Position: Associate Professor, The Department of Ukrainian Applied Linguistics

Scientific degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences

Phone (office): (032) 239-43-55


Google Scholar profile:

Research interests

Sociolinguistics, onomastics, political discourse, strategic narrative.


Key publications

Dissertation abstract

Chuchvara A. P. “Sociocognitive factors of forming a pupil’s nickname (based on unofficial names of pupils in Lviv Region)”: dissertation abstract for obtaining a scholarly degree of the candidate of Philology. Major. 10.02.01 “Ukrainian language” / A. P.Chuchvara. – Lviv, 2013. – 20 p.


Chuchvara A. Linguistic dictionary of proper names of the Ukrainian language / compiled by Adriana Chuchvara, editor Lesya Antoniv, Nina Stankevych; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2016. – 59 p. (Series “Theory and practice of teaching the Ukrainian language as a foreign language”; issue 9: Names of castles and fortresses, book 8).

Articles in scientific publications of Ukraine


Chuchvara A. Communication in society. The strategic narrative “war in the East of Ukraine” in the messages of the Head of the UGCC Svyatoslav (Shevchuk) // Sociolinguistics: Integrative direction of research. Educational discipline: monograph / edited by H. Matsyuk. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2021, P. 172–188.

Struhanets L., Chuchvara A. Language didactic aspect of formation of sociolinguistic competence of a philologist // Sociolinguistics: Integrative direction of research. Educational discipline: monograph / edited by H. Matsyuk. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2021. P. 191–201.


Chuchvara A. Research of strategic narratives in mass media texts: possibilities of the method of qualitative content analysis // Language and society / Editor-in-chief Halyna Matsyuk – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2017. – Issue 8. – pp. 93–101.


Chuchvara A. The influence of colloquialism on the formation of nicknames in the social group “schoolchildren” / Adriana Chuchvara // Language and society / Editor-in-chief Halyna Matsyuk – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2016. – Issue 7. – pp. 85–92.


Chuchvara A. The opposition of literary language – non-literary forms in the text of Bohdan Zholdak’s film story “UKRY” / A. Chuchvara // Actual problems of philology and translation studies: collection of scientific papers – Vol. 9 / Editor-in-chief M.E.Skiba; responsible for the issue M. M. Torchynskyi – Khmelnytskyi, Individual Entrepreneur Bidyuk E.I., 2015. – P. 198–203.

Chuchvara A. Forming the methodology of political discourse research in Ukraine: the practice of using content analysis / A. Chuchvara // Language and society / Editor-in-chief Halyna Matsyuk. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2015. – Issue 6. – pp. 23–34.


Chuchvara A. Cognitive factors in the formation of the informal names of rural schoolchildren (based on the survey of students of secondary schools in Lviv region) / Adriana Chuchvara // Ukrainian Studies / Editor-in-chief P. Kononenko. – 2013. – No. 2 (47). – pp. 127–131.

Chuchvara A. Dialectal influence on the formation of nicknames in the social group “schoolchildren” / A. P. Chuchvara // Notes from Ukrainian Linguistics = Opera in linguistics ukrainiana – 2013. – Issue 20. – pp. 161–168.

Chuchvara A. On new signs of the meaning of the concept of “schoolchildren’s nickname” in sociolinguistics / Adriana Chuchvara // Language and society / Editor-in-chief Halyna Matsyuk. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2013. – Issue 4. – pp. 58–66.


Chuchvara A. Comparative characteristics of rural and urban schoolchildren’s nicknames / A. P. Chuchvara // Actual problems of Ukrainian linguistics: theory and practice: collection of scientific papers / Editor-in-chief L.I. Shevchenko. – K.: Publishing and Printing Center “Kyiv University”, 2012. – Issue 24. – pp. 175–183.

Chuchvara A. The gender of the respondent and the formation of the semantics of the creative base of the nickname (on the material of schoolchildren’s unofficial names) / Adriana Chuchvara // Modern problems of linguistics and literary studies: collection of scientific papers / Editor-in-chief I. V. Sabadosh – Uzhgorod, 2012. – Vol. 17. – pp. 80–84.

Chuchvara A.P. Unofficial names of the family: lexical features / A.P. Chuchvara // Λογος όνομ αστική / Editor-in-chief Evhen Otin. – 2012. – No. 4. – P.14–18.

Chuchvara A. Language-age correlation: new aspects of the description based on the material of the schoolchildren’s informal names / Adriana Chuchvara // Language and society / Editor-in-chief Halyna Matsyuk. – Lviv: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 2012. – Issue. 3. – pp. 59–67.


Chuchvara A. Unofficial names of the family: motivational signs / Adriana Chuchvara // Scientific notes. Series: Philological sciences (linguistics) / [ed . : Oleh Semenyuk (responsible editor) and others]. – Kirovohrad, 2011. – Issue 100. – pp. 205–209.

Articles in scientific editions outside Ukraine

Chuchvara A. Essential features of strategic narratives in multilingual mass media // Language in society: semantics, syntax, pragmatics. Part I. / Edited by H. Matsyuk, I. Mytnik, O. Novikova. Wydawnictwo KUL. Warsaw–Lviv–Munich. Lublin, 2019. P. 117–130.

Chuchvara A. On the implementation of language-territory interaction: new aspects of the analysis of unofficial names of schoolchildren in a village, city and town / Adriana Chuchvara // Studia Ukrainica Warsaw – Warsaw, 2016. – P. 301–310.

Chuchvara A. Peculiarities of the interaction of language and gender or about new aspects of the analysis of schoolchildren’s informal names / A. Chuchvara // Tendencies of development of Ukrainian vocabulary and grammar / / Editor-in-chief I. Kononenko, I. Mytnik, S. Romanyuk. – Part II. – Warsaw – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2015. – P. 199–209.

Chuchvara A. Individual cognitive experience of a student: knowledge about nicknames / A. Chuchvara // Studia Ukrainica Varsoviensia / / Editor-in-chief I. Mytnik. – Warszawa, 2013. – No. 1. – S. 34 – 45.



In 2010, I graduated from Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Faculty of Philology, majoring in “Ukrainian language and literature”). In 2013, I defended the dissertation “Sociocognitive factors of forming a pupil’s nickname (based on unofficial names of pupils in Lviv Region)” (major 10.02.01 – the Ukrainian language). Academic supervisor – Doctor of Philology, Prof. Halyna Matsyuk.

Sociocognitive factors of forming a pupil’s nickname (based on unofficial names of pupils in Lviv Region)

In 2013–2014, I was an Assistant Professor at the Department of Ukrainian Applied Linguistics.

Since 2014, I have held the position of an Associate Professor at the Department of Ukrainian Applied Linguistics.


Participation in conferences and seminars (Ukraine)


Yearly University scientific conference for 2017 (February 6, 2018)

Report. In search of a methodology for the study of strategic narratives: possibilities of the method of qualitative content analysis

Scientific seminar of the Department of Ukrainian Applied Linguistics of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (June 21, 2018)

Report. Priest-society communication: Easter message of the Head of the UGCC Svyatoslav Shevchuk (2011–2018)


Scientific seminar of the Department of Ukrainian Applied Linguistics of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (April 20, 2017)

Report. The method of content analysis in linguistic research: tasks, implementation

International scientific conference “Theory and practice of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language” (Lviv, October 19–20, 2017)

Report. Forms of the existence of language in society: the influence of colloquialism on the formation of nicknames in the social group “schoolchildren”


International sociolinguistic conference – Lviv 2016 “Sociolinguistic knowledge as a means of forming a new security culture: Ukraine and the world” (Lviv, December 15-16, 2016)

Report. A rally speech through the prism of the opposition: self – the other: content analysis of politicians’ speeches during Euromaidan 2013–2014.


XII All-Ukrainian sociolinguistic seminar “Language, politics, public opinion, propaganda, identity, national security” (Lviv, June 9, 2015)

Report. Content analysis of political discourse: tasks, results (based on the speeches of Ukrainian politicians)

Scientific seminar of the Department of Ukrainian Applied Linguistics of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (December 2, 2015)

Report. The opposition of literary language – non-literary forms in the text of Bohdan Zholdak’s film story “UKRY”



XI All-Ukrainian Sociolinguistic Seminar (Lviv, May 13, 2014)

Report. The role of questionnaires in the collection of illustrative material for the schoolchildren’s nickname dictionary.

Scientific seminar of the Department of Ukrainian Applied Linguistics of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (June 23, 2014)

Report. Sociological theory and application of sampling in researching informal schoolchildren’s names


Yearly University scientific conference for 2012 (February 6, 2013)

Report. Informal names of schoolchildren: cognitive aspects of the description

X All-Ukrainian Sociolinguistic Seminar (Lviv, April 5, 2013)

Report. Informal names of schoolchildren: characterization through the prism of the theory of linguistic identity


ІІІ Scientific readings in memory of the corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Yuriy Oleksandrovych Karpenko (Odesa, October 16–17, 2012)

Report. The influence of dialects on the formation of nicknames in “schoolchildren” social group

IX All-Ukrainian Sociolinguistic Seminar (Lviv, April 4, 2012)

Report. A nickname as a means of verbalizing knowledge about the world

X All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference of Young Philological Scientists “VIVAT ACADEMIA”, dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the “Dniester Mermaid” (Lviv, April 19-20, 2012)

Report. Text-creating potential of a nickname


All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference “Ukrainian literature and culture in the context of the formation of spiritual and moral values of Ukrainian society” (Irpin, February 24, 2011)

Report. Nickname as a marker of the social group “schoolchildren” (on the material of the lexical-semantic group “internal signs of a person”)

International interdisciplinary scientific and practical conference “Modern family: the view of youth” (Odesa, April 7-8, 2011)

Report. Unofficial names of schoolchildren’s family members

IX All-Ukrainian scientific conference of young philologists “VIVAT ACADEMIA”: “Ukrainian philology – history, theory, methodology”, dedicated to the scientific activity of Omelyan Ohonovskyi (Lviv, April 14-15, 2011);

Report. Formation of the informal names of rural schoolchildren: theoretical aspects of the description

VIII All-Ukrainian Sociolinguistic Seminar (Lviv, May 12, 2011)

Report. Factors in the formation of the unofficial names of schoolchildren

All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference “Ukrainian Linguistics: Theoretical and Applied Problems” (Kirovohrad, October 13-14, 2011)

Report. Unofficial names of the family: motivational signs


School-seminar on sociolinguistics (Lviv, March 26–27, 2009)

Report. Social marking of an anthroponym

Awarded with a 1st degree diploma


School-seminar on sociolinguistics (Lviv, April 14–16, 2008)

Report. Informal names of schoolchildren as an object of sociolinguistic analysis

Speeches at conferences outside Ukraine


International Scientific Conference “Language, Culture and Society” December 14, 2021

University of Warsaw, University of Wroclaw. Lviv National Ivan Franko University. University of Belgrade.

Report. Communication in society. The strategic narrative of the “war in the east of Ukraine” in the messages of the Head of the UGCC Svyatoslav (Shevchuk)


Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej Młodych Ukrainistów (Poland, Warsaw, May 20, 2013)

Report. Informal names of Ukrainian schoolchildren: cognitive factors of formation

International conference “Ukrainian studies: traditions and modernity” (Poland, Warsaw, December 6, 2013).

Report. Correlation between language and gender: new aspects of description based on the material of schoolchildren’s informal names


International Scientific Conference “Slavic and Balkan Onomastics” (Bulgaria, Veliko Tarnovo, September 13–15, 2012)

Report. Sociolinguistic study of the informal names of Ukrainian schoolchildren



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