Iryna ZBYR

Посада: Доцент, The Department of Ukrainian Applied Linguistics

Науковий ступінь: кандидат філологічних наук

Вчене звання: доцент

Телефон (робочий): (032) 239-43-55

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Наукові інтереси

  • Ukrainian as a foreign language
  • Ukrainian literature and culture in a foreign language audience
  • Ukrainian culture, folklore in comparative studies



Monographs and textbooks:

  1. Oskar Kolberg and his collection “Pokuttya” [monograph]. Lviv : IFNUL, 2014. 270 p.

ISBN 978-966-345-287-6

  1. Ukrainian as a Foreign Language. Level В1–В2 (실용 우크라이나어) : [textbook]. Seoul : HUINE (Publication Center of HUFS), 2016. 264 p. ISBN 979-11-5911-067-5
  2. Textbook of Ukrainian grammar in tables and exercises: (표와 예제를 통해 배우는 우크라이나어 문법) [textbook]. Seoul : HUINE (Publication Center of HUFS), 2018. 578 p. ISBN 979-11-5901-386-7


Articles (selected)


Zbyr I. Stereotype-Oriented Teaching as an Effective Prospect of Korean-Ukrainian Intercultural Communication. The New Educational Review, 2021. Vol. 64, No. 2, P. 85–100.



Professional publications of Ukraine:

  1. Zbyr I. Phonetic Interference of Korean Students in the Process of Studying Ukrainian as a Foreign Language, Theory and Practice of Teaching Ukrainian as a Foreign Language, Lviv, 2017, Issue 13, P. 164–171. DOI:
  2. Zbyr I. The Phenomenon of Interference as an Interdisciplinar Problem: The Experience of Studying Ukrainian as a Foreign Language in Korea,Language and Society, 2018, Vol. 9, 21–30. DOI:
  3. Zbyr I. The Confucian Educational System Influence on the Language and Culture of South Korea (Historical Aspect), Theory and Practice of Teaching Ukrainian as a Foreign Language, Lviv, 2019, Issue 14. P. 15–24. DOI:
  4. Zbyr I. The phenomenon of Korean emotion khan: Ethymology, History, Spirituality. Studia Methodologica, Ternopil, 2020, Vol. 50, P. 75–85.


  1. Zbyr I. History of the Department of Ukrainian Studies at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies: Achievement and Prospects. Theory and Practice of Teaching Ukrainian as a Foreign Language, Lviv, 2021, Issue 15, P. 3–8. doi:
  2. Zbyr I. Department of Ukrainian Studies of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies – a Reliable Forpost of Ukraine During the War, OR on the Work of the Special Forum “IMPLICATIONS OF THE RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR AND ITS IMPACT ON KOREAN PENINSULA” (March, 7 2022, Seoul, Republic of Korea), Topical Issues in the Humanities: Intercollegiate Collection of Scientific Papers of Young Scientists of Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University, 2022, Issue 52, Vol. 2. P. 4–8. DOI:
  3. Zbyr I. Storytelling in the Course of Ukrainian as a Foreign Language for Korean Students: A Practical Theory and Practice of Teaching Ukrainian as a Foreign Language, Lviv, 2022, Issue 16, P. 11–21. DOI:


International publications:

  1. Zbyr I. Spelling Mistakes Made by Korean Students on the Elementary Level of Learning Ukrainian as a Foreign Language. Journal of Arts and Humanities, 2017, Vol. 6, № 4, P. 89–97. (MIR Centre for Socio-Economic Research, USA).


  1. Zbyr I. Surzhyk and Surzhykisms in Ukrainian Literature. The Comparative Study of World Literature, 2018, 65, P. 237–264. DOI:
  2. Zbyr I. The Issue of Bilingualism in Ukraine: Sociocultural Aspect. East European & Balkan Studies, 2019, Vol. 43, № 1, P. 141–174. (East European and Balkan Institute, Center for International Area Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies). DOI:
  3. Zbyr I. Difficulties in Learning Ukrainian as Foreign Language by the Korean Students on the Intermediate Level. Archives of Business Research, Vol. 8, Issue 1 (2020), P. 218–226. (Society of Science and Education United Kingdom). DOI:
  4. Zbyr I. Overcoming Stereotypes in the Ukrainian-Korean Intercultural Communication. Korean Journal of Ukrainian Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1, December, 2020, P. 41–54. DOI:
  5. Zbyr I. Department of Ukrainian Studies at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies: Achievements and Prospects. Korean Journal of Ukrainian Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1, December, 2021, P. 89–100. DOI:
  6. Zbyr I. Totalitarianism and Ukrainian Literature: Traumatic Memory and Revelation of the Past. East European & Balkan Studies, Vol. 46, No. 3, 25th August, 2022, P. 133–151. DOI:



Iryna Zbyr was born in Horoduk town, Lviv region. In 2003, she graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Ivan Franko Lviv National University. In 2012, she defended her candidate’s dissertation The collection “Pokuttya” by O. Kolberg: Creation Background, Folklore Genres, Reception (specialty 10.01.07 – Folklore studies).

In 2004–2012, Iryna Zbyr worked as an Assistant Professor at the Preparatory School for International Students of Pre-university Training Department, Ivan Franko Lviv National University. From February to December 2011 and from September 2012 to August 2021, she was a visiting professor at the Department of Ukrainian Studies at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Republic of Korea).

From September 2021 – Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Applied Linguistics.


1.    The 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference Ukrainian Language in the World, The first world forum of Saturday and Sunday schools of Ukrainian studies, International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations, Lviv Polytechnic National University (August, 17–22 2018, Lviv);

  1. The second International Conference “Sociolinguistic knowledge as a means of forming a new culture of security: Ukraine and the world”, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (November, 22–23 2018, Lviv);
  2. International Scientific and Practical Seminar “Ukrainian as a Foreign Language: search for innovations through the prism of experience in teaching other languages”, International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations, Lviv Polytechnic National University (March, 28 2019, Lviv).
  3. International Scientific Conference “Theory and Practice of teaching Ukrainian as a Foreign Language and Language of Professional Direction”, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (May, 7–8 2019, Lviv);
  4. Panel Discussion “Ukrainian Language in the World: impulses from Ukraine” International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations, Lviv Polytechnic National University (June, 25 2020, Lviv) online;
  5. International Scientific Conference “Theory and Practice of teaching Ukrainian as a Foreign Language and Language of Professional Direction”, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (May, 14 2021, Lviv) online;
  6. International Scientific Conference “Transitions and Social Movements in Eastern Europe since the End of the 20th Century: Memories and Accountability”, East European and Balkan Institute, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Asian Association of Central and Eastern Europe Studies (June, 11 2021, Seoul) online;
  7. Panel Discussion “Ukrainian Language on all continents of the world”, International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations, Lviv Polytechnic National University (November, 5 2021, Lviv) online;
  8. International Scientific Conference “Language, Culture and Society”, University of Warsaw, University of Wroclaw, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, University of Belgrad (December, 14 2021) онлайн;
  9. International Conference “Ukrainian Studies Go Global”, National Research Foundation of Ukraine (November, 4 2022, Kyiv) online;
  10. The 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Ukrainian Language in the World”, International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations, Lviv Polytechnic National University (November, 5 2022, Lviv) online;
  11. International Conference “Slavic Literary Studies Deconstructed: Translating Ukraine”, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (November, 7–8 2022, Lviv) online.



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