4aa4453af2b04ba992d9833dbfdc775a.pdf
  • Antoniv O. “The sun in the palms”, or the first experience of knowledge certification of Ukrainian as a foreign language at the Saturday school in Frankfurt am Main. ). Theory and practice of teaching the Ukrainian language as a foreign language: of science works. Vol. 15. Lviv, 2021. P. 40-47. http://publications.lnu.edu.ua/collections/index.php/ukrinos/article/view/3280
  • Antoniv O. Ukrainian as a Foreign Language: at the Outset of Language Teaching Methodology. Korean Journal of Ukrainian Studies. Vol.1, Number 1, December 2020. P.55-64.


  • Antoniv O., Matsyuk Z. Socialization of foreigners by means of the Ukrainian language. Language and society: a collection of scientific works. Vol. 9.  Lviv, 2018. P. 14–20. http://publications.lnu.edu.ua/collections/index.php/ls/article/viewFile/2582/2704
  • Antoniv O. Educational Linguistic and Country Studies Dictionary as an Object of Studying the Ukrainian Language in a Foreign Language Audience. VI Olomouc Symposium of Ukrainianists of Central and Eastern Europe (August 23-25, 2012). Materials of the symposium. Olomouc, 2012.
  • Antoniv O. Synchak O. Ukraine – Poland: a dialogue of cultures, or about a new concept of a textbook on the Ukrainian language for Poles. StudiaUkrainica Varsoviensis. Warszawa, 2013.  P.15-24.
  • Antoniv O. Culture in the teaching of the Ukrainian language as a foreign language. Studia Ukrainica Poznaniensa. Vol. Poznań, 2013. P. 192–198.


Other publications

  • Verba volant, scripta manent. Words fly away, what is written remains. Bibliographic index of Ukrainian as a foreign language (1996-2021) / comp. Oleksandra Antoniv, Iryna Kmet, Nina Stankevich; under the editorship Prof. Iryna Kochan. Lviv, 2021. 68p.
  • Mazuryk D., Antoniv O. Standard of Lviv University “Ukrainian as a foreign language”: levels of general proficiency.



Oleksandra Antoniv (Petegirich) was born in Lviv.

In 1995, she graduated from Ivan Franko State University of Lviv (Philological Faculty, Speciality “Ukrainian Language  and Literature”). Diploma with honours.

1995-1998 – a postgraduate student of the Department of General Linguistics at  Ivan Franko State University of Lviv, (candidate’s thesis topic: “Rozmova, a Ukrainian Monument of the late 16th century against the Background of Polish and Russian conversationography”).

1998-2000 – a research fellow in the Institute of Theological Terminology and Translations  at Lviv Theological Academy.

2000-2013 – a lecturer at the Department of Ukrainian Applied Linguistics at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

2008-2009 – postgraduate student at the University of Silesia (Katowice, Poland), Polish Language and Culture.

Since 2013 – a senior lecturer at the Department of Ukrainian Applied Linguistics at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

Courses taught:

  • Ukrainian as a foreign language
  • Methods of teaching ukrainian vocabulary to foreign students
  • Linguistic and country studies
  • Testology
  • Ukrainian inprofessional communication
  • The art of successful communication and the soft skills of modern students


  • Examiner of the National Commission on State Language Standards
  • Member of Taras Shevchenko Scientific Society
  • Member of Ukrainian Language Teachers Association
  • Member of the Center for Ukrainian Studies NGO
  • Member of the Examination Committee of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv for drawing up the Ukrainian language certification for civil servants
  • Member of the editorial board of the collection of scientific works “Theory and Practice of Teaching Ukrainian as a Foreign Language” (2006-2021)


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